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Everything posted by Snailman

  1. And I can provide all the 16tons of stuff I have on Kamov helis. Would be ok with me. Flight model could be the very same, and a lot of game working mechanisms are interchangeable (weapons, sound, parts, anim layout etc etc). As soon as we can find a workout how to get the AI to land helis. Or these craft will be exclusively for human players ( Maybe we can rename this post to Kamov projects (or something)
  2. Як-38 ...был такой самолет

    maybe I try a russian search on his nick on other (russian) flight gaming sites... Needle in the haystack, but I give it a try. Let's hope he's still alive (seriously). It is so good model, it could meet DCS too...
  3. Hi! My model looks like this. It is on halt at the moment, due to the recent real life events.... (
  4. 28/07/1914... Austro-Hungary declares war on Serbia.

    As a hungarian, I can say, Franz Ferdinand deserved that. Miserable hungarian-hater chauvinist, if he could became Kaiser, another liberation war would have broken out. "Ausradiert..." He said that not Hitler! Hungary should be erased from the map... Thanks for getting rid of him to whoever ordered his execution. Anyway, it is utter naivety to think that the outbreak of the Great War could have been avoided if he survives... The great powers could have found another way to start the war which - I think - almost everyone was eager to fight
  5. I just referred to it's official designation (Палубный Штурмовик) "On-deck Attacker" ))) Of course the armament configuration more resembles the payload of a multi-role fighter. If you look at the MiG-21M (Многоцелевой), the armament choice is identical (except the radar guided R-3R missiles). What is little known that the Yak-38 could very well take off with it's maximum payload within 300-400meters when operating from a ground strip in Afghanistan.
  6. The Yak-38 performance - among other soviet craft - is a never ending debate ) All in all, when looking at performance it must be compared with contemporary Harriers or other VTOL experimental planes. Also it should not be forgotten that the Yak-38 is not a fighter-interceptor but a light attack aircraft.
  7. Nice work!!! )) Looks good! So no VOLKSMARINE text then?
  8. Very nice pics... too many to see them all huh.... Nice stuff upcoming. I hope I can contribute soon, myself. Until then, some beer and planes.
  9. russian victory parade 2014

    And FDR's New Deal that made the USSR a world power out of stone age... with a Red Army stronger than all European powers alltogether...
  10. russian victory parade 2014

    http://vk.com/video-15957012_168664772?list=6dd4299ae0f2316a62 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q-2q0Wxc5rs
  11. http://www.alnotz.com/Personal/pack.zip
  12. I have three full books, if you need them, I can upload.
  13. Never Again!

    Never Again. My far relatives were taken in Oswiecim.. For being Polish and fighting against the nazis. Aften then they were taken to another camp, led by Solomon Morel. From there they were taken to Siberia. Because they were fighting against the red army, too... The soviets had thousands of camps not just a dozen. Communism had 100 times more casualties. Make sure you remember EVERYONE.
  14. I believe I have seen an SF2 standard MiG-31BM somewhere ( I remember so)... if that flies well, I can modify it for the old one. Take a look at that one. And also there's a MiG-31 in the NATO Fighters 5 mod as well. I did modifications to the Su-11 and the Su-15 family, exactly for the same reason. So it is not a difficult task. But first take a look at these existing versions, before getting into large scale editting. Also keep in mind that reaching 2.8M for the MiG-31 is only possible at optimal height... 50-60K feet Try this, if it works better than the SF1. If not we take a look. I started some standardization, but due to IRL conflicts I had to suspend all work at the moment((((
  15. First, SF1 and SF2 data files are not interchangeable.... apart from that. There are aerodynamic coefficients, more specifically the drag, which is set to such values that never allow the plane to break a certain value. Even if supersonic drag is low, because of high subsonic drag, the plane can never break the sound barrier. This is a method to create subsonic-only planes (like Yak-38 for example) You can find a list about these values. As FM's are usually editted the simplest way, usually this has been done with CD0 = Zero-lift drag coefficient CD0MachTableNumData=13 CD0MachTableDeltaX=0.20 CD0MachTableStartX=0.00 CD0MachTableData=0.984,0.9955,1.000,1.052,1.676,4.589,1.232,1.129,1.107,1.050,1.015,1.016,8.145 This means, the table has 13 values, each value means 0.20 mach speed increase, from zero. So you can count, between 1 and 1.2 machs, the CD0 is 3 times more, and at 2.8mach 7 times more. So this plane, depending on engine power has low acceleration when breaching 1Mach especially at low altitude - and it cannot break 2.8M at any circumstance. (it's a Flagon, and it cannot reach that speed anyway with the current engine power) So take a look at this value at each aerodynamic part of the plane, and experience with them. But keep in mind setting realistic values needs proper skills (in physics for example))) and tech data, too.
  16. "This, good?"

