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Everything posted by Snailman

  1. Honesty At Its Finest....NOT!

    Well... damn shame... what is 7-10$ for someone.. a daily meal perhaps? as for me...weell at least I try to contribute. and sometimes I click on banners, it that helps a little
  2. From Top Gun? ))) Nice idea)
  3. Umm, I mean if it's working principles of your idea can be ported to other cockpits later on) (OFF: I sent you a PM yesterday about the Yak-38 cockpit)
  4. Looks good so far.... !!! I like it.. at last something that works!! I hope we can implement such to all cockpits soon.
  5. Ok)) I was kidding)) Well the air intake plate could be used as air brake at low speeds (in game terms, when we dont need it anyway). In real it would break off at high speeds as it is a weak structure with a main purpose only to direct airflow into the vertical lift engine turbines. Of course it is hard to fly without the hover autopilot and stabilizer... In the Yak-41 this plate was set up as an airbrake also, and I left it that way, to provide an easy control. You will like it more, Im sure) It is not that difficult to slow down the plane, and once slowed down (gears flaps down + vertical thrust) it can easily maintain 120-160kmh which is fairly enough to reach the carrier. Target it as friendly and can watch the range. (the air control would tell it in real life). Keep the pitch straight, change altitude with thrust only. at about 1000m you may slow down to 70-90 by raising the nose a little bit. Fly it like a chopper, not a plane. roll for sideslip. You can even go on the reverse. Land on a Kirov for challenge))
  6. In Vertical 1.0 I use 6 engines. At first I had 8, but i had to remove the 'fuel burners' due to erratic engine sound((( Airbrakes? nyahhh, that's a cheat, man))))))) :P I will modify the 38M avionics tonight so it will also use the new cockpit, too. Anyways I release 1.0 this week. Little skinning and texturing left... http://combatace.com/files/file/13679-yak-38-vertical-pack-098-beta/ the old one, though. Im not ready with 1.0... lazy ass
  7. Як-38 ...был такой самолет

    Arghhh... I want this... NOW ))))) It gives bitter taste in my mouth when I play the TW version after I have seen this one
  8. For me this cockpit freezes whatever I do. I have version July2012 but I don't think it is the problem. Even my earlier INI's are bigger than this one, so I wonder what is missing... I suppose the engines? because everything else is irrelevant I think Ah yes... thanks for the hint. it is the missing EngineID=2 from the second nozzle. I gave both engineID=1 because it is the same engine in reality...
  9. Yak-38 Forger cockpit

    You may have to edit the Yak-38.ini to include the entry of this cockpit. Previously mig-21mf cockpit were used. CockpitDataFile=Cockpit_MiG-21MF.INI << change this
  10. Як-38 ...был такой самолет

    Sure I will be happy to play the Yak-38 with this model rather than that awful stock one... But, I can understand the feeling from Krisis' side... TW came out with a crappy model for both Yak-38 and Kiev cruisers. A slap in the face. Krisis, возвращайся! )))
  11. now this is something really amazing. I did not expect Hungary will be included in this scale.
  12. It would be great for WWI too... Balkans, Adriatic, and Italian front
  13. Sacha Baron Cohan kills old lady at award ceremony

    A yea I wonder if it is part of the show....
  14. I Quit My Job... and proud of it.

    Familiar feeling... I left the "army" after 7 years, and even though I had no full job since then, I did not regret. I swear I rather die than putting on any kind of uniform anytime in my life...
  15. I was also pulling my hair out for similar stuff, and turned out to be a simple typo in the ini.... it happens with everyone
  16. The stock ini has no [shadow] section... The folder name should match the weapon.ini but the lod name can be different according to the weapon.ini LOD entry. If there is no such entry, and the weapon_data.ini is also missing (or does not specify a different model name), the stock LOD will be used I think
  17. Yea, the [shadow] section might be the culprit
  18. ((( I don't know then... do you have such 3dmax files of weapons which do show up? perhaps you can compare and find the difference... I have no better idea( I have fuselage over 3K poly and all the shadows are there. Even props spinning have shadows... Maybe... perhaps it is stupid idea and unlikely, but try debug mode and see if you have passed the total poly limit on the screen?
  19. I suppose the bombs are missing the line castshadow=true in 3dmax object properties...
  20. They walk among us

    Smartphone generation.... LOL ...nevertheless, the perfect consumers)
  21. Cold War - Sweden

    Not bad at all... but I just don't understand any of these )))) May I present a sacrifice to the God of Subtitles? )))
  22. Nice Landing

    I wonder if they planned this landing... it seems to me, as the ship was into the wind ... a strong wing of at least 20-30kts or more IMHO...
  23. It is the cockpit ini of each aircraft. From stock planes only flyables have them
  24. Of course I'd take the Sukhoi) It has built in pussy magnet))) Although some customization will be nesessary... like hidden racks for contraband)))

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