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Everything posted by firehawkordy

  1. Always Check Your Page 2 Carefully

    All members in the US Armed Forces should be real careful about what goes into your 201File/Page 2. I say this for a reason, this happened to me, the Navy had listed my daughter as my spouse. Why?, you ask did I not catch it? Simple I was never married to her mother or anyone else for that matter so I always skipped over the spousal information when I would do an update. As long as my kid was listed, was beneficiary, and I got BAQ for her I was happy. Heres how I found out, the kid just turned 18 and is still in school but does a lot of traveling with her friends, I figured that she should get a dependents ID card so if she needed gas or food or a "safe haven' until I or one of her Navy "uncles or aunts" could bail her out. While filling out the paperwork I was asked to confirm an ID for Dependent/Spouse, I said no, just dependent, I was never married. At that point I was informed that somehow my kid got listed as "spouse". Well it took a trip to the Legal Office at NAS Lemore, a couple of forms and an affidavit to correct an 18 year old error. While I could have blown a gasket all I could do was come up with jokes and smart remarks over the whole deal. The Sailors and Civil workers at NAS Lemore PSD and Legal Dept were very professional and helpful and made sure that my DEERS Information was corrected quickly. The funniest part was that I got this piece of news on the anniversary of my real marriage. The lesson is this, even though you are single, when they ask you to check your page 2 for accuracy, go over EVERY line of entered material, it'll save maybe not you but your wife or kids a lot of embarrassment in the future.
  2. Century Wings 1/72 SR-71 Blackbird

    While die-cast is a lot better now that in the past, I still prefer to build the model my self. Good looking models however.
  3. The Person Below Me

    False, but I've woke up next to some grizzly looking women. The person below me only knows Cheech and Chong from the movies.
  4. Any other shooters here?

    I live in the middle of the Democratic Peoples Republic of Kalifornia and to show how much things have changed over the years, nowadays there are exclusion areas around schools_No Weapons,Drugs,Hookers_ect. When I was in high school the NRA sponsored the rifle club. We had four target rifles and a fifty foot range under the boys gym. In the 3years I was in it I learned to handle a weapon safely and shoot accurately. I earned a up to a Bar 4 Marksman cert and carried all I learned into the Navy. Now My youngest goes to that school and the Club and range are memories that are slowly fading. Imagine opening a yearbook and seeing daddy and friends posing with weapons, my kids freaked when they saw that one. Even though the pressure on gun owners shows no sign of letting up, the citizens who legally own in Bakersfield can and do use deadly force on occasion. The last big one was a man in his 70's shooting three intruders, one DOA, one crippled for life and the two survivors charged with first degree murder in their buddies death. Criminals also know not to draw on a cop in Kern County, you'll lose every time and most times you get sent back to where you came in a box. Even though I've shot all kinds of guns in my life, I love my Magnum 10-22, a hollow point will take anything out in one hit and a regular bullet will bounce around and tear things up. It's the little holes that kill because those are the ones that get missed.
  5. Any other shooters here?

    Nice piece but I'll stick with my 10-22 Magnum.
  6. The Person Below Me

    False, I sent Boots on Mail Buoy watch, sent them to the Tool Room 50' of flight line, prop wash, and relative bearing grease. The person below me has no idea what what a LAU-7/A is or does.
  7. The Person Below Me

    False, I'm a real Aviation Ordnanceman, Fighter Pilots are just the delivery drivers for my wares. The person below me knows all the words to the Monty Python's "Spam".
  8. The Person Below Me

    False, I'm an Anime Fan. The person below has an eel in his hovercraft.
  9. ok right.....

    Still good though.
  10. USS Cabot question

    Her flight deck was steel. In 1980 she sailed past the Saratoga while we were stopped in NS Rota. You don't know how small she is until you are on a Forrestal class or later ship and you look DOWN on her flight deck. Now I know why they were called Jeep Carriers.
  11. Making an airplane AI only in FS2004

    It's in this post http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=4151 Read Top Guns instructions to the letter as he is the "Guru" of AI.
  12. phylosophing about why hate eMO.....

