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Everything posted by Snailman

  1. Kamchatka Terrain for SF2 (by Baltika, Ver 2)

    Thanks very much!! Its just beautiful) How about some Old Dog scenarios, anyone? ))
  2. US Carrier Sold For One Cent

    To my best knowledge, the Forrestal class had no nuclear propulsion
  3. US Carrier Sold For One Cent

    Outrageous... One cent?? What the hell... a present from the taxpayers to the metal industry?? IF it was sold for one cent to someone who preserves it. But to give it out for shit to someone who makes profit out of its destruction... for free?? If they sell for scrap, ask for price... this is a treason. At least soviets sold theirs for money...
  4. Not a big fan of the Guy..but

    A comedian, against the world order... Well what is happening in a parliament is indeed a comedy. But it is not funny. Our parliaments are theatres.... i would happy turn them into Colosseums with lions. He reminds me of myself... like looking into a mirror. scary.
  5. Mig-21 request.........

    Female pilot model? Hm. Boobs included. Not bad idea)
  6. A revolution 57 years ago.

    A photo exhibition made by the now 90 years old Erich Lessing who eye-witnessed most of the events as reporter. Some photoes may be shocking. http://www.magnumphotos.com/C.aspx?VP3=SearchResult&VBID=2K1HZOQFS6PS2Z&SMLS=1&RW=1280&RH=905&PN=1
  7. A revolution 57 years ago.

    I'm afraid, that The People will run out of ideas soon...(
  8. I can help with that, I used SF2 NA on XP for almost a year. Not a big problem. You need this terrain http://combatace.com/topic/71249-sf2na-iceland-classic-tfdhfd-terrain/ Ask in private if you need help.
  9. The Beer Prayer ... I just this and had to post it.

    Two beer of not two beer... (Shakesbeer)
  10. Mech Warrior online

    Ah yeah, would be good... but right now, no time(( maybe in November. I still miss a normal offline Mechwarrior game, though
  11. A cure for a boring day at the office

    LOL))))))) Ah bored people)) In high school I attended chemisty-biology faculty... my best friend and me has stolen K-NO3 (potassium? nitrate) and mixed it with powdered sugar. We called it white (gun)powder... One spoonful of that could break a glass jar into pieces like an inch or so due to excess heat - and dense white cloud as a side effect. Half kilo could make a meter deep hole if buried.. or throw bricks up to 5meters high when against in a wall. We also had enough guts to try nitrating glycerine... but - thankfully - failed. Nitrate was dirty and old. Same with smokeless explosive "cotton"... we received an orange wooly stuff, which could burn, but no way explode... pf. Home made cannons can be dangerous however, they usually cannot withstand gas pressure. We tried steel pipes welded close on one ending... one micro-crack and we would have been peppered with steel fragments... Also VERY dangerous to use such propellant which is not gas-producing "pressure effect" explosive but limited radius "blast" explosive. That will crack the "cannon" to pieces without shooting the projectile to considerable distance... NOW I know that..
  12. A cure for a boring day at the office

    Whooa... That thing IS dangerous ))))) Well... i have shot things to pieces many times, and this performance reminds me of a 6mm air (pellet) gun...!! it can easily open a hole into someones guts huh.
  13. LSK MiG-23S?

    Thanks for the info!! It is definitely a MiG-23S... I also suspected it was given for training purposes, as the MiG-23S was only a pre-series never entered into service. First mass produced version was the M variant.
  14. Now hes gone................

    Thats it? Then I keep with classic-shell and start menu )
  15. Good Idea )) I already have a project started for Morskaya Pekhota and Ropucha class landing ships)
  16. Now hes gone................

    And now what... do we (who was forced to pay for Win 8 OEM with a new laptop) receive this stuff for free?? Anyway, I am using ClassicShell since P-Day )))
  17. For me, AIM-4 was ok... like Alkalis... but Rear60 Sidewinders and Atolls.. and Shafrirs... useless. When I change them to Rear180 they come to life immediately. I also suspect, SF2 later patch messed this up... Yes, and AIM-4D is Rear 180 aspect. This also gives proof to what I say. Sidewinders are all Rear180 or better, xcept B. AA-2D Atoll-B is also rear180. Alkalis are SAHM and they work like they should. So only Rear60 IRM's suck but to such level they are next to useless. Was it like this before SF2 NA?? Does anyone have real life hit percentage statistics?
  18. Well I have July2012.... Yes, if the target flies straight... IF the AI would not spot the incoming missile. But unless they are bombers, they almost always spot it and evade.... and they dont even drop CM... What was the historical hit rate of such missiles? I'd bet not 1% in a clear situation
  19. What I tested right now reflects that. If parameters and rules are kept, it can provide a kill. Same as RS-2US (Alkali-B) could also provide a kill IF all those launch parameters are kept. R-3S is a different story however, because Rear 60 aspect missiles are next to useless in this game. AA-2 Atoll could perform as it was expected... when used correctly. Just remember the difference between performance of VPAF and Arab league pilots How can you do that? With unlimited ammo, I did tests, and my hit rate with AIM-9B and AA-2 are below 1% from 200+ launches. That very same for Shafrir and other Rear 60's too.. The target AI plane flies in a slight turn, in circle, that prevents me from lock, and even if I can lock the missile loses the target almost all the time. Not because of turn rate or seeker head... and yet there were no CM present.
  20. I made a copy of AIM-4D in the weapon editor and pasted the ini data you wrote above. "AIM-4D Test" missiles performed exactly the same. Usage closer than 3.5km is not recommended. Otherwise no anomalies... Happened twice, when the Tu-16s were too close to each other the missile could not decide which to track, and finally lost both. But I guess its normal...
  21. I did some tests for you.... Unfortunately I onlyhave the stock AIM-4D which is a station specific one, i found only the stock F-4E which can carry it. Stock AIM-4D has seeker range of 9.6 ... and is Rear180 aspect. I first got a growl at about 6.9-7.2 . When I fired them, i found that they are very fast moving ones. Considering the arming time and delay, I can say they are useless within 3kms... because it has almost no time and chance to maneuver before it reaches target. Indeed it is an anti-bomber missile not for dogfighting... I fired 10-12 missiles from the F-4E at Tu-16 badger-As from straight behind. I experienced no problem with detonations, some missiles have failed to lock on, however, due to reliability value.
  22. I know what it is like( Try a working missile, and compare the differences between them... have to debug the values one at a time. Its a real pain but there is no other method(
  23. It must be the problem with all Rear 60 Aspect missiles, i suspect... I have similar with the early AA-2 Atoll but AIM-9B and israeli missiles do the same. Even if all other features are the same, changing the seeker aspect from Rear 60 to Rear 180 degrees means a difference between black and white. Besides Rear60's are next to impossible to get a growl on a turning target, they lose tracking almost always the target starts to maneuver and they can't keep tracking of a constantly turning aircraft. Also be careful that missile duration must be long enough for the missile to run through its max range. When I fixed the AA-3 Anabs and RS-1 Alkalis, they has such problems. The range value allows you to fire, but the missile stops working prematurely due to the duration value. At first I suggest you to give more than 18 seconds
  24. Medal of Honor recipient asks to return to duty

    If the army, the unit and and the comrades are awesome... why to leave at all. I would do same in his place. CMOH is not given without reason (I really hope) And people need heroes in these dark times.

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