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Everything posted by 76.IAP-Blackbird

  1. The Su-17 isnt that far as the Tomcat, but on a good way Another kind of stealth "Tron Stealth"
  2. 2018 F-35 distribution

    Will be build by Suchoi and MiG, maintained by Airbus/ EADS and called Lavi 2 ....
  3. YO CA!

  4. SF2 Germany Flughäfen...wo?

    Vielleicht läd er primär den Modordner, wenn dann eine gewisse Zeit überschritten ist, dann aus der Cat um das ganze zu vervