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Everything posted by Snailman

  1. umm... maybe someone has a template skin...? just to save time...
  2. Vertical Dawn Faster then sound Evening tranport - hopefully some vodka))))
  3. Something you might like ))) It will be Soviet Navy transport/passenger variant. No armament, no pylons. Skin WIP.
  4. SpecificStationCode=AIM54 Yeah just wanted to answer that myself too)))) This code should match in both the weapon and the plane ini files. it is used to exclude other weapons (without that code word) from that station
  5. can you show me that F14 data ini, I don't have it right now
  6. There should be a line there, LenghtLimit=x.xx it should be less than the lenght of the weapon set in the AIM-54's data ini. The same with DiameterLimit=x.xx. If the values in the F-14 data ini shows less, the missile "won't fit" on that weapon station. You should lower the value in the weapon's data ini, or increase the limit value in the plane's data ini. IF it is the problem... pls check first if that is.
  7. As I see the Ordnance AIM-54A is 0.381 in diameter and 4.01 in lenght, 0.01 bigger than than the stock one... I guess it is the problem. If you have the separate F14_data.ini look at the weapon stations if they can hold the size. if not, try changing back the original size on the missile itself... Sorry to be a smarta$$ if you already known that. I don't have F-14 data ini myself.
  8. The Original Space Trading Game... is coming back!

    LOAD ERROR... READY. [ ]
  9. Yes sure, I'm interested. A Mi-17 style 6 pylon craft, its a useful thing. I could use one without any pylons too, I guess it can be done from ini, destroynode or something) Also the engine exhaust coolers you did can be useful for the mi-24 too.
  10. thats what I need!! Thank you very much!!!!!!!!!
  11. File Name: Yak-38 Vertical Pack 0.98 beta File Submitter: Snailman File Submitted: 26 December 2012 File Category: SF2 Series Add On Aircraft Yak-38 Vertical 0.98 beta The main reason for me to play Strike fighters 2 is that I can fly a Yak-38 in it )) That how I found this game on the internet. Unfortunately, being an AI plane it was not suitable for player controls... I found Gepard's addon which was the only one out there. It game me a lot of idea I decided to improve the plane's features and game experience. This is a fine tuned or modified collection of everything I could find to improve the plane. Mostly not my work, but I wasted a lot of time to put together and test a working and accurate Yak-38. This was my main and only goal. Try it. Since many things are in testing phase, all feedback is appreciated! Install I tried to include every component I have used with this plane, so it should work with a fresh unmodded SF2 NA. If you have DirX 9 and Win XP (like me), then you also need the IcelandNA modded terrain for XP to be able to play SF2NA on your PC. Just copy everything into your designated add-on folder and it should work. Beware it may overwrite existing add-on files and components you already have. Check it first, especially weapons. Contents - Paladrian's MiG-21MF cockpit (temporary solution) - Yak-38 VTOL flyable. - Yak-38M VTOL flyable. - Weapons: OFAB-100, 250, 500 etc from SovietBombPack; Kh-23 missiles, UB-8M, UPK-23 gun pod and MBD2 racks from Ordnance Shop II; APU-60-1 rack from Cocos (not yet in use) - Soviet Pacific Fleet skin (Modified stock skin, set as default) - Soviet Navy Grey skin (Redrawn stock skin) - Soviet Northern Fleet skin (Redrawn stock skin) - Soviet Navy pilot Bright orange overalls (Redrawn Red3202 pilot skin) - Two loadout.ini for both aircraft, a loadout.VTOL and a loadout.STOL. Overwrite loadout.ini to switch between them as you wish for AI and campaing use. - Three Kiev_data.ini's one for STOL and one for VTOL style take offs. Use the VTOL loadout file for the VTOL take-off modded Kiev, for safety reasons. The third INI has a "castrated" take off position #1 (Catapult 1) to enable human player VTOL take-off, for Soviet Navy campaigns and missions. - README FILE with FLIGHT MANUAL included Fixes - Fixed engine thrust vectors and exhaust positions - Re-added lift engines to fuselage - Fixed number decals position - Fixed pylon ordnance positions - Fixed Ranging Radar and gun pod's aim point - Fixed Kiev class carrier "catapult positions" and AI aircraft take-off. Now they can use all six takeoff positions, and supports vertical takeoff. Changes - Real thrust data added based on factory data. - Yak-38 automatic slats by Gepard - New vertical capable flight model, weight and torque balanced airframe. - Changed lift engines thrust angle to 80 degrees to the aft. - Engine thrust toned down by 10% to reflect real payload lifting capabilities. - Realistic payload choices added. Be warned, pylons are physically capable to hold much heavier payload than the plane can take off with. See payload info at the end of file. - Modified weapon stations to hold realistic payload - Removed plane numbers from 01-09 (Those were in use of Yak-38U two seaters) - Modification of plane numbers. Yak-38 tend to have lower numbers, grey 38M's take higher numbers, and extra easter egg))) (roughly to represent real planes) Added - Reaction control systems to nose, wingtips and aft fuselage. - Added gunpod station, exclusively for VSPU-36 (modeled by StationSpecific modified UPK-23) - Added choice of droptank (Uses Mig-17 400liter tanks currently) - Manual wing fold anim (Animation key 1 - Shift 1) - Skins and numbers - Dedicated engine sound - Yak-38M alternate sights with rangebar and CCIP (MiG-27, Su-25 style) !!BETA!! - Yak-38 model without recirculation dams on fuselage (Info from Peter2 and TK) - Added Siren-I ECM system to Yak-38 - Added Gvozdika ECM system to Yak-38M Kiev class aircraft cruiser new features - Kiev_data_STOL.ini for short take offs (default) - Kiev_data_VTOL.ini for vertical take offs (recommended for operating helicopters) - Kiev_data_Player.ini for disabling Catapult #1 to enable free vertical take off by player aircraft or helicopter. - Extra parking places added - 6 working launch places (catapults) - Fake arrestor cables untouched, they are needed for fake hooks used by AI Yak-38s. Overwrite Kiev_data.ini with the desired file. ************************************************************** Work in progress list - Yak-38M red, blue and white numbers for the late version grey skin to represent actual rare planes. - VSPU-36 Gunpod model - Avionics refinement for Yak-38M - Soviet Desert Camo (Afghanistan) (Redrawn stock skin) - Cockpit for both Yak-38 and Yak-38M ************************************************************** This mod, like all of its components I used are freeware. Commercial use is prohibited. You can use this pack as part of a bigger pack or campaign set freely. 2012 December 26. Click here to download this file
  12. Yea, agreed... the poor little blue bird gives you a challenge. I like it very much)) I tried the AV-8 and Harriers from Falklands Mod too, but as we can't be sure how accurate modded aircraft are, since "aero coefficients" and flight model modding is mostly done by copying similar stock aircraft... so I'm not convinced how good they are. By the books (published by both sides) the Yak-38 is as good as contemporary early Harriers, and now in game terms it is almost the same. So I hope I made an acceptable result )) Data tables and such are very complicated, for sure. I did the same with the next craft I am working on currently... You will like it, I'm sure. I need to do two skins and a little avionics, and it's ready. If you find any problems, inaccuracy, or have new ideas, tell me. So I can release the final ver 1.0 included the extra aircraft, too.
  13. Samurai )))) Great!! I have a perfect set of plans on all variants, every little detail if you need. Cockpit instruments included. Being my favourite helicopter)))) Give me an email I'll send you the pdf.
  14. Need a Favor From Our Community

