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Everything posted by firehawkordy

  1. What Did You See Today?

    A CH-54 Skycrane flew overhead this morning. Had the fire fighting package installed. Yesterday one of the Snakes from Edwards AFB was heading back to home. I love where I work, just outside the approach for KBFL. You never know what will be over head.
  2. A Long Time For Justice

    On May 10th 1990 while I was moving my family to a new residence one of my kids playmates went missing. Four days later her body was recovered from a local cotton field. The reason that this has stuck with me was that she was not more than 15 feet from our front door when she was taken and not one person had any clue what was happening. This week through DNA the one who did it was arraigned, he is already serving a death sentence for killing a 76 year old cancer patient with past accusations involving other children. He says it's a frame up but his past says other. Hopefully he'll get the justice he deserves, unfortunately here in CA he'll get more appeals to delay his sentence.
  3. Carrier Fire

    To add to Jarheads statement, ALL embarked members of a ship have to be qualified to fight fires, the first time is in Boot Camp, after that at regular periods. Aviation types have to do undergo further training for flight deck fires. In twenty years I did five courses, and most of that was as a Reservist, thats how serious fire fighting is in the Navy. As for smoking in an unauthorised area, during an UnREP on the Saratoga, we caught a mess crank laying on some bags of trash having a smoke. Not more than 3 feet from him was an open sounding tube for a JP-5 tank, and, this is where it gets good, the Mag Rats were moving live MK-82's around the Mess decks just outside that compartment. When he was discovered he wasn't wrote up, he got the livin' S*** kicked out of him by every Ordie and Grape in the vicinity. So I guess it's true, smoking is bad for you. And yes thank God no one was killed in this last incident.
  4. Warhammer 40K

    What everyone fails to realize is that the IG is one of the hardest armies to play. Sure if you're kitted like a Space Marine or too stupid to know you're killed like and Ork running across the board is no problem. But what did the Imperium give the IG for protection? a flashlight,err, Lasgun and a T-shirt with the word armour written on the front with Magik-Marker. When I was actively playing I considered fighting my opponent to a draw as a good game. If I won that was even better. I'd be interested in a forum on 40K, I'll even break out the troops for a photo session.
  5. Cold War Crisis has been released!

    I downloaded this as soon as it was out. The best thing about this mod is that it's a stand alone so you can still play the base game or other mods through a manager like Crosus. Even a simple map is a long drawn out challenge, just when you think you're done the AI comes up with a nasty surprise or three.
  6. I had the same problem, along with 75% of the FS community, although I already knew about the attitude of that company so I never sent an email. Shortly after the release of said T-38/C-17 release this issue began appearing in almost all the FS forums. It got so bad that the threads had to be locked. What was surprising is that with such an overwhelming majority of posts, some by well known Flight Simmers, they still cling to the notion that every one is a thief. I hate to say this but Mike Stone's C-17 was done better and is free, as is an earlier version of the T-38. I personally will never buy another product from FSD.
  7. Latest On My Kid

    Well my son the Marine picks up Cpl next month and decided to ship over for another four years. probably a good choice considering the uncertainty in the civilian job market and having a baby on the way. I don't have the heart to tell him this is how you begin that dark journey to becoming a lifer.
  8. Can't believe no one's seen this snippet

    I hated Top Gun, I doubt I'll watch a sequel. The only thing accurate about it was that some one talked Tom Cruise into wearing a big watch. The joke being the size of a pilots watch is inversely proportional to his personal equipment. Ask an Aviators wife/girlfriend/both for verification. The only two things good about it were 1 It was the best recruiting tool the Navy could have ever hoped for at the time 2 NATOPS officers would take the flight scenes put them on a video and make the aircrew watch and point out all the safety violations that Maverick did. I think there were like 20+ in one flight alone.
  9. Dropping tanks and racks/ordinance?

    As a retired but qualified AO ( ) I can only say I have seen racks punched a total of twice in my 20 years. Once with VFA-305 when one of our birds lost a generator during a cat shot, jetted the racks and tanks to lose weight for the climb out and once at NAWS China Lake when an AV-8 malfunctioned the jett switch on take off, planted two TERs loaded with BDU-45's into the runway. Other than that I remember the Air Wing retuning back with tanks, missiles and racks attached. I think that unless a bird was carrying a GBU they would ditch the MK80 series ordnance. BTW, the tanks the 305 pilot punched had to be sunk as they were a hazard to navigation. It took the MARDET on the Nimitz two M-60's and a lot of lead to sink them, I just loved telling them that the tanks were made of Kevlar.
  10. Mod For C&C Zero Hour

    I found this on ModDB and found some new life in this game. It's not finished but it's at a workable level. Name of it is Modern Wars and changed the appearance of 90% of the units. It also adds Japan, Syria, and Israel. It also renames the GLA to an organization that I won't name here. If you don't mind semi-poor English it's real fun. I play the AI at medium and find the right amount of challenge to keep my interest. Link is here for the description and download. http://www.moddb.com/mods/modern-wars This also changes the whole game so other mods wont work and the original units are gone.
  11. French army chief of staff resigns!

