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Everything posted by Snailman

  1. The R-77 has this homing head. From a book also 6 years old. There are 4 more ARH heads listed in this book, one for R-33M missile and two unknown, listed by factory designation only. I suppose these are modular designs as well. As the text says, this head is inertial guidance with radio correction (which is NOT radar guidance) + Active radar homing head. The next one for the R-33 is Intertial with radio correction + semi-active homing + active radar homing. We can assume the long range infra-red missiles are also have this mixed guidance (R-77T and R-77MT) also supposed to be slaved to the IRST sensor wich have better range in detection
  2. There is also an EM variant, without lofted profile, specialized on intercepting low flying objects, such as cruise missiles. Well not sure about RuAF service... but we know that unapproved equipment were used as part of combat testing many times in the past, USSR times alike. Second, Russia uses all kind of armament, including missiles, planes, submarines and ships, which are actually for sale. Even if a R-77 might not be officially used by RuAF, in Syria they might use it for advertisement. They learned how to wage a marketing war)
  3. R-27EA is completely same like the R-27ER or EP. Just the warhead is different. Pointed nose is an experimental model. EA and ER has very little difference, look at drawing: R-27 is a modular missile, assembled as per need. The drawing showing it longer than the others, is bad. The active seeker head is being produced for at least 10 years, so if finally being used - should not be a surprise. Not public? again not surprise )) Journalist... eh. R-27ET works in middle-course guidance mode, same way like EA. which means it flies towards the interception point, guided by radar and when it arrives into seeker range it locks on and guides itself with IR seeker. So it is in fact semi-fire and forget ) http://rbase.new-factoria.ru/missile/wobb/p27/p27.shtml Yefim is good, but not necessarily accurate today those books were written 10 years ago.
  4. I love it) A familiar vessel) Keep it up)
  5. Prepare to pucker up your ummm, you'll find out

    I have 26 military jumps only, and a few dozen with airfoil... but the jump was authentic for me... We were instructed that the stable falling position (due to body- drag) is maximized at 55m/s that's correct. Personally, being rookie, I was never able to control my fall (with my right foot band injured it always sticks out and gives me a slight asymmetric spin I could not learn to correct...) - our instructors were pro in falling but this is still weird for me. the accuracy is still way too sharp. In 2004 we had an accident on the airfield during an target-jump championship (1000m). The guy failed to open his reserve chute and got killed in the impact in less then 4 seconds. We had a photo from a camera showing him in stable position, with closed backpack at an altitude of 15m above the grass... He did not even have time to realize what was the problem.
  6. you have to type in the key mapping .ini yourself. they are unlisted features. REARM_WEAPONS=ALT+W Debug mode also have to be added in the huddata.ini... [Debug] DisplayDebug=TRUE
  7. ctrl+w rearms your missiles (there is a bug with rocket pods with 32 rockets though) alt+d switches debug/hud modes
  8. Umm, thinking about FE2, since I do not have it at all...
  9. A-4 Skyhawk Joyride

    I would have done the same) I see they weren't too strict with the punishment... no damage done, only fuel burned
  10. Happy Thanksgiving

    A nice celebration and wonderful meal to all of you !!
  11. Not all the guidance types are usable for weapons. Although some weapons can be used by ground AND/OR air units, they might not work properly. Difference between CG or SACG is unclear. I suppose, CG needs the seeker head to see the target, SACG might work with mid-course correction, this case it can be launched on a target out of seeker range, and will lock only when arrives into seeker proximity. These are for Air to ground missiles, not for SAM. SAM uses Beam rider and SAHM, perhaps ARH (and of course IR), the difference is the same as well.
  12. One hour......

    I know myself... There would be NO work, NO modding... NO eating... NOT even booze!!!!! nah... too much risks to take before holidays
  13. Russian bombers over Syria

    Hm, I think the Tu-22M3 we have needs a little bomb bay detail))) MBD3-U9-68 rack is under construction)
  14. Desert Drizzle

    Good arcticle! Thanks. This is an extremely dangerous situation... you know why. This is the moment exactly when terror events used to take place - to stir up shit. I would not be surprised if next terror event would take place in the US... But do we need another 200+ dead people - US citizens this time - to say "The Americans are also pissed" ? Be careful out there... !!
  15. Russian bombers over Syria

    Just wanted to post))) At work I was too busy to read news... terror alert g'dammit. Just read it now... first good news in a week eh.
  16. Hi everyone on WW2 forums~!! Look what I have found. One of my first 3D models ever. I made it to a turn based strategy game I designed that time.. back in 1996. Primitive and noob work - as is, no mapping. But a fairly low poly model just as if I made it for Strike Fighters... I wanted to make 2D pictures out of it, to make 8-way sprites for the isometric (UFO style) game engine. Here, anyone would like to map it for texturing and making a SF2 ground unit out of it - take it. Your welcome. Give me a shout. (Chassis can be re-used for SPAA of course)
  17. it you can do that... but it won't be easy to map that way.. well im not a pro)
  18. One hour......

    My laptop is too weak for it... ((( I played through the first two (turn based RPG) but the rest I did not like. This one sounds really good.. especially because of Beteshda's RPG experience... but(
  19. There were, but they were chinese fakes... (((( shipping costs were too high anyway with no returns.
  20. Give blood!

    While shopping I bumped into a blood donation event supported by local stores in the shopping center... Perfect timing of a reminder. They gave presents like free meal, free car washing, cosmetics etc etc... I gave em to a homeless guy as I don't eat fast food. Btw, fancy hand "ball" squeeze item
  21. Give blood!

    If only we had veterans... I would give my last drop of blood for them. But they were humiliated, hanged, taken to gulag or just died forgotten and poor in exile decades ago. Even their memories are being dirtied and desecrated... If I could tell one of them, thank you for trying to stop the unstoppable... ... forgive me for being weak and coward to follow your example
  22. After a hell of a week at work, I needed a little relax... just like this night mission, before sleep) Red SEAD ------------- Su-17MP (work in progress) Red Side Standard weapons pack (also work in progress) My Metel has found a Rapier battery... they are searching already. Let's hope the jamming lasts till the missile get them. Popping up to launch the piranha... Kh-28 away. Back to ground noise. On target... HIT Let's finish off the site with a pair cluster RBK-500s ... and let Number Two to clean up what's left. Path cleared for the strike formation
  23. I guess it's not a jammer... Rather than a targeted HF EMP weapon "illuminating" a target. In that case blank screen is "legal"... but then it would be permanent. Well. It's but not my expertise.. The real war is going on in Europe, while we look at Syria. EDIT: My technician says, "electro magnetic waves, the higher frequency they are, the more they behave like light (actually light is electromagnetic wave) - so they can be emitted in a straight line like a flashlight" "That makes sence since the plane did "strafing runs" on the ship"
  24. I've seen this in person, it's in Kubinka museum near Moscow. It's not so big of a monster...
  25. On the to do list... one day. It is the fifth Kirov class hull ever built. With nuclear reactor.

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