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Everything posted by Snailman

  1. update... when I change the Alpha, the decal changes with it too... if alpha level is 100%, the decal attached on that object is not shown at all. In Dx9 it was working differently...
  2. I figured it out, it is a material problem. But here I am stuck again... for this basic object of only 2 faces (child of fuselage, btw) I used the Completelyclear.TGA from fakepilot. In Dx9 it was really ok, it worked. Now it either fails to show up, or if I change opacity-diffuse whatever settings, it becomes a black rectangle still without decals showing up. I tried to change the material to the semi-transparent material the cockpit uses, and voila, the decals appear on it. but of course it is semi transparent so the rectangle object is not invisible anymore. I double checked material setting... nothing. Swapped materials... same result. I figured it out, the the TGA files being used are somehow different. with the same settings, the completelyclear TGA is not shown as cockpit glass, at all. The crystal.TGA used as cockpit glass works like I mentioned above, semi-transparent. I loaded Photoshop to check whether it needs Alpha settings changed,but both TGAs were set up the same way... What is different? How to make a properly working transparent or semi-transparent material?
  3. How do you handle max 2009 on win 8??? I have already wasted precious time trying to find out how to fix this but I cant... When the pop up menus disappear from the screen, their boxes remain there, so I cant see a thing anymore... most annoying thing ever... I tried updating video driver.. no help. is there a fix to this? and if there is, how to apply? 64bit exe works normally but the exporter is only for 32bit ver...
  4. Battletech/Mechwarrior RPG?

    Hi, are there any fans of Battletech here? I'm searching for the role playing game for this universe. Unfortunately there are absolutely no source books and expansions for such for and RPG( I found no PDF books at all... are there any out there somewhere?
  5. Battletech/Mechwarrior RPG?

    ah... I see.... hm, but what is Classic Battletech RPG then? Is it a.. parallel product by someone else? (Since FASA is gone as far as I know..) Or is it the board game... like Star wars miniatures?... played with painted figures on paper map Well my friend and his company of gamers should try this instead, i think this universe is far better and closer to logical reality that space-tales like Star Wars.. I only read the books, as many they published in hungarian (42 books) but only heard that a roleplaying game exists. Not even expecting a movie... With a technology available today like in Transformers they could make a decent movie out of Battletech. IF there would enough fans to fulfill their shy-sky high expectations of profit... OK im not going to rant on hollywood stuff )
  6. We are poor... this is what we can afford http://kuruc.info/r/4/117102/ In short, a white stork has been intercepted by Egypt and suspected of spying. The bird was equipped with a GPS tracking device for scientific purposes in Hungary where they nested during the summer season.
  7. Hungarian drone intercepted by Egypt...

    BAD NEWS http://kuruc.info/r/6/117313/ While the authorities let the bird free, soon after it was hunted down again by locals and was eaten. The local environmentalist organization has returned the GPS device to Hungary. The hunting of protected species is still a big problem even in EU states like Italy and Malta. These birds nest and grow up in urban areas (often on roofs of private houses) where the population is friendly towards them. But they cannot be protected in other countries, as these unsuspecting young birds do not really fear humans.
  8. How the hell am I supposed run this on Windows 8?? I fails to start...
  9. Theres more of them PAK FAs!

    There is one thing for sure... as much as I know russians, I'd bet they are already producing it on serial line ... it is just their usual maskirovka to underestimate them.
  10. Let describe... theres a mesh Fuselage. includes the intake tubes. Before the fix, the decal was applied onto the fuselage. the decals did appear inside too. I made two extra meshes Leftnameplate and Rightnameplate. Added some invisible material and placed them close to Fuselage. in decal ini, the decals are applied to the nameplates not the fuselage. so there is only one decal per mesh... In directx9, on my old notebook, it worked perfectly. Now they do not... Must be dirx11 handling something differently... but what??
  11. It is problem with 3Dmax and LOD rendering i am sure. I tried almost everything, combination of settings and texture types... no help. I export the lod, copy in... decal is still missing. other decals set on other objects appear. So it must be a prob in 3D file.... but what? Setting Force DX 9 does not help, if other users will have the same problem who will download my addon. I cannot ask all downloaders to Force DX9 just because my addon is badly done
  12. Traitor?.. or Defender of Civil Liberties?

