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Everything posted by firehawkordy

  1. Swine Flu

    If you are old enough to remember, SNL made a mockery of the gov't ,Jimmy Carter and the swine flu in the late '70s, around 1979 if I remember right. I just tried to find one of the skits with Chevy Chase but nothing other than posts looking for the same thing. The only reason that this had so much attention is that the economy is not selling papers that well any more, the talking heads are easily bored these days. If they can't scare the world at least once a week with something real, they'll make something up. Remember Hurst said regarding the sinking of the USS Maine, "give me the picture and I get you war." BTW, I was out sick all last week but I don't remember being in Mexico, wait a minute I live in California, same thing.
  2. 100 things to do before you die

    67. Watch my grandson get his Wings Of Gold 68. Spend a month in Japan 69. Outlive every SOB that made my life hell in High School 70. Live to spoil my (far into the future) great-grand children
  3. Spare A Thought

    I got a call at 2:30 am today from my son the Marine, he was boarding the plane heading into harms way again. If you could keep him in your thoughts I'd appreciate it. I won't say where because of OPSEC, so please don't ask.
  4. Spare A Thought

    Thanks for your support for him. When he gets situated I'll forward this post to him and hisunit so they know they are never far from our hearts. KB, my last instructions to him was to dial up his paranoia,keep his head and ass down and his mind on his job, then I told him we loved him and carry on.
  5. What is your porn star name?

    Going by the Pet/Street name mine would have been Spike Beech. But I prefer the name I would sign out equipment in the Navy, by direction of course, Richard "Dick" Shagnasty.
  6. Hey!

    IYAOYAS !! Glad to see you back.
  7. Break of Naval Air

    Did anyone read the remarks on the Youtube pages regarding these videos ? Most were posted it seems by people with absolutely no knowledge or experience with NAVAIR let alone the military. Case in point the scenes of the birds still flying are the crew punched out. I remember seeing Navy Safety posters concerning ejection, the catch phrase was almost always "KNOW WHEN TO GO". Even if you told those idiots better to lose the airplane than the crew they will always come back about "wasting" taxpayer money. The worst I ever saw was a bridle break on an F-4J. FODed the engines and the crew punched out as they crossed the bow. Both okay thank God. It was surreal watching the cat shuttle accelerate away from the Phantom while said bird was actually slowing down.
  8. A Little Something For The Ordies

    The Ordies will love this, the common folk will be blown away. This video was despite the description on you tube made for VX-5's Ordnance Shop's end of year party. It has been split into 4 segments.
  9. A Little Something For The Ordies

    KB, reading your comment regarding your crew and memories makes finding these things worth the hunt. Glad I made you day. BTW, for everybody, pay attention on pt 4 at the 3minute mark, I won't say what it is but it'll make you laugh so hard milk will come out your nose.
  10. The Person Below Me

    True, but Nitrous Oxide is a laugh. The person below me got exited when racindriver1 posted about her and a bunny suit.
  11. Man tried to kill his Mother-in-Law with a anti-tank missile

    With my mother-in-law it would have to be an Alpha Strike just to soften the fat broad up. After she's KO'ed have a company of Lazercats supported by Eels finish the job. That failing try the Scotch and Phenobarbital route.
  12. Which countries did you visit, when and how was it?

    Mexico, but since I live in California that don't count 1979: Jamaica, port visit to Montego Bay while in the Navy. $20 got me a cab all day and the driver took us to some very interesting places too. Wink,wink. 1980, Med Cruise, USS Saratoga CV-60 Spain: Rota Palma de Mallorca Barcelona Malega Tunisia: Tunis Italy: Livorno Pisa Naples Capri We had other visits planned but they were canc'd for various political and operational reasons. Of all the places I went I had the most fun in Palma and Naples.
  13. Lay Offs

    The county I work for is in the process of eliminating jobs to meet a shortfall next FY. We've already seen the Per Diem staff get the sack. Next on the list is "Extra Help" and Permanent Part Time positions. Also any positions vacated due to retirement are going unfilled. As a shop steward I have to advise the union members to document everything that management says and does to them so they have a chance of winning if they are told their job on the line. Sucks too as I get along well with the Dept Heads for the most part. So far I've said farewell to 7 coworkers who decided it was time to retire.
  14. Cold Starts

    I found this file at AVSIM..... Cold and Dark Cockpit ZipDive! Download File Description: This file is a replacement for FS X's default situation file, giving you a cold and dark cockpit, everything switched off and fuel tanks empty, on each single flight created by the "free flight" screen on startup. Filename: cdx.zip License: Freeware Added: 14th October 2006 Downloads: 9584 Author: Henning Schaefer Size: 4kb This should solve your problem.
  15. The Person Below Me

    True, nothing beats cold pizza with everything including anchovies and a Pepsi. The person below me can't believe someone would eat anchovies.
  16. The Person Below Me

    False, but I have enjoyed a few. Oh yeah like most of you haven't, it was the other drunk guy. The person below me has done the walk of shame and is proud of it.
  17. The Navy Good Conduct Medal is awarded to a Sailor for every four years without being sent to Captains Mast or worse. Back in the day for a lot of guys that was easier said than done. BTW, the gold hash marks and crows ( rank/rate insignia for you land lubbers) is authorized for a Sailor with twelve years CONSECUTIVE of no NJP. And yes, this old AO1 has gold. BZ to that Airman, looks like I owe the AF a little respect for their controllers.
  18. Breathe...

    As a matter of fact it's all dark.
  19. The Person Below Me

    True and I have the Medals to prove it. NRA Bar 5 Sharpshooter Navy Expert Pistol Navy Expert Rifle Air Force Expert Small Arms The person below me can single shot an M60.
  20. UKMIL Downloads

    Without getting into the discussion about the why's and what's, the site is open again for only the downloads. There is no forum, shout box or anything else. If you are a Club member those files are still up. This post is for info only, MODS please lock.
  21. Cracked me up

    Seen it before with FSX as the whipping boy. And whats so wrong with an N64?
  22. 40K Players

    I have an IG army that I played until about two years ago. Set out on the gaming table to intimidate an opponent were 3 Leman Russ, 9 Chimeras, 2 Griffins, 3 gun trucks that were fast attack and had the fire power of two heavy support squads. Add to that an infantry company of 100+ figures and you can see how nasty a game could be. The platoon commanders were veterans of various Necromunda campaign gangs. I had about four gangs at one time and when it was time to make an IG Company they were all made veteran sgt. or higher. I chose the IG because of the handicap they have, no special powers, no great armor saves and no high powered weapons. It takes tactical planning to win with the Guard and just fighting to a draw against Chaos or Orks or Bugs has it's own satisfaction. I have a new camera so I should be taking some shots of my army in a short while.
  23. A just wondering question

    The last Desert Rescue exercise I participated in as NAS Fallon back in the 90's teamed us with A-10's as Sandy's. I still have the spent 30mm casing given to me by their ammo troops in the living room cabinet, next to the wife's fine dinnerware
  24. Resistance Fighter

    Ought to do that to any Taliban "Fighter" caught with a weapon. That should help counter gorilla warfare Besides the chimp in Connecticut there was the guy that had his face and gonads bitten off by a chimp in California a couple of years ago. It took two magazines of .45 ammo to kill it, and the second mag actually had special loads just for the apes.
  25. 'What the Captain means..."

    I heard about this in the mid 80's, never thought I'd see let alone hear the whole thing. Great find.

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