    My kid has friends that are emo, don't think for a minute that I cut them slack. You should see their faces when I put on Big Black, Iggy Pop, Agnostic Front or any other hardcore punk album on the turntable and crank it till the walls shake. Even more fun when I start dancing and send their whinny asses into the furniture. Oh yeah my girl is usually laughing her head off. She's daddies girl alright, down to ripping off my cool t-shirts. She'd slap that whiner into next week if she could.
  13. n00b threat posture

    This is great news for the server, however, we must always be vigilant against a Fifth Column Noob attack. Note FIFTH COLUMN , not Column Five. If a noob attack occurs in Kalifornia I will dispatch a trained squad of killer Chimps and Black Bears.
  14. F!*&!# Amazing

    I remember the F-4J's on the carrier, I forgot that they were that maneuverable until I saw this. The first Blue Angel show I saw was with the Scooters, and I have pics from the "83 Pt Mugu airshow the year before they went to the Hornet. Unless you have stood 20 feet from a Phantom in tension on the cat at full AB, you know nothing of the meaning of POWER.
  15. Greets from Afghanistan

    Keep your ass down and your weapon ready. Stay safe and thanks.
  16. Sept 11th 2001

  17. "Dear Leader" is dead?

    Didn't you ever see the movie Dave? The President has a stroke and is replaced by a look a like? Then he hooks up with Sigourny Weever.
  18. Help finding new boots

    If you have exchange privileges try the Bates tropical steel toe boot on the Army Uniform shop. I paid $100, no tax and no shipping. They're light weight and give support and with the steel toe you can kick the crap out of anyone deserving all day. I just ordered my fourth pair last week.
  19. I think it's about time....

    "You may want to clean the seat after the report's been made."
  20. Supposed WWII skeleton found dangling above Kokoda Track

    What surprises me is not the fact that remains were found, it's the comments made in poor taste and ignorance. Unless you are a vet of that war or have family that in some way were harmed by the Japanese, STFU! I've mentioned my uncle in the past, he was a Wake Island Survivor and POW until his liberation at the end of the war. While he carried a world of pain and heartache with him until he passed, he told me once that he was beyond hate, it wouldn't change anything. It was something that has stayed with me for over 30 years. As for the ones who make the kind of statements found in earlier posts, you must be proud of your ignorance as you show it very well.
  21. tomcat F-14

    All this is moot, the Tomcat used up it's 9 lives, and is gone. There will never be another. Part of the problem was the pilots who specialized A2A to the exclusion of all other phases of air combat. "What? Me drop bombs? I'm a Fighter Pilot, not a mud mover." If you think this is is jest you were never around some Naval Aviation spaces. One more thing, as an AO I could switch out the Hornets gun in about an hour if need be, the Tomcat was an exercise in futility if you wanted a swap in less than three hours and I'm being generous. In CVW 30 the Hornets were in a higher state of readiness compared to the F-14. One thing still sticks in my mind, in '91 at the end of a Fallon DET, everyone was going home at the end of two weeks of hard flying, everyone but the maintainers for one of the F-14 squadrons, it seems one of their Tomcats went Tango Uniform the day before and even after a major effort it still wouldn't work and guys had to stay until it would. Sucked to be them. Don't get me wrong, the Tomcat was a good bird for it's time, but it's time has passed. Let the Cat have the rest it deserves.
  22. tomcat F-14

    Basically Grumman made sure that anything in the inventory could be carried. They wanted to ensure a long 9 lives for the cat. While most assume that dropping bombs was an after thought it was designed into the airframe.
  23. Cold War Crisis has been released!

    Oh yeah the "easy" AI got me good the first time. I'm still learning to use my units better. I'll have to remember to tank shock the bunkers. One the thing I love is the M163 hosing troops and light armor.
  24. A Little Music Video

    Search and Destroy by Iggy Pop Scenes from two classic Viet Nam War films.
  25. Emergency 4 / 911:Responders

    What is it?

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