    IF we eat the bullcrap of terrorism he might be a traitor. But since we do not, he might not be. If he is the enemy of my enemy is he my friend? Hard question. Everyone knows that 90% of world terrorism are funded certain governments ... those governments are the enemies of their own citizens, too.. BUT something is stinking in this story. Why he exposes stuff againt the US authorities only? By my opinion the mosad is far more dangerous... I think this whole thing is just a circus... a spectacular distracion. PS. the US foreign relation cannot be ruined more anyway. The relations between governments do not reflect the relations between people of each nations and their governments. To explain, our governments may be big friends (vassals rather) but if I hate the US government like shit that does not mean i have problems with the american people in general.. etc etc.
  13. Oh my God what I missed while I was away))) Well, I am about to install a fresh new game on my recently bought laptop... is it a good idea to put up this patch at all or shall I stick to the jul 2012 ver? Also, if I can help with testing things, and experimenting with the install I can do it... UNTIL I reinstall my own mods of course. I have win 8 and dirx 11, I am quite nervous whether it will run correctly..
  14. Hi, recently i tried to search for specific plane types... but the search engine seems to refuse the character "-" (if) it is followed by a number. No results found for 'tu-#unknown char here#' Maybe a codepage problem... but it appears for all three languages I have US, HU and RU also. I guess it is working for other people... I don't remember if it worked for me.. so I think it is a problem on my side but what to do?
  15. In game, you only have to check the data.ini, where the catapult coordinates are. the last digit says the deck height , for the Kiev it is 13.54 ( I guess the model is a bit faulty...)
  16. Kiev class 21.6 m Kuznetsov 25.7 m
  17. IRL, or in game? If IRL, I have books, I get you the data in a minute...
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GcxmAunB4Ck
  19. Su-15's have been fixed not long ago. under skin work currently. thanks for the lights section!! we could add it to the fix, if you don't mind...?
  20. My fellow Americans

    By my russian source there are uncovered information from the georgian counter espionage agency, saying the Tsarnayevs were recruited by the Jamestown Fund that trains nothern caucasian individuals to perform "certain tasks" on behalf for Georgia and the USA (I'd bet, in Syria). Since those people we hunted down that time (more than 17 years ago) and they were almost exclusively supported with weapons though Georgia, by criminal organizations (and some purple baret guys caught a sob who had US papers... been executed I guess) I can very well believe this information is reliable.
  21. My fellow Americans

    If you want to fight terrorism you have to cut monetary support from the government first...
  22. Sa-4 and Sa-1

    The date is 1950 you can also read the book here: http://c25.ru/index.php?pageID=65 or here, the whole book in PDF It was published in 1996 it seems.
  23. Explosion at the Finish Line of Boston Marathon

    Yea ))) "Open only in emergency" hm I wonder what this guy says makes any sense... My english is quite good, but some parts I did not understand though( Is this a joke or a just a stupid show or what?? If it is, its a bad joke IMHO.
  24. Explosion at the Finish Line of Boston Marathon

    The more and more I hear, I begin to think that these two were just scapegoats. One is dead, one (only accidentally) alive... and all is so spectacular. Either there were more suspects whom they keep in secret.. or the bombing were done by completely different people.
  25. Not... exactly. They are people who follow the judaist faith but not originated from the original jewish homelands. I did not want to generalize all of them, but since a very high percentage of bolshevists were among them, it is more than a coincidence. Regarding Stalin specifically there has been a number of debates pro and contra. Some say he was antisemite and participated in pogroms with the Red army cavalry 1918-20 (being commissar to Budyenniy and Voroshilov) some say contrary as he was the one who created Birobidzhan (jewish autonomous lands in the Far East)... noone knows for sure And sorry for off topic-ing.

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