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Everything posted by firehawkordy

  1. My Cat Marty

    He's gone. I didn't want to cry either. I miss him already.
  2. Iggy Pop Quiz

    Real easy one.... What two movies were used in this video? My idea of the finger to Oliver Stone and his craptastic fairy tale from the same war.
  3. An Neon Genesis AMV

    This is definitely the best combination of audio and video I've seen in a while... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JuFoJ8ofYzE Best viewed in HQ.
  4. An Neon Genesis AMV

    Though you guys would like this one too. Same anime and Pink Floyd album, just a different song. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a5gRiCYD-ug
  5. @Wrench (or any other interested party)

    Anybody remember Action Jackson? It was set in Detroit but most of the footage was shot in the L.A. area. I was living there at the time and I remember two scenes that I personally saw being shot. 1 The yacht that was blown up was actually tied up a few hundred feet forward of the Queen Mary opposite the Shoreline Village. They shot the bad guys leaving the boat and then cut for the explosion. That was done in the turning basin near the ferry slip. What was blown up was an 80' barge loaded with pyro and a plywood cutout of the real boat nailed to the side. The set it off just before the permit was to expire at 2200hrs. I was as close as I could be about 4 blocks, and felt both the concussion and the heat. 2 The chase through the automobile factory. Not in Detroit but in Southgate CA at a GM plant that had been closed down. They had to get all the shots in as few take as possible as a couple of weeks later crews started to tear down the complex. It's now a shopping mall. The only movie that made fun of it's geographical errors was Last Action Hero. How can you jump off the top of a hotel in Long Beach and land in the La Brea Tar Pits anyhow?
  6. wpnssgt makes 30

    As a child of the sixties all I have to say is from today on you will not be trusted. Happy Birthday and Cheers!
  7. Anyone Catch This?

    http://www.wafb.com/global/video/flash/popupplayer.asp?ClipID1=4090621&h1=Alleged%20%22beer%20between%20the%20legs%22%20bandit%20arrested&vt1=v&at1=News&d1=144000&LaunchPageAdTag=News&activePane=info&rnd=19427926 Now that's a magic trick.
  8. Hi to Members

    First off, welcome to Combat Ace. If like playing LOMAC you should really try the Third Wire series. If the out the box versions aren't awesome enough the mods and addons will blow your mind.
  9. Something About My Son

    A few months ago my son was sent to Injun country with his unit as a last minute replacement. I'm happy to say that he's home with his wife and kid. The circumstances are a mixture of disappointment and relief. His disappointment that he injured his knee so badly before operations began that he was flown home to have surgery, and my relief that he's home safe. Add in a little guilt for me that he's safe and the other kids are still in harms way. With luck he'll be up and about and able to at least finish this hitch in the Marines. Thanks for everyone keeping him and his buds in their prayers. I still pray for his friends, though I might never meet them, it's the least an old warrior should do.
  10. I found this announced in the HCS-5 Firehawks Association forums today. HSC-85 is to begin receiving HH-60H airframes sometime in the next few months and pick up supporting CSAR as the Firehawks did up to a few years ago. They are going to mirror HSC-84 on the east coast so this is going to swell their ranks greatly. What I would give to be given a second go at being in the CSAR community again. I'm sure the Gamblers will carry the Bluehawk/Firehawk legacy proudly.
  11. Give the Uterus a Rest

    Kind of reminds me of an old joke concerning two guys and car keys.
  12. Just wondering

    I no longer shave anymore since I retired out of the Navy. I just go to the barber once a month to have it trimmed up.
  13. Russia buys French Ships

    Not really, the Russians will,need to actually, gain the ability to provide Littoral Warfare support to future UN "peacekeeping" or disaster relief missions. I think Moscow is tired of the US or one of our allies showing up to help just days after the call goes out for any kind of help. Being able to have troops being "in the neighborhood" and providing aid can have a huge impact on the worlds perception of a country. Another thing, pirates. Imagine the impact of a Russian 'gater freighter of the Somali coast would have. The Russians play with their own rules, I doubt a very few pirates would survive a response to any kind of resistance. Let them have the Mistrals, I have no doubt that in a few years the Russian shipbuilders will have reversed-engineered them and start making bare-bones, but capable knock offs of their own.
  14. Happy Birthday 331Killerbee

    IYAOYAS my Brother Ordie. Just in case here's a bunny girl for you...
  15. Light Speed B-17

    The only sci-fi image that in my opinion is badder that that B-17 is the 1960 Corvette making a re-entry at the beginning of the Heavy Metal Movie. A good image is hard to find though.
  16. Went Back To Work Today