    Absolutely agreed...!!! my grandparents lived after WWI and after our national tragedy. They were 12 sisters and brothers... Shoes? Only in winter and only for the biggest ones. Medicine? What is that? Even my mother walked 8km every day to elementary school in the late 50's. My fathers grandparents survived three wars, and two types of labour camps (1914-18, 1919-20, 1939-44, 1945-59). The life punished them all for something they never did. And still they died as honest people. Some of them, 6000km away from their homeland. As a personal code of honor, I stick to these examples. And, perhaps it's just the "noble blood"... but I don't believe in genetics. I believe in personality and exemplary parenthood.
  17. 200 years ago: the fall of an Empire

    And also, with the stock exchange manipulation after the battle of Waterloo, the banking system of Britain become property of the Rothschild family.... not only an empire but all of Europe started it's downfall to a bottomless financial abyss. And great wars.
  18. White Tiger - English subtitles

    An interesting movie, in case you haven't seen it yet) https://docs.google.com/file/d/0By7I2IIHlQQjeDIyRTBsRndjVFk/edit?pli=1
  19. White Tiger - English subtitles

    Is this... Steel Fury a separate game? How can one get it? Is this the one with ARMA engine? It looks to me... I'm not into tanks too much, and ARMA is not really my genre (OFP was, however). But this looks good. And if the infantry part is also that good too, it really worth a try.
  20. White Tiger - English subtitles

    Hahaha ))))) You also have a PTSD? ))) We, forest lurkers, have different sickness... we sleep with guns in the bed )) Yes, new russian movies are like this.. Tad bit heroic.. sometimes a little lemonade... but spectacular without spending a small country's yearly GDP on making a film ))))) And what I appreciate more, that there is no such rush.... you know what I mean. Short cuts, missing links in the story... accelerated events - at the end you remember nothing about the movie.
  21. White Tiger - English subtitles

    well, they made it from a JS-II tank (that's why it has side armour - otherwise you could see the KV style wheel set ))) But it was intended to be a mystic "ghost" tank, so it's OK )) If there's any real life connection exists in this movie, Otto Carius' winter-camo Pz VI tiger it could be. Typical of soviet troops - they could more likely believe in a ghost tank than to admit that a tank ace can be that good )))
  22. H-6 Badgers bomb river

    In 1970, on our second largest river, the ice plug blocked the river at a railroad bridge... above the block, the water level was rising like 1meters per hour... time is important. We had such bombing in 1956 the last time, and it happened so fast even bombing came too late. Now, climate changed enough that the Danube never freezes completely
  23. H-6 Badgers bomb river

    If there is no time, and if it is in a distant place... need airlift anyway. And it's a huge risk to sent a demo squad onto an icy river.
  24. Dissed by own mother

    Gargghh... stop... for God's sake )))))))))) And don't you mention other things that might not work... I don't want to grow THAT old )))) Well the chances are low, anyway
  25. H-6 Badgers bomb river

    I suppose they are FAB-250's with a slight delay set.... The bombs penetrate the ice and explode under the ice layer to throw the plates up. It was a doctrine for us, too in the 70's. They did in on the Tisza river when the great flood came. Problem comes when the ice stacks up and block river at the bridges. Those plugs have to be wired manually... have walk on ice using planks of wood, while other hold the rope... drill, pull the charge in with another rope... Thankfully we never had to do it. Brr

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