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Everything posted by Snailman

  1. I have just put my hands on a PDF that shows all soviet bases in Austria and Hungary from '50-'90. If it is needed... I'll happily upload
  2. How stupid can people be?

    That is what I always envied the most, the 1st amendment... (( Not because of such extremities what we need - but because of double standard... some people are always more equal and they can say whatever they want while others are sent to prison for the same.
  3. IL-10 "Beast"

    What a surprise!!!! Huh... I can't find words!!
  4. Umm yea, watch the language too, for us music in english is not so offensive compared to people who live in an english speaking country ))) -- Sorry I have such mood today.
  5. A compelling look at North Korea.

    Thanks these were very instructive... especially the last one. None of the two Koreas were saints during the war, and with a situation that would off-balance the region, another war may emerge over the power vacuum. Nukes involved... But anyway, North Korea serves as a perfect scarecrow..to keep the region in fear, and dependent on big brothers
  6. Media for the brave new world

    But wonders can happen. To my own personal request, the N1TV uploaded the original english video of their report made with the rabbi after the demonstration in London. (perhaps you remember my other topic about BBC) Listen.
  7. Tumbleweed invasion

    Holy crap!!!! I remember that from my childhood.... I gotta DL it from somewhere...
  8. Hiroo Onoda: Honor or Fanatism? RIP

    yes, of course you are right. There were scoundrels on the loosing side, as there were noble hearts on the winner side too. I didn't mean to generalize I was just pointing to the fact that none of the allied and especially none of the soviet war crimes were ever taken to court and condemned. And none ever since Nurnberg. None of the blue terrorists or red death camp leaders were ever hanged... their grandchildren live happily and still play with people's lives under different flags. And none of those will be hanged... ever
  9. And now something different...
  10. Tumbleweed invasion

    Like Italian western but with cossacks and tatars )))))
  11. Tumbleweed invasion

    I have never seen such before... moreover I didnt know they exist in Crimea. Well, it is time for crimean western movies))) Are these things healty? Maybe some disease or pollution caused this?
  12. Hiroo Onoda: Honor or Fanatism? RIP

    If you have won the war, everything will be legal, every war criminal is a hero and will have a statue. And every hero on the enemy side will be hanged for war crimes. Vae victis. That's true. But stop sanctifying winners.
  13. How stupid can people be?

    Both parts are true... Big truth. People believe big lies if there is enough money in the background to spread it. Spoken in a different way... if you have enough money (next to infinite) you can convince (force) people to believe that 2*2=5 and noone will (dare to) complain. Herr Göbbels has a whole lot of followers around the world... they hate nazies but not ashamed to learn from them and adopt their methods )))
  14. How stupid can people be?

    http://www.dofiga.net/interesno/ulichnye-boi-v-kieve-126-foto/ 126 photoes.
  15. How stupid can people be?

    Yep, it is more and more difficult to filter out shit and put together something that makes sense. Using at least two or three different sources... Sometimes it does not really worth the nerve and energy. That's what they want to achieve, to drive people to ignorant apathy or fanatic rage/panic. Damn, sometimes I just want to leave this planet.
  16. How stupid can people be?

    In Budapest someone put a bag full of pig legs on the door of the main synagogue. They forgot that there is a camera there... it turned out that an insider did it, a member of the jewish "self-defence organization" for political reasons. Anyway if you know the place, it is protected more than the US embassy. A rat cannot get close.
  17. How stupid can people be?

    Thats it... people can be that stupid. To believe every bullshit, provocation or panic creation... This is a little nothing compared to what is happening in Ukraine right now. I have just came home three days ago... thankfully in one peace. Look, I don't know who is stirring this bowl of hot shit, but they definitely know what they are doing.... Pro EU protesters in Kiev are called fascist and nazi by the rest of the country... Their answer is "Communists scum!" People are stupid... they were panicked by the red past.. so they blindly run and die for the west. In my country it is exactly the opposite. Anti-EU protesters are called nazi and pro-EU government is jew-communist.... In Russia the public opinion is that the EU is fascist, and ukrainian "rebels" are banderists (Stepan Bandera's forces was fighing against the Red Army in WW2). In the EU Russia is communist (yet again....) In my country again the opposite, the EU is considered liberal-bolshevik communist as the whole things is exactly like the USSR... Chaos everywhere. All the people are being incited by something... usually with such things they hate. Someone knows exactly what to say to different people to provoke them. The same cause and political goal is called exactly the opposite extreme in another place. At the same time the entire continent is flooded by refugees and immigrants add to the chaos.. Now what the f...?? Who is making all this??? Who wants to make a war yet again in Europe??
  18. How stupid can people be?

    Be careful, as such events are often organized by the other "party" to stir up shit against anti-EU and national party movements and provoke fights between locals and immigrants. We had a historical remembrance event last year, purely war related by veterans and reenactors. Actually if was a closed event. but soon several guys appeared (whom none of us knew) and started random shouts of "f*cking jews" and similar things... Of course the next day, mainstream media marked us nazis with carefully edited photoes. Prime example of media-prostitution.
  19. This is truley frightening.... you have been warned

    Wuahahahaha))))) A lot better than the original )
  20. Nice day to you all, fellow modders) I need a bit of help, with physics actually) What I need is a simple formula how to calculate a realistic drag value for certain shapes (payload related)... Me old boozer with sponge brains)))) So... there is drag that comes from air resistance, in the front of the object... the drag from friction, if its a long object with bug surface (even if small diameter), and a drag - don't know how it is called - made by the air sucked in behind the object if the shape is not so "streamlined".. Well all three is important but what I need most is to know how to calculate the drag in front of the object.. (both subsonic and supersonic) for a cylinder (flat surface in front), a cone headed object, a hemisphere headed object, or a nicely pointed, curved missile head. Given the diameter (area) mass and the shape... is there anything else needed? I wonder shall I add both the front and the friction drag? thanks for your help!
  21. oooo craaap. well thanks to you guys. I try to solve some simplified stuff... with the data asked by the game.
  22. but our prime minister could convince Chuck Norris to commit suicide)))
  23. Huh)) Well... that's something.. I can do something with)))) Well... Soooo if I understand it correctly, for a round nosed object... like a Sidewinder, I should use the sphere or the hemisphere shape and the diameter value and that's all? What if a hemisphere is on the front of a long cylinder? :omg:
  24. Exactly... I need to modify aerodynamics of weapons actually. And much depends on drag coefficient
  25. Uh... how to tell .. i need only the bomb and the missile ... during flight. without plane) I dont know the name of it in english... drag coefficient maybe? something like this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drag_coefficient but its too difficult for me, the scientific language

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