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Everything posted by Snailman

  1. Damn its Cold!

    Nah... that's all warm)) Imagine your woman sending you to the local shop for milk, bread and cheese (etc). It's about 5mins of walk. Early morning... and outside -29C. - Ok, I'll be back in ffff.... mmmm - and your eyes and nose starts to run - then freeze)) Break it off from your nose. And when you arrive, you notice the stuff you buy all got frozen in in your hands while you walk back (running is impossible anyway)... Woman: What the hell, why didn't you put in your jacket???? Never argue a woman early in the morning. Especially not if she's russian and it is winter...
  2. That's what I wanted, single missions... in quick mission builder. To generate something fast, to see how much the game loads. I wish I could help more, but terrain editting is not my field of expertise(( In such cases I used to "steal out" parts from working stuff.. I think you should try to re-adding fake airfield for both sides to see if that is messing with the generator's code... ((
  3. I tried with everything.... of course Soviet at the first time. Then USN.... Since it is the empty map, I wanted to use it for testing - to reduce loading times. Besides aircraft nothing is put on the map. I tried to add them manually, but when I touched the save button, all is gone... it emptied the map immediately. Planes and ships... but all is working on the Gerwin IcelandNA I used until now. I tried dates... as simple as 1982 with Kiev class and Yak-38. When I start the mission with planes only, it puts me into deep space, then the mission ends suddenly (I guess because there are were no targets) Am I missing a file of some sort? Aaa another thing, when I tried to add ships on the map, after I put them on the map, they were unmovable... then - as I said - when I saved the mission, they were all gone. I hope these symptoms help to identify the problems...
  4. Ummm, maybe I am doing something wrong, but the Mission builder generates me nothing. Flights only, but no ships at all... Also naval bombers like Backfires are placed off map. Is there a way to make the quick mission builder to work the same way like with IcelandNA?
  5. Damn its Cold!

    Cold? WHere? I was running in t-shirt out there. There should be -10, now it is +15. Record temperatures for january F**** the weather-control!!!
  6. Let's just Nuke 'em

    The planets Earth and Mars talk - Hey Mars.. - Hiya Earth.. huh you look terrible.. You feel OK? - Ah thanks for asking.. I caught Homo Sapiens - Oh... don't worry. It will pass away quickly.
  7. Let's just Nuke 'em

    Opa Kimjong style...
  8. Su-37 'Flounder A'

    A model kit fossil... Hilarious))))) Those times, when even the MiG-23 was a secret weapon....
  9. Open Ocean Carrier Battle Map

    Yeah! The Naval Map )))) Thanks!!
  10. I have only Ka-50 black shark, and it is completely OK. I just did not have a proper system to run it. It has both simple and hardcore mode. I like both... Personally I like Lock On 1 because it had good graphics, but not too good to slow me donw... realistic but not too difficult flight... but it had very few flyables, and difficult to mod.... That is the prime reason I found SF2 because I wanted something like IL-2 with dozens of flyables, but with modern planes. That's only a sweet bonus that I started to make stuff myself))
  11. Su-37 'Flounder A'

    I've found nothing about this plane. Probably something like MiG-37 Ferret which has even a plastic scale model kit made... Although we can call old sources erratic and stupid, but at that time no one could tell it better. I have the Naval Institute's Guide to Soviet Navy (5th edition from 1994 also) it also has strange assumptions, erratic data and code names for now well known equipment.. The authors put in their best knowledge of contemporary information which of course may appear laughable today with the latest technical books in our hands which were released in Russia a decade or two AFTER the collapse of the USSR.
  12. Some low level fun

    I always keep praying to God to get download of his terrain editor... but seems to be futile ((((
  13. Uh ... I havent heard anything either.... and yes maybe they are not detailed tho...(
  14. I also suggested similar things... But I think he won't give it out for us. Especially not for free... For a reasonable sum maybe.... I would also ask Sonalist about Dangerous Waters, so we could get air-surface-underwater combat system in one game. I am not a rich man, but for such I would get together as mush as i could. Even to a point of selling my car... Everything can be done... but we need to act, not just talk. For the first step, we have to start a poll, officially, about what people think, and if its about money, how much we are willing to raise, what our terms, needs and offers are. THEN, we have something to show up, an official offer. Then we can sit sit down for a real business talk. If it's about business, TK will listen I'm sure. If it is not about business but some kind of sentimental case or resentment...hard feelings towards us modders... then we cannot do anything anyway.
  15. Aircraft and women equations

  16. FLIR? It is just a camera. If it has such filter material it looks like if it were FLIR. Only belongs to ground targeting guided ordnance which have been set to have a camera. Or a recon pod perhaps. If you target something, it will lock onto it. If not it just points forward, or a preset direction (if in a pod) and you see what is within it's FOV. I don't think if it can be manually moved to look around ((
  17. Yeah till now I did this. There are radars available anyway, there's always place for an extra mode. But I will try the RWR method soon. I have to make the heli flyable first) Try to modify the SH-3 Seaking, it's an excellent mod, with dipping sonar and MAD animated.
  18. Let's just Nuke 'em

    That's what it is all about. Well said
  19. Let's just Nuke 'em

    The world needs 100 more Snowdens... and I have a list of about 200 people I would love to see torn apart and eaten by PIGS alive. Nukes are waste... we just have to get rid of the puppet masters
  20. I agree with you, it would be spectacular... or a boomer in the middle of an icefield. Perhaps it is not too difficult to do... It's just a big cigar))) I'm up to my chin with naval sources. I'll just have to finish the heli first. Ah, the periscope object... I have it) I use it to create fake target areas in the middle of sea. It is nicely shown on ground mapping radars. Never wanted to shoot it out yet Btw. do we have arctic map that is also naval? North cape - Kola peninsula - Spitzbergen? (Another Red Storm Rising playground) Damn why can't we just merge install Dangerous Waters into SF2
  21. OK I will make some test soon. 3D is not a problem... for weapons we need only a hitbox to hit. Surfaced subs, I believe we had some. Stationary objects would be good, too, like subs broken out of the ice + little camp )))) maybe a semi- transparent skin can be used for a shallow depth sub silhouette.
  22. And that brings up the problem of missions... ASW planes will practically perform SEAD missions, and - yea - they may take on big fat surface radars instead. UNLESS... we are able to set that specific bandwidth which they can see. The only which we allow them to see on their RWRs... To emulate MAD, we can always make a short range surface radar with 360 degs.
  23. As I am making an ASW heli, I am constantly thinking on it. The game has ASW type mission entries, so PROBABLY TK thought about some sort of future feature. Your emitting idea is not without sense, perhaps if we can find a specific bandwidth (otherwise out of range of radars, ecms etc) which we can separate as "acoustic" in game... it might work. We also need bomb and rocket impacts which have sounds and work in water.. or at least "above" it. Ship sinking effect (oil patch) is ok I guess. SF is definitely not Dangerous Waters (((
  24. Hmmm... not bad. Is there a skin template? Our policeman are stupid enough to fine me sitting on the left side, drunk ) But, who does not like, mirror transform.
  25. Yea!!!! Me likes Tomcat ) Who likes Tomcat is a good person )))) Especially Alicats ) And, PressTV is good)

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