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Everything posted by Snailman

  1. MiG-17 did not carry R-3S missiles, and only a late version PF which carried RS1-US (AA-1) but this version never went out to export. Same for MiG-19PF. They had a testbed aircraft (or two) to test the R-3S (K-13) but not serial aircraft. MiG-17 was used exclusively with cannon, R-3S was carrier by MiG-21 variants. HOWEVER, MiG-19 (J-6) chinese version could carry the R-3S missile, but it was a late variant. Some even had both radar AND cannon armament. Osprey book about the MiG-17 units in Vietnam is a 100% reliable source, if you have it. They used MiG-17 and MiG-21 in cooperation... 17s were usually bait, or low level harassing unit.. MiG-21s attacked with radars off from behind and from altitude.
  2. North Korea executes leaders Uncle

    Or silently taken out... accidents happen here and there... depends if that person have public sympathy&support or not. Showcase trials are just that, only for the show... Circus Maximus. Really problematic people all disappear in silence. Not wise to create martyrs.. or let them talk on a court trial. It was his ex LOL the dancer... he has another dancer from the same group i think
  3. North Korea executes leaders Uncle

    Not a bad idea. It should be made a fashion in Europe too... then all I need is a cold beer and a Piedone pizza.
  4. North Korea executes leaders Uncle

    Hey it provides IR target for the damn imperialists))) First rule... Do not lie or steal because the leadership do not tolerate competition.
  5. North Korea executes leaders Uncle

    Oh you... Unclef***er )))
  6. Стратегия на базе SF2

    Или если вы помните Harpoon... или на C-64, была такая игра Strike Fleet. Cмешение две игры Harpoon + SF2 могут быть самая лучшая cтратегия и симулятор самолетов И военных кораблей.. Strike Fleet 2 ... Ну только мечта... они не хотят совершенствовать SF2..
  7. GoPro MiG-31s

    Because I have seen the original wreck too, in Serbia. It was put into museum, with a text "We are so sorry, we didn't know it was invisible". There was the celebration on the anniversary, even talked with the officer Zoltan Dani (hungarian by nationality) who commanded the missile battery. Ironically enough, after the action he did not know what will happen next, a court martial or a decoration... His methods he developed against the stealth attackers were ignored and not authorized by his superiors. UNTIL the successful action... He was promoted to colonel, then put aside into administration.. then quickly forced to retire. Now he has a bakery in his village. PS I have no prob with breast size, although I have problem finding a girl with bigger size
  8. GoPro MiG-31s

    Thanks for the answers guys... It is completely understandable. Its a very old design actually, I still remember when I was only in high-school and it was already flying wonder machine. Why I asked about scrapping because I heard that all airframes were destroyed... Even though my genre are eastern planes but I was upset to hear about such barbaric act(( About the cover of the plane, I have a piece (about the size of a cellphone) from the F-117 shot down in Serbia ... it is like a small piece of a black briefcase, fiber material similar to the stuff they build boats from. I know - because we had crashes with boats - that this material is very hard if not impossible to repair if crack and breaks happen. Even worse with a plane as a boat has to withstand less g-force... worst case some water comes in))
  9. GoPro MiG-31s

    Thanks for the accurate answer!! Yes I used to say similarly. In early times planes were not even painted... camouflage paint is also a similar thing. Also there is a difference between full-stealth and a "reduced detection". Stealth fighter and stealthy fighter ))) Btw, why the F-117 was scrapped? ( Hell it was not even close to look like an aircraft, but still... (The engineers said to the soviet scientist Petr Yakovlevich Ufimtsev, who invented stealth theory: - It is good and useful.. but such aircraft cannot fly... )
  10. GoPro MiG-31s

    Yep... they are defensive fighters with long range high speed and altitude. Add to that they can carry the latest missiles. Cooperating with air defence network and satellites. and I think the stealth technology while useful, it is much overrated. Radar is just one method of detection.. and is not necessary to use the on board radar on the defensive
  11. I'm experimenting with a PLAB depth charge, but no luck ((
  12. But cluster bombs do explode on water too... maybe proximitiy fuses?
  13. Greets to you WWI sim fans here! I have some modder experience in SF2, but I'm completely new in WWI sims, (if I don't count Red Baron on 486 50mhz 10 years ago..) I'd like to ask which is the best sim that features (either originally or modded up) the air combat involving Austria-Hungary over the italian front, Balkans, or the eastern front... maybe over the Adriatic, seaplanes etc...?
  14. Mm, so FE offers the same variety of SF2? I guess it a similar situation, then, like SF2 vs DCS / LockOn series... I will give it a try after I'm finished with projects. Looks interesting
  15. It has nothing to do with the game itself, it is DirX 10. I had transparent parts attached to the fuselage to avoid decal bleed inside the intakes. Applying decals onto transparency do work on Dirx9 XP machines, but not anymore on Dirx10/11. The decals applied to a surface inherit the transparency percentage, so if the TGA is 50% alpha, the decal will be also 50% transparent. You have to make a copy of Canopyglass.tga and enlarge it as that one I have is one pixel only... then you can have a map created. And inside 3Dsmax you have to set opacity, reflection, etc to fix shiny surface (many models have no such).
  16. i need help plz

    Search the forums, and the knowledge base. I guess this is the most important http://combatace.com/topic/62302-what-is-the-mod-folder/
  17. These are done by Landing lights.... Similar happens with A-6 Intruders
  18. GoPro MiG-31s

    When they will release this game? Graphics are awesome))) Edit.. Nah.. Stary's clouds are better :D
  19. Biggest Mistakes of WW2

    And one thing, I remember someone wrote before, the close escort problem. Ace pilots and expert commanders begged to the high command to authorize forward escort and free hunt (sorry if that not the correct term in english) but they were - old guards. And Goring. But the allies did not learn from the same lesson and they did the very same when they went over Germany...
  20. Biggest Mistakes of WW2

    Japanese have done exactly the same, maybe even more seriously due to traditions. Their superb crews were fighting until death, and they considered dishonorable to go back to train recruits. Producing average or above average recruits are more profitable than keeping a few super aces and a lot of green recruits.
  21. Biggest Mistakes of WW2

    Also a big factor, indeed. I think the biggest mistake was to divert all attacks to bomb cities and London instead of continuing with airfields and industries. This and the eastern front put an end to the story. Otherwise they could have finished the job sooner or later.
  22. Biggest Mistakes of WW2

    I agree in that. Might I add the skill and experience of Polish pilots, also. While the Zero was a magnificient plane, one of my favourites, but on the European theater it would have been different. Its primarily a naval fighter with unmatched range, due to light structure and lack of armor. In 40 probably was not, but later on it became also seriously undergunned by european standards.
  23. Biggest Mistakes of WW2

    ))) well that is an option.. but not really for me) been to war twice (almost three times, damnit) but no more uniform anymore. No more blood money. No more fat ass post-communist to order me around for 400$ a month... and refused dirty PMC work and non-US citizen gestapo... I rather live from 200-300$ a month as freelancer. Not really a factor on the stock market))) Not a member of that 1%)) I do have some sort of conscience. Anyway money means nothing to me. ... I'd better cut the politics anyway, better off modding SF2. ))
  24. A-ahh THAT kind of paintin... I did that. Once or twice a year, under our ships huh)))

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