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Everything posted by Snailman

  1. Matrix Games Active again

    Order of Battle is the best of all the successors of the Panzer General line. Or should I say genre? Battle of Britain is a must... resistance is futile)
  2. Recommission battleship USS Iowa: Trump

    That makes sense also, but in a completely different role. The BB has in-being effect as a hard target (the hardest of all). A BB is the armoured warrior, the carrier is the longbow archer of the fleet. They can stop arrows but can't stop a warhammer)) The container ship would be just a missile platform like the russian combined system created 8-10 years ago, consist of container ships, disguised freight trains, container road trucks modified as for the Oniks, Granat and Klub cruise missiles organized with radar, satellite, and who know what kind of gadgets.
  3. Recommission battleship USS Iowa: Trump

    Even though he said a lot of inspiring things (for US people) and some well known facts ... I'm afraid he will be turned into another warmonger like McCain... just a feeling. The other choice is the bitch... Not too promising outlooks. But the reactivation of BBs is definitely a huge like. I support. Btw how many of them are still (semi-)operational? 4 Iowas... somewhere.. North Carolina still in one piece but WW2 fitted... is there anymore?
  4. That's why in WW2 they rather ordered the damaged craft to ditch or bail out, they posed a danger to the carrier itself. Bouncing 5" rockets on the deck... holy cow... I admire the bravery of the on deck firefighters.... I'm not the shitpants type but... huh. leaking burning fuel (or oil?) on armed hellcat with cycling props... Damn lucky guy... at 4:15... and another at 5:44 Vietnam era crashes seen to be more serious to me... 22:30.. uhh horizontal ejection... first one did not make it, I guess((( 23:05... my god... why to pull up so hard.. Greyhound crew dead... I see a lot of Skyhawks nosing the deck... they had a weak forward gear? Intruder drone... 30:40 LOL )))) Luck again... huge luck... 31:20 33:10 What... did the Crusader got lucky or they ejected?? 33.50 Faulty catapult?? And the most tragic catastrophe on the USS Forrestal in 1967... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NxP4AtGBnTs
  5. Anybody knows what's gonna happen in September

    In a way I do envy you, as we have even prohibited to wear knives... to keep stocks, a flat is not enough... to say nothing about money. But we are mean sonuvas, we survived 1200 years in the center of such and Europe... there is always hope. Be wise with the elections, I have 99% sure feeling that you will have a female president (or already have?). And the cart will be going in the same way. Avoid to be torn into two parts, as part of bipolar world ... stick together... you must have a choice on your own, other than the usual head or stomach.
  6. I guess TK reserved this to a special mission type (AI) such as ANTI_SUB similarly to TRANSPORT to EARLY_WARNING. (That's why if you have An-2 addon, it will fly as AEW in Vietnam) Have to try out, for sure)
  7. Anybody knows what's gonna happen in September

    Nah, that's also an utopia. Suppressing nation states just induce even more resistance. And, we know, the more they tighten their grip, the more will slip through their fingers. Just remember, whatever fashion they try to push on people, no matter the skin color - black or white, or asian - most people want family with with their own kind. I do find some black girls attractive, asians, especially japanese (khm khm) but still I want kids of my own kind. That's not racism of course, just personal preference. Like someone prefer slim or full, redhead or blonde. whatever. you get it.
  8. It is essential for me to allow the AI to land, since my helo is soviet naval, most of the time it would appear as enemy, or just scenery. Take off is OK, as I modified the Kiev for STOL operation back when I did the Vertical pack... FE2... I don't know. Would be good...
  9. The AI fails at the final landing phase, approach or touchdown? pulls up wildly, then stalls (?) and starts a wild spiral into the ground. I tried many combinations of speed settings, no luck. Some combination of stall and speed causes that, but I could not find out( That's why I thought about biplane FM. Although it needs to add another pair of ailerons, or bigger ones, otherwise roll rate would be awful.
  10. Look at the naval ... MIG-29K it works the same way I think
  11. I'm in, if it's about a joint helo FM project. I'm in need one, as well. I can help with basics but I also have problems. My problem with them is that the AI cannot handle landings. I tried the UH-1 from the Falklands mod, that can land but too nimble for a heavy helo. Copy pasting also no go, the new heli has different parts (( What my own idea was to borrow a biplane FM from FE2, that is slow enough and still the AI can handle...
  12. Anybody knows what's gonna happen in September