    I gave my last 120HUF (0.5$) and my breakfast to a homeless guy near our parlament. Things go that way here... maybe tomorrow I'll be a homeless too.
  15. Yak-38 Vertical Pack 0.98 beta

    thanks) I'll try. Quick bug fix. Please rename SovietNavy.bmp in Objects/Pilots/SovietNavy folder to Red3203.bmp to match the LOD name. Sorry... copy mistake.
  16. OH... I found out. Please go into the addon /Objects/Pilots/SovietNavy folder... SovietNavy.bmp rename it to match the name of the LOD file Red3203.bmp I did it for my install, but forgot to update the pack folder.
  17. I'm glad you had fun))) Aye those missiles are not too strong. Not ASMs indeed. Even a destroyer needs 3-4 of them. Hm, I don't have idea about the pilot skin, for me it works... it's in the pilots folder... (I'll check again) Which Harrier did you fly? I tried the "competitors" from SF2 Falklands and AV-8s from Wrench myself))) The biggest difference for me was that the Harrier has negative thrust vector and air brakes which make it far easier to slow down. I planned to turn the lift engine cover to an "air brake" of some sort, but they are linked to the gear animation, and I don't have access to the LOD to change the anim((((((
  18. Sorry for the quality, especially the sound... My pc is crapheap. also, this was my first video, I need to learn )))
  19. Hi just a short question, how does the ranging only "radar" works? I managed to lock a plane with boresight mode radar, an the sight was calculated nicely... but how to do that with an aircraft that has no full radar that can be locked manually on the target (or how to say). The plane inis are saying it has ranging only, and calculating sight and whatever, but in game it does nothing. (the crosshair is also in a bad place, but thats my task to fix anyway)
  20. Merry Christmas everyone

    I wish all of you a Merry Christmas!! Blessed peace and happiness be with you and your families wherever you live on this planet!!!
  21. Huh, I'm almost ready... I have a few quick questions 1. Is there a way to reverse the range circle movement ? RangeBarOrientation says 6TO12 is there any other value to this statement? 2. How to make SRM marker to use HUD colors? It takes the original image features... do I have to manually recolor? Or maybe there's a way to use the other LCOS crosshair for this? 3. I need to erase the empty radar/TV rectangle from the upper right corner, how to do that? thanks a lot!!! Final steps... I just copy some features to the other plane, and I'm ready. I curious about feedback))
  22. For you custom cockpit makers...check this out.

    Yea, if I understood right, it works like the elevator touch controls... you ground the circuit yourself. Or the cat... ))) LOL
  23. PROBLEM SOLVED! Here's the solution. I tested it 8 times, with Gepard's mod, with mine, with your J-7 avionics and with the Chengdu J-7IIA I downloaded.... just to assure I'm not a noob Since what you sent me did work, I compared the difference with the J-7IIA that didn't work... this is the result Avionics60.dll uses the entry [AvionicsData] Avionics70.dll uses the entry [RadarData] for radar features.... It was the problem in Gepards mod and in the J-7 I downloaded too. After I fixed that line both worked, and on the Yak38 too. Thank you very much!!!!!!!!!

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