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File Comments posted by Serbiansaber1

  1. Now I can delete the Venezuelan version, because this goes much better with Kamchatka terrain I have. However that skin from the Su-35BM was still far from finished, it lacked a lot of details such as a little darker radome and a black anti-reflection patch between the radome and the canopy. If you ever decide to make a skin for this bird here is an idea:





  2. Dowloaded it, but it seemed to god damn complicated to make a new plane from scratch just to put the damn gun on to the plane. Why haven't you just made a weapon named GP-9 Gun Pod and placed the center line to stuck with either a Fuel tank or a Gun Pod?

  3. Soviet Sams

       2201    1

    All looks good, except I got a problem with the SA-13 and SA-19 missiles appearing on airplanes as AA missiles as well as SAM's. I just got killed by a bunch of MiG's caring SAM's. How do I fix this? Did I have to put weapon files in different .ini file?

  4. The Admiral feels too strong, once on a anti-ship mission with my Su-30, I nailed it with not less but 6 Kh-31P missiles, all direct hits into the lower deck between the armor plates- not even a dent! And on top of that my wingman dropped 4 KAB-500kr bombs onto the flight deck, and after all that the Admiral still stood proud! What dp I supose to do now? Kamikaze run?!


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