    The real problem is, that "multinational" firms are allowed by the traitor governments to pay 1/10 the salary in eastern Europe than in their respective "home" country.... For the same work, the same position you are paid 300 EUR, another guy in Germany is paid 3000EUR for the same job. Same firm, same product. The same mobile phone company, same logo... the have thick skin on their faces to ask for roaming cost between their own networks saying it is international. Meantime they advertise themselves being the bridge which connects Europe... ...my ass. You see, "multiculture" was designed to destroy cultures. Yours, mine, everyone's. Contrary what they say, they do not want to preserve a colorful diverse world. Anyone good at graphics knows what happens if you mix red blue and yellow - shit brown. Not only culture but national unity. Mixing non local population into a nation (especially such which will never ever integrate) is the best way to divide them forever and plant the seeds of never ending conflict and chaos. What is prefect for those who are untouchable gods (or their faithful but mindless servants).
  13. No no, you don't need animation. you need a well placed pivot point for the vectored nozzle. The aircraft part will be moved by the software, according to parameters. Example for the four main directions, X (left right) and Z (up down) axis. Note the fake objects in the object link chain [Thrust01] SystemType=CONTROL_SURFACE InputName=PITCH_CONTROL MaxDeflection=14.0 MinDeflection=-14.0 RotationAxis=X-AXIS ControlRate=3.0 ModelNodeName=box01 ReverseModelOrientation=TRUE SecondaryInputName=ROLL_CONTROL SecondaryInputFactor=0.6 MaxControlSpeed=180.0 [Thrust02] SystemType=CONTROL_SURFACE InputName=PITCH_CONTROL MaxDeflection=14.0 MinDeflection=-14.0 RotationAxis=X-AXIS ControlRate=3.0 ModelNodeName=Box02 ReverseModelOrientation=FALSE SecondaryInputName=ROLL_CONTROL SecondaryInputFactor=-0.6 MaxControlSpeed=180.0 [Thrust03] SystemType=CONTROL_SURFACE InputName=YAW_CONTROL MaxDeflection=12.0 MinDeflection=-12.0 RotationAxis=Z-AXIS ControlRate=3.0 ModelNodeName=NozzleL ReverseModelOrientation=FALSE MaxControlSpeed=180.0 [Thrust04] SystemType=CONTROL_SURFACE InputName=YAW_CONTROL MaxDeflection=12.0 MinDeflection=-12.0 RotationAxis=Z-AXIS ControlRate=3.0 ModelNodeName=NozzleR ReverseModelOrientation=TRUE MaxControlSpeed=180.0
  14. Anybody knows what's gonna happen in September

    We all feel the same in our on countries. But the people do not realize until it is all late. The government clearly betrayed the people and now they can't be removed. The newcomers are given right to vote, and these import and bought votes give them enough support so they cannot be ever removed from power. If you protest, the holy inquisition of political correctness comes for you... Well at least eastern Europeans try to work.. as far as I hear from my friends. But those came from the far east or muslin countries, they also breed you out of the country, your tax feeds their children instead of your own...
  15. Anybody knows what's gonna happen in September

    I am also sorry being cynical but now you feel the same we feel here for over a decade. We were consequently called nazies and racist and whatever else for feeling the same. You see, and they breed on your tax your government feed them and there are more and more, because of course they want better lives... The other side of the coin is, that blame the EU and it's bolshevik neo-liberal system to exploit and financially colonize central and eastern Europe*. Eastern wages, western prices. No wonder that everyone is flocking to the west. 80% of my former classmates, ex colleage are in Britain. If I were 20 years old, I would also went there too. But now I think I have a homeland and a conflict to fight here. I was working and fighting for other people for too long. And we can all blame our governmental traitors for acting against our nations.... here, you all see the result. Europe is over. *EDIT, Add southern Europe as well.
  16. Anybody knows what's gonna happen in September

    And the organizations and people who promised them paradise have all disappeared... I understand them being upset. God damn all the politicians who play with the life of millions.
  17. As far as I know you cannot control the thrust vector with flight controls, only if it is for VTOL operation 0-90 degs (ctrl + -). You can however add engine nozzle movement as animation, then you have to link it in the data ini as control surface. But again said its just visual, the thrust direction remains. EDIT, you might try to install additional RCS (engines) pointing upwards and downwards (Z axis) linked to the pitch controls, so you can have extra pitch force that works regardless of flight situation. You need to fine tune their thrust and position (remember the force vectors).
  18. An old model tho, but with latest loadout.
  19. Maybe they only work if assigned as SAM site in the terrain? I have to try it right now... Autonomous AA (Including mobile SAM) which has its own radar - works fine, especially Osa SAM (SA-8) can be a pain in the ass (Same as SA-N-4 on ships)
  20. Just wanted to say the same)))) Yes, CanopyAnimation
  21. It would be interesting to know the relationship and (possible) bonuses of a AA networking... What is connected with what and if so, does what. Maybe it has serious impact like this you mentioned... Some network items are general, have only DataLink=TRUE I guess these share vision with each other on the given side (red or blue) And there are items which also have their own network type NetworkType=SA-2 these share target info between fire control radar and launchers (or guns?) Ground objects have skills, too... try adding objects in a mission editor and change their exp level
  22. 153 NYPD pics released from 9/11 on cryptome.org

    No one have thought...
  23. SF2 P-3C Orion by Florian

    How I was waiting for this plane. It fills the important demand for the long range patrol (Naval search) plane, which we did not have. Thanks a lot!!!!!!!!
  24. Anybody knows what's gonna happen in September

    The filthy rich will be even richer, us the rest poorer. As usual in case of any "crisis" the 1% has created. In september? My holidays will end and has to go back to work for 491USD per month Perhaps if the USD will fall, I will break the margin :biggrin:
  25. Ukraine MiG-29 oops

    Double that... try a landing with a MiG-21... eheh)

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