    Most may have noticed that I was kind of quiet of late and not very active posting. Well, four weeks ago I had a rather large it turns out hernia repaired in my gut. First two weeks were hell as any kind of movement put the hurt knob to 11 and you can only take so many pain pills. The last couple of weeks were so-so and I got to a zen state of I don't want to do anything. As stated I went back to work all healed up and no worries of my hernia getting worse. I come in at 0700, the loading dock is jammed with pallets, the new boss had changed a vendors delivery day to Monday without realizing that we would be the first stop at 0645. My supervisor gives me the news that our extra "help" staffer wasn't coming in, car trouble. Ever here of a bus? Then I get the real good news the kid hadn't finished putting away Friday's goods and was going to do them today,sure. (should have gotten that sarcastic font) That said not working for a month kicked my butt by noon. At lunch I was greeted with " great to have you back,nobody knows what they are doing in the warehouse". I'm looking for nobody. Get back, HR wants me to call them, I guess that having the boss say yes he's here don't count. they want to hear my happy voice. At least the wife picked me up on time today but I forgot to take home my uniforms. Hell, I just might come in wearing a pair of SEAL Team dive shorts, steel toes and a wife beater. I like to go to extremes sometimes. Well I tired, smelly and hungry and the wife has yet to bring home dinner, this is one day I should have not chewed through the straps.
  17. Need advice on Books on Nam

    Another one with Hueys U.S. NAVY SEAWOLVES, and is a good history of HAL-3 at it's very beginning, along with the relationship they had with the SEALS that still continues today with HSC-84 and soon HSC-85. The period covered is from HAL-3's commissioning to just after Tet. Two operations are covered in depth from both the Seawolves and the SEALs perspectives. It also covers the events of Tet and the realization that the only aircraft operating in Saigon airspace in the first hours are two Seawolf gunships. When I read this it became clear why HAL/HCS-5 got away with things that should have punished. We were formed from HAL-3 and it was in our units genes. I'm sure some of you guys know what I mean, the rest of you , read the book.
  18. Random Thoughts

    I have found that: Love is not free, but companionship can be rented out at about $40 US. The world needs more ditch diggers and less lawyers. The second you get into a faster lane of traffic it slows down and you realize that you just missed your exit ramp. Nothing good ever comes from Cherry Bombs and whiskey. In times of great danger even a real man should know when to run like a b**h.
  19. What do you listen to drive?

    Depends on where I'm at and who I'm with, in SoCal with my girls it's tuned to the local punk/alt rock station. In town alone it's whatever f'ing station that's not sucking at the moment, and with the wife it's whatever she has 'cause she's doing the driving, it usually sucks. BTW, favorite SoCal stations, 106.7 KROQ, 98.5 KYSR and 91.1 XTRA.
  20. "UKMIL is BACK UKMIL, is back. But there there is a small staff base, as most have gone onto other projects, so this will mean a small output. However, UKMIL Will now live on. Most items such as the server etc, will carry on as normal." This is the latest on this website. As many know Gaffer shut it down for various reasons including a military deployment. For those who are new to FS UKMIL has produced very fine scenery,aircraft and repaints. There are other files exclusive to club members that make it worth the small fee with the added benefit of either beta testing a new release or getting the finished product early. The site also hosts Mike Stone's files which in his later releases were quite well done. http://www.ukmil.org.uk/news.php And yes I'm a member there too but not as active as on here.
  21. Back From Hospital

    Had a hernia fixed yesterday and I'm trying to get back to a normal routine. I never thought that something this simple, make a few holes and throw in some mesh would as painful as this is. I hurt so much right now I'm afraid to fart because of the pressure on my abdomen. At least it was on the gut and not near the "boys". Got some good pain killers so if I make a remark that's unusual for me, it's the drugs talking
  22. Walter Cronkite

    Discovery channel is running an 8 part series Walter Cronkite Remembers. It's his biography in his words and with just him and archival footage.
  23. Back From Hospital

    A little update, I managed to take off the abdominal binder to change the dressings, I look and feel like I took a 12ga with #6 shot to the gut. I really do feel better after a few days of rest. I just bored as hell since I can't sit to long at my desk so gaming is not as fun as it should be. Thanks for the kind words and thoughts.
  24. one small step for a man

    I remember looking up at the moon that evening and thinking there are people up there. Even at age nine I knew that things were different from then on. I just wish my grandson can witness an event like this in his life time.
  25. A Real First For The MARINES

    This is not to be made into anything political and comments about certain former President are not needed but this caught my eye today. http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/washington...e-one-crew.html I have been around Marine One when I was on the Saratoga and have talked to and swapped items of interest like patches with the support crew so knowing what I know about that squadron those young ladies earned the right to be the first female aircrew for Marine One. I know there is a joke in this story somewhere but my respect for KB and my love for my son prevent me from making one.

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