    It IS the responsibility of the Senior NCO to do just that, however, the resignation of a senior officer points to a far bigger problem. Look to a massive shake up in the French armed forces. I hope to see a lot of fools losing their jobs over this. My God what were they thinking?
  12. Subscription Plans NOW Available

    Did my part, about time I was able to give back.
  13. Thank You MK2

    Thanks MK2, I'm proud to be a part of this community and have been since the Bio Haz days. I like a lot of members were not aware of the contribution you've made to the site and us.
  14. George Carlin Dead At 71

    Carlin and Pryor had the unique ability of "cleaning" their routines and performing them on Carson with out losing the punch or humor. The Seven Words are what made him infamous, his talent for observing the world at large is what made him great. Two things of the many he said.... On his heart and Richard Pryor: First Richard had a heart attack then I had one. Next thing Richard sets himself on fire, I said F*** It and had another heart attack. And a short poem from Class Clown: Here's my beard Aint it weird? Don't be scared It's just my beard BTW, "Let's get small" is Steve Martin , not George Carlin.
  15. Hey guys

    Keep your head down and your A** covered. If you get back to Barstow and NTC watch out for one of my sons. He's OPFOR now and enjoys his work a little to much.
  16. Andromeda Strain

    In the original she survived. The Doc with the de-arm key had her cut away his isolation suit in order to gain access to the central core. No one in the Wildfire facility died. I still think finding the bodies in various states of suicide was the creepiest part of the whole film because what you were given a glimpse and your mind filled in the rest. I remember everyone in class writing what they imagined should have been the next shot after finding the old man, each version was creepy and each was different. The mind is wonderful, too bad film makers lost that part of their craft.
  17. Andromeda Strain

    I saw the original movie first in my high school English class and later on a rental VHS, I also read the book in the Navy. I was always impressed with how much story was told with so little on screen, the last ten minutes climbing up that ladder were intense. Therefore how is it that with all the updates, big budget effects and such did it not hold me and my short attention span any longer than 5 minutes?....... Because it was BORING, the dialog that I listened to was tedious and seemed forced. I switched off after a total of three minutes. Lets just say that another part of my misspent youth has been violated.
  18. About Damn Time...

    To quote the old saying.... "First we kill all the lawyers"
  19. Happy Birthday Firehawkordy

    Thanks for the wishes guys, hangover on the way!
  20. Record freefall attempt

    Well, the balloon set a record, but the skydiver was left behind. All things aside, this guy has put everything he has/had into this and to be left on the ground. What a heart breaker, hope he does get the chance to jump.
  21. 80's Music/Movies Etc

    Here, this link is to KROQ in Los Angeles. I blame them for how I turned out http://www.roqofthe80s.com/ Lots of links to 80's videos there too.
  22. choppers!

    The H-60 that landed at work asked our security staff to give signals but they declined stating they had no training. The crew chief asked if I still knew how to launch a helo, well I found out how much you remember and how much fun I used to have. And it was a great ending to the year. As for the letters and gifts to the troops, our lead painter's daughter is a Blackhawk pilot and the engineering department sort of adopted her unit. On top of that, both my sons and my shipmates in HCS-5 said that things like gifts and letters really made life a little easier. I guess being "adopted" by a school or group has a bigger impact than one would think.
  23. Gary Kasparov attacked by flying penis-copter

    That's so wrong on so many counts. I wish i knew what his comments were after the penis-copter went down.
  24. choppers!

    Cool, something like that happened to me a few years back. Got called into work on New Years Eve and while going to the back dock of the hospital I heard a helo land out in our east parking lot. After I took care of our OR supplies I went to investigate and found an LACFD H-60, our roof top flight deck can't handle anything that big. Turned out that the crew chief and I had some mutual friends in the helo community so I got a close up look. This was an evac flight, guess your visitor was there for a happy time.
  25. Mega Poll: Greatest Guitar Solos of All Time

    Here's mine, A little to the left of center with some: Agent Orange- Pipeline and Miserlou JFA(Jody Fosters Army)- Charlie Brown[schroeder Version] Dire Straits - Money For Nothing Shadowy Men On A Shadowy Planet - Zombie Compromise and Having An Average Weekend Have I lost anyone yet ? Art Of Noise with Duane Eddy -Peter Gunn Theme I have more but I got a dinner date with my grand daughter. Later

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