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Everything posted by 76.IAP-Blackbird

  1. Guys, a new and great DD is released, the Spitfire Mk Vb is coming along very nicely!!! Hope you guys enjoy this video and will visit the il2 site for more information. Aerobatics video https://forum.il2sturmovik.com/topic/168-developer-diary/page-5 Summersale!!!!! Currently there is a sale going on, i have grabbed some planes, also as a gift for friends to support the Devs
  2. Are here no il2 fans?
  3. Super Hornet shoots down Syrian Su-22

    Same here http://americanmilitarynews.com/2017/06/russia-says-it-will-now-target-us-aircraft-and-come-after-them-following-downed-syrian-jet/?utm_source=guardianofvalor&utm_campaign=alt&utm_medium=facebook
  4. Super Hornet shoots down Syrian Su-22

    The US is more interested in letting this war going on, than end it ...
  5. Sukhois

    I would like to provide you guys with good news, but we have recieved a not so good medical report for my mother, she is bravely fighting for years now. So im currently not doing anything to the Fitter or any projects. Sorry Ejection seat is ready details added to the plane Cockpit still WIP
  6. The project itself was going slow at a point, but steady, they did a great job with their rework of the cloud and particel effects. Their 3D models were really great and optimzed for mass use in big formations. I was really waiting for it to come out
  7. Sukhois

    Yes give me some days to gather the updates
  8. Thanks man! That is an unusual button, will try it
  9. @ Ceasar Thanks for those realy nice updates. @folks how can i activate the radar screen, i knew it a while ago, but now i forgot it and it is nowhere in the readme, or i have overlooked it. I apologize for my ignorance
  10. Testing new ejection seat KS-3 and our engineer has upgraded some panels on the plane, awaiting delivery at the airfield, new parts for the cockpit will arrive at the end of april
  11. H-21B Workhorse / H-21C Shawnee

    And he strikes again!!! Thanks for this great job!!
  12. Mig-21Z

    If he likes to do it, why not. If he likes to sell it, why not. So let it come and we will see
  13. You Might Be A Veteran If....

    In czech rep. we have THE BEER .... otherwise .. i like the brunette girl
  14. Give this man a cookie !!! Great work :)
  15. Check the Mig-29G cokcpit from the germans
  16. Hi Guys, the next stunning Developer Update is here, check it out: https://forum.il2sturmovik.com/topic/168-developer-diary/page-4?do=findComment&comment=441481 Guys im realy stunned!! I have preordered this game in January and have already recieved two new BOK planes for my BOS/BOM installation. Preorder was done over their il2 Website, i have not choosen STEAM, cause this Developer team is just 28 man strong and I wanted to dedicate all the money to them. Check it out and maybe leave a comment here or on their Forum. Best regards MArtin
  17. "Bowling Green Massaker"

    My thoughts and prayers goes to the victims of the triceratops Terrorist in 2011. A nearly forgoten day, but thanks to Kellyanne Conway, the alternate fact master of King Trump, we will never forget it. Heil Trump
  18. "Bowling Green Massaker"

    Hey, we are at Trumpeteers 2nd page, this thing is getting famous
  19. "Bowling Green Massaker"

  20. "Bowling Green Massaker"

    I bet the "World Police Tour" will start in 2017, Autumn or Winter
  21. "Bowling Green Massaker"

    About misssplelling something and beeing the queen of "alternate facts" is a difference @Typhoid, its what you said, i quoted her "news" and she is working for trump, as a bunch of other clowns... there is the connection to him, lets see what will be next Till now, he is realy entertaining, Lets play a game, what do you guys think, what country will be attacked or invaded next by the US? Wait i have a list somewhere... And yes im trolling .... Trump administration is like an accident .... you have to watch it, if you can`t help...
  22. "Bowling Green Massaker"

    @ Typhoid, do you read the newspapers? It`s was the latest statement from his PR Madame "Conway" The "makes america great again blondy" (the female blondy, not Trump) Mh strange isn`t it? Where are all those Trumpeteers? Does it realy takes just two weeks do disqualify "Trump"? I am amazed! How do you say in the US? Thats awesome?! my 2 cents
  23. "Bowling Green Massaker"

    Where are the Kellyanne Conway fans? Come out and show yourself!!!

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