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Everything posted by firehawkordy

  1. A Real First For The MARINES

    It's not that an all female aircrew was made so the Marines good get some good press, it was the fact that it was the Majors last flight with HMX-1 and the crew was in HER honor. Not her fault some little PIO sent the story out to the "news" services.
  2. Walter Cronkite passes at Age 92

    Michael Who? or was that What?
  3. Light Sabers

    In 1980 we used to have "light saber" duels on the flight deck late at night. We used cut down flight deck wands called "stubbys" with different colored lenses in them. The we'd stand in the steam from the cats and have a go. It was either surreal or completely stupid depending on your viewpoint when watched from Vultures Row. What else did you think a bunch of bored 18-21 year olds would do after flight ops at sea?
  4. no internet : (

    That's okay so do I, and as for the eyes, since I wear glasses and can't see that well under 3 meters I should be safe. Glad to see that you're doing better.
  5. Walter Cronkite passes at Age 92

    I remember too well the sound of the teletype in the background and hearing CBS's Evening News at dinner time. As I got older and had my own TV Walter Cronkite was who I would watch for the news. Sad to realize that until I was 21 he was the only constant on TV and that everyone after him will never be in his league. He actually rode in the back seat of a B-57 in Viet Nam on a combat mission camera in hand. I saw that footage first on the CBS Evening News in glorious Black and White and later on a VHS documentary about Viet Nam. He was embedded before the term was coined. RIP
  6. Hi all I'm a Newbie

    Try a second hand C64 with Jet 2.0 , FS2 , and Stealth Mission, all by Sublogic before M$ got their hands on FS. Oh and welcome to CA.
  7. Afghanistan

    My 2 cents for what it's worth, First off most of you know my son was deployed to that AO, he is home now with a fu**ed up knee. Thankfully that was non-combat, but my point is that 2nd Bn Marines have been waiting to take a whole lot of hurt and bad news to the Taliban and their allies and according to my kid they have the tools needed to do the job. I won't make it easy for a bedsheet wearing bandit to know just what those tools are but fu** the press and fu** the opinion polls. Let these troops do their job and if an embedded reporter pulls what that one in Iraq did about shooting wounded terrorists, may he catch a stray 5.45mm round. I may not have a kid in harm's way, well in sense I do, one my VA members is over there as a Marine Rifleman, but keeping a muzzle on the press would help the troops out a great deal. I have no respect for the media in general but if they are going to report on a war they should report only the facts and not try to sway public opinion one way or another. If the press of a country bill themselves as the "conscious" of society then they should be calling politicians, both left and right, to account and keeping big business honest and let the war fighters do their job in peace ( no pun intended ). Just my opinion, I don't care if you don't agree. Rant mode ON/OFF
  8. Know your limits

    Ok, first I need some eye and brain bleach to erase that last pic. When I was younger I pushed so far past the edge some of my childhood friends can't believe I'm still alive. of course at that time I had no access to automobiles, good thing too. But I did find some very unattractive ladies in my bed after a night of hard drinking. You, my friend show take your ass chewing like a man, consider it a lesson learned and NEVER, EVER, let your friend forget what he got himself into. I hope your bud finds his limit soon and I hope your mom with at least one ball and enough ass to sit down.
  9. Robert McNamara has died

    Admitting you f***ed up 30+ years after the fact reminds me of someone apologizing for picking on the fat kid in school, it only makes that person feel good not the fat kid or in this case 58,000+ families and untold Viet Nam Vets. I wonder if he and his "wiz kids" slept well after ignoring all the suggested changes to the M-16, what a difference a little chrome made.
  10. One of my favorite animes right now. The collection is worth getting, as for the song, it fit's both my daughters. name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>"> name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="350">
  11. Because I Have Absolutely Nothing Else To Watch

    The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya. It's a good show if you get the collection, if you try to watch it online the posters usually post in order of it's TV airing, which was all the episodes were out of order. If it was to get folks talking then the studio did a good job because nobody could figure the show out.
  12. USS Midway

    Some shots of my girls and grandson on the USS Midway Museum last week. If you have not gone you should go. The oldest daughters uncle served onboard during 1980 so for the family there is a deeper connection. And yes, that is me in the brig, and no you can't date my daughters
  13. USS Midway

    He was an RPSN in the Chaplain's office. According to my daughter he helped to refurbish the ship's chapel. His last name is Foster, if attended services you probably saw him.
  14. USS Midway

    I served aboard the USS SARATOGA CV-60, the uncle of my oldest daughter served on the Midway during the early 80's. The Sara is at Quanset point R.I. waiting her turn to be a museum.
  15. USS Midway

    Because one is married and the mom of the little boy in the pictures and the other is 18 and daddy is very protective of his girls.
  16. USS Midway

