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Everything posted by Snailman

  1. Kiev.. photo's

  2. Please help identify Police ID - urgent

    I don't know what the hell it is, that's why I ask... it IS in English, the name is not, of course. It's just my bullshit filter has turned on... if it's just a fake stuff. Never heard of IPA before neither my acquaintance in local PD. The other day ex-IDF people were caught, one was shot. Chechens also appeared. Snipers shooting both sides... Syria part Two.
  3. CM and ALSO ECM works cumulatively... A missile has - for example - 50 CM resistance... it means it has 50% against a single piece of flare or a puff of chaff. Very little chance, since most planes drop CM in pairs (already 25%) and considering the number of flares chaff dumped out by AI planes (and scared humans ) it is next to nothing. But if you have a missile with 90 or 95% it will be an exponential increase in efficiency, not linear... Why? umm... roleplaying "colleagues" out there. You know the difference between a single dice or a handful of them. If you roll D10 "dice" 10 times it produces a more average result up to 100, than if you could roll with a special D100 just once. You have to roll the CM resistance again and again till there are CM pieces in front of you. Calculate the final chance for 50% of 50% of 50% of 50%... or 90% of 90% of 90% So, setting CM resistance to 20 means automatic failure against anything equipped with CM. So the minimum and maximum values 0-100 should be squeezed into the 60-95 interval or something similar, calculating with at least 2-3 rolls of CM resistance. At the moment I have no better idea.... The same happens with ECM. If you add several ECMs to a plane, chances add up. For example I have seen a modded aircraft (i think it was a B-52) with a dozen of ECMs in the data ini, each had about 60 or 80 jamming strength. 12x60 = 720 jamming strength. It can be seen with a radar over 800 scan strength or so.... hooooly cow. And I was debugging my radar for two days and it still did not work... until I changed the target plane type.
  4. it depends on side... mod... if plane is modded... if the missile is also modded... many things. - Countermeasures are poorly modeled and used.. especially by the AI. - missiles have much stricter launch requirements in RL... we cannot model most of those. - nobody has real picture on missile capabilities. All we have to rely on official data and combat reports to model a missile. That means propaganda/advertisement values and who knows how much altered combat reports. It is natural that no one wants to badmouth their own product or admit real losses. - Due to the problems stated above, modded equipment is modeled to be better and better in values with years passing - but the top limit is 100%. At the same time CM is always the same. The original SF2 game was done till the early 80s - Absence of IRCM devices against IRM on the other hand, and AI pilot almost always spots the incoming missile, even if IRM.. so surprise shots are very rare. That affects mostly Rear60 aspect tail chasing missiles, hence the big gap between those and other IRMs
  5. Have you seen this yet? Combat Helo Sim ...

    Absolutely agreed, we badly need an AH-64 simulator, as well as another Mi-24 Hind simulator (after the one for DOS and Win95 that time) with today's technology. I'm not sure but it will be a damn long time till we get such from DCS ((((
  6. Have you seen this yet? Combat Helo Sim ...

    Externally, looks like a modded Op Flashpoint... Fine avionics, however.
  7. Guess the Height Contest

    Huh. Another thing to save money for... Actually the farther a screen is from your eyes, the more healthier. So it has to be bigger. I have to convince my spiders to develop their social networks elsewhere )))
  8. Guess the Height Contest

    I was thinking about a projector... a huge TV is too expensive and I never watch tv anyway. Although I'm not sure what resolution of a projector can handle...
  9. Sochi Olympic Games....

    It was plan, a project to improve that part of the country. An excuse to spend that whole lot of money. Anyway would it be better to hold the games in distant places like the Urals or in Kamchatka... ? )))
  10. Guess the Height Contest

    7... let my dragunov forsaken eyes strained.... but if you say one of those pixel planes are not from Jasta 5, I... I kill you edit. yours not included.
  11. Ops, just a little thing. The readme.txt is missing. The shortcut was included instead.
  12. Carrier Deck Illumination

    A really wonderful sight... and an ingenious solution. Congrats, Gentlemen)
  13. Guess the Height Contest

    Wow))) actually its not my merit )) The game represents the terrain very realistically, it seems. The fields, roads, settlements look like this from above. About 3000m prop engines start to have problems with air (like our An-2) sport skydivers go higher by turboprop (or small jet) planes. Your pilot must have had good alpine lungs ))))
  14. Guess the Height Contest

    Sorry to break into the conversation, Im just curious. since I was a paratrooper, I give it a try. Thats at least 3000meters, more likely 3500. in feet thats 3 times more, so about 10000. Have a nice flight)
  15. Sochi Olympic Games....

    Chinese were way worse... as I remember. btw gays have their own "olympics" that's what I call a disgrace.
  16. SF has potential... no problem with that. While not the latest in visuals, but in functionality it could be the best. But that's right, a major version is needed, not just little fixes. So this initiative has died?
  17. 70 years ago has ended the bloodiest city siege of the Second World War. The siege of Budapest was in many aspects far more intense than the Battle of Stalingrad. Before, the soviets have never besieged a city of this size. "Comrade Colonel, don't believe your eyes, the nazies are projecting that picture onto the sky. Such large city cannot exist." Adolf Hitler declared the city a fortress, "Festung Budapest" and ordered a defence to the last man. By the last part of the siege the defenders evacuated from the eastern bank of the Danube river (Pest) and fortified the western part of the city (Buda) and the castle hill. Despite serious debate between the hungarian and german leadership and covert sabotage attempts - the german forces utterly demolished all the bridges of Budapest but the northern railroad bridge (which was earlier hit by USAAF bombers). One of which damaged beyond repaid and was never rebuilt. On the 11th of February 1945 the defending forces counted 28000 including about 8000 wounded and thousands of civilian workers and refigees. The defenders held the hill of the Royal Castle, the last defensive position. A final breakout attempt was planned for the evening hours for all personnel capable of walk including civilians. Three waves were planned. Unfortunately the attempt was betrayed, and almost all people were gunned down in a horrendous massacre along the path leading out of the encircled city. Examinations of dead bodies (in mass graves) have revealed that a large number of casualties has been shot by pistol into the nape. No prisoners. Only 680 escaped. Under the castle hill, in the "Szikla" (Rock) hospital about 8000 wounded and medical personnel were shot, raped and burned alive in petrol fire by the raging soviet troops. Today, 14th of February 2014 many civilian, reenactor and historical associations holding memorial celebrations, religious masses of remembrance countrywide on the Day of Honor - despite the intimidation and provocation by the state police and left hand radicals. "Remembrance is our patriotic duty! If we forget our heroes they all died in vain. We need role models for our nation to rise out of the liberal filth and we can be the flagship of the Europe of Nations." - said the leader of the national party keeping in mind that the elections are very close. (Translation by Snailman)
  18. Yes, there are many important and interesting historical events which we never heard of - or only very little. I found a lot myself through the years. Actually there are no books about it in english (especially because in the "socialist era" this topic was among the forbidden ones). In this case my father (1915-1996) and his first family was involved in these events so my source of information is rather personal. I know very little about the paternal branch of my family tree which is 1/8 polish, 1/8 belarussian, 1/4 transylvanian-hungarian .. Many people died before I was born.. and papers burned (along with people). All I know is the polish branch were involved actively in the 1919-1920 war (Lemberg/Lwow, Grodno Gomel), and later in the 1939-44 war and resistance against both the reds and nazis (also around Lwow, now Lviv, Ukraine). well, sry for the sidetalk... so about the history, if I'd be a billionaire I would make several movies about some very interesting battles and events. Some of them were written in books from the authors' memoires, and are so adventurous and unbelievable that we could think they are only fiction..
  19. Yea, memory is needed... Just when I think about the sheer size of the mod dir alone... if only fragments of those are loaded for a mission, well enough. And normally I don't use custom effects and terrain tiles
  20. When you go to the cinema...

    and only two seats left ..
  21. When you go to the cinema...

    The pub we used to attend with ex-soldier colleagues, is full of such guys... in my case, I would have been jealous, rather than afraid I had a girlfriend who liked big bad bikers ))
  22. I don't really understand, this machine should be running SF2 without any probs. My notebook is about the same ... ok, with 8GB RAM, but it never uses so much.
  23. http://forum.1cpublishing.eu/showthread.php?t=27537&highlight=ng+issue&page=7
  24. I heard that IL-2 Sturmovik had the same issue with the Grumman TBD Avenger... So it was not in the game by any designation. I was upset about such a stupidity...
  25. Just an idea... maybe the southern part can be sacrificed, if the focus is on the ocean anyway. Cut it, from the upper half of the Gulf of Finland and add ocean to the north. Is it possible to be done or too difficult?

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