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Everything posted by MigBuster

  1. Well if you cant get it to work an alternative is press R after a call is made then F4 and that will spin your head round to look in the direction.
  2. Yep - just dont install it directly into the game if you are on sept 2008- install it on the desktop then move over what you want from it avoiding old ini files.
  3. Is it the sort of thing only a Thud lover would notice?
  4. Looks like its been removed by TK - was a handy IFF feature but I cant see a way to get it back in game
  5. 2 things you must do in WOVCAMPL2_DATA.ini - in the "linebackerII" folder Change this then save //----- Player Unit [AirUnit016] AircraftType=F-4E_Late <----change to F-4ES (must be exact name given by its folder) Squadron=555TFS ForceID=1 Nation=USAF DefaultTexture=USAFtng1 <----change to the F-4ES skin you want to use Then open LinebackerII.ini - also in the LinebackerII folder and scroll down: [uSAFUnit007] UnitName=555th TFS Triple Nickel ForceID=1 UnitID=16 StartDate=1972 DescFile=wovL2Start.txt StartText=wovL2Start1.txt AircraftType=F-4E_Late <-----change to F-4ES Save and thats it Do you see "UnitID=16" in the second bit above? That unit ID must be the same as the [AIRUNITxxx] in wovcampl2_data.ini - in this case [AirUnit016]
  6. Be careful - None of the weapons packs are updated yet for September 2008 it looks like - my only advice is to install the weps pack to a new separate folder on your desktop - then manually copy over what you need to the game - taking care NOT to copy over old ini files that come with the pack.
  7. Happy Birthday to....

    happy birthday to ya
  8. From what ive seen the AIs main fault is down low where they dont seem to have much confidence - other than that its all good - have seen hit and run slashing tactics too from MiG-23/21s - and you cant catch them - previously it would have continued in a straight line doing about 200kts :) Not sure about RL but in Falcon 4 AF consider yourself dead if you let something get within about 10 miles of you with an R-77 - all you can do is pray the missile was made on a Friday afternoon!
  9. Yeah the stock ones in WOI are very bouncy on the ground - a bit more interesting - kinda like it myself - check it out when you slam breaks too :)
  10. One of the best Mods ever makes a comeback - great to see
  11. Who created the work? Is their name on here http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showt...=26131&st=0 If not probably best to just PM them
  12. Not myself - is this a totally clean install?
  13. hmm http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/7651327.stm Think they will dogfight next :)
  14. Super Etendard Collision

    Not looking to good - hope hes okay!
  15. Right so you managed to open up weapondata.ini which should be in your objects\weapons folder and you can see all the weapons including the stock ones in the editor? Also in the object\weapons folder you should have all the files needed for the 3rd part weapons - are they there? Can we just confirm: You installed the game from scratch then installed the sept2008 patch (you cannot install the patch over a game you have modified already) Then installed the MF weapons pack? (which one?) None of the weapons packs are updated for Sept2008 I believe so if you installed the whole thing then it will have placed old files in your game which are screwing certain things up. If you must install a weapons pack install it to a new folder on your desktop - then open the folder and copy over the Weapons folder only to your new install. The controls will have been reset if you installed it over your existing game.
  16. what game? have you just plonked the terrain into a Sept2008 version of the game? and did it include any old ini files with it that may have replaced the newer ones?
  17. Getting it open needs to be the first thing Check you have Version 20/02/08 and its in 98/me compatibility mode If so one fix was to move it to here: "C:\WINDOWS\system" and create a shortcut to it from the desktop (dont move any other files in this folder or you could have trouble) Or see Typhoids post here that may help http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=32595&hl= Why it now aint working for some people - well I guess some program is keeping it shut - just dont know which. Are you using XP Home or professional and are you on XP SP3?
  18. extract it from one of the .cats in the flight folder - cant remember which one its in
  19. O.J. Simpson found guilty

    Armed Robbery?? guess American Football stars dont get paid that much then
  20. Firstly open up the weapondata.ini in the "weapons" folder with the latest weapons editor and check it lists all the weapons including the stock ones. if it does hit the save button and check again
  21. A-4 Skyhawk B/C/F/E/ and H 1964-82 Pros - Really easy to land on a carrier, good endurance, good weps load, Can out turn most AI Jets - after dropping my bombs in WOI last week was quite happy to shoot down the 5 Mig-21s around me with guns(after they had killed my wingmen ), Isreali version has Mavericks. Cons - Slow, no burner, poor A-A systems, poor bombing system, poor defensive ECM suite, Limited visibilty, Gun Jams (keep bursts short) Mirage 3CJ (Shahak) 1967-1982 Pros - Fast and has a good amount of power, useful interceptor, has a radar, has heat seeking missiles, look pretty cool Cons - Poor turning ability, poor fuel capacity(Check this If you engage a Mig-17), poor weps load, radar is naff, hard to fly in A-A, poor cockpit vis, no ECM, poor A-G systems F-16A 1978-1983 Pros - totally Matchless WVR fighter, Excellent A-G systems, excellent vis, easy to fly, adequate weps load, good defensive suite, look down radar. Cons - No BVR, too easy - just check six and dont fly into ZSUs
  22. More than adequate to run 3rd Wire sims on i'd say I run a GF7600 on my soon to be outgoing system which does me okay and looks great A gamer would no doubt see the limitations playing later games - but im not exactly a gamer and it runs what I have just fine.
  23. yep - Ive had no problems at all and Im totally up to date with XP SP3

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