    Which boat, Midway or Intrepid?
  17. RN's Sorry State

    Almost as intimidating as the old Knox class Frigates the US Navy had in the 70'-90's. These things had no redundant systems, one gun, one missile launcher and one screw. If any of those go out in combat you are really screwed. Thankfully they are part of the Navy's history and not it's present. http://www.destroyerhistory.org/coldwar/ff...ephhewes_01.jpg
  18. Ghost Story

    Spent Monday-Wednesday this week in San Diego on a short vacation with my two daughters and grandson. Both girls have always had a few paranormal experiences and that trait can be traced to their great-grandmother. That said, on Monday we past the Whaley House in Old Town San Diego and the girls wanted to go in. I said maybe later and the matter dropped. Wednesday on our way out we stopped in Old Town again, this time the oldest said that he would pay for the Whaley House tour, I said fine and we went in. From this point on keep an open mind, the Whaley House is supposedly San Diego's most haunted and active paranormal locations. Remember that fact, here is what happened next: Within five minutes of entering the house we wen into the attached courthouse, my oldest girl said lets leave that room so we did. Going into the dining room a couple were talking about seeing "balls of light" moving about in one corner, both girls said they saw them too, while I did not, I did keep my mind open and shot some pics in there. We then moved into the hallway and my youngest started complaining the her camera stopped working, she xould see what she had shot up to that point but it would not take anymore pics. All of up went upstairs and looked around, I took one shot of the staircase looking down using ambient light, this is the one posted here, When I shot it I noticed nothing through the viewfinder nor with my other eye, I try to use both eyes when taking certain shots to try and catch anything else I see. There is an anomaly in the pic, I'll let you guys find it instead of prejudicing anyone. At that point we went back down stairs. My oldest said she wanted to try something and we went back into the courtroom.{at this point if I hadn't witnessed what happened next I'd have told my girls good joke} One of the Museum staff asked us how we were doing, Amber said that her camera stopped working in one of the bedrooms. The staff member replied "Thats just Francis, he messes with electronic items." Francis is the ghost of one of the Whaley sons who dided in the house in the 1930's. About then I heard Leanna gasping for breath, when I looked at her she had a paniced look on her face and I almost carried her out of there. As soon as we got into the next room her breathing went back to normal and she said that what she felt was a residual of something that took place in that room. So that's it, the guys who live in San Diego can tell you more of that place than I could.
  19. Johh Finn, USN, CMOH

    IYAOYAS, John Finn's example is what all AO's try to live up to.
  20. Ghost Story

    Camera was set to use ambient light and the flash was off and locked closed. Even if there are logical reasons for the pics, the fact that my daughter started having trouble breathing is still troubling. Like I said her and her sister have a history of paranormal events going all the way back to when they were just starting to talk. I won't go into it to far but the youngest was talking to someone one night in our old house, when I asked who she was talking to she said it was her great grandmother who she called by the pet name I had for her and the kid had never heard. The spooky thing was when she called me by my family nickname that hadn't been used since my grandmother had passed away at least four of five years before and it is Spanish and hard to pronounce when you are just starting to talk. Anyway, what I described did happen and my mind is a little more open towards the paranormal. One more thing about my camera, it's a digital that can be aimed like an SLR and I use the viewfinder not the LCD screen because of my eyesight, and the screen is usually washed out in any kind of light to me. That said, since the view is so small I don't get a good look at a shot until I can download them to my PC, so I don't see things like the light spot at the time of taking it.
  21. Michael Jackson... Dead

    Yeah but you got in by one minute
  22. What Is Everyone Doing Over the Weekend?

    Having a few beers and saying thanks for some good news this morning. My son is on his way home from Afghanistan, seems he aggravated an old knee injury to the point he'll need surgery. The fact some knuckle dragger crushed pinned his legs with a car on purpose a couple of years ago only made it worse. Anyway he called from Ramstien Germany today and told me he was on his way home, and for that the family is very grateful. Oh yeah, I'll raise one to the guys that were in Operation Overlord today also.
  23. Air France Flight Missing

    Reuters,CNN,FOX et al reporting debris is from the downed flight. Air France stated that the planes automated maintenance system reported TEN separate system malfunctions. Last known altitude was 7 miles up so this not going to have a happy ending.
  24. Kidney stones, anyone?

    Had a few times about ten years ago, only thing more painful is gallstones. The last time I had them there was more blood than urine in the sample I gave the docs. My problem wasn't a couple of big stones but more like a pinch of sand making it's way through the kidney's. Drink cranberry juice and lots of water. This'll help flush out your system. As for pain, I admit it, I'm a baby. Give lots of heavy duty drugs for the duration.
  25. I Found A Purpose For YouTube

    One of my pastimes, seeing what pops up on youtube's Animated Music Videos. This is my newest favorite, with apologies to Falcon..... name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>"> name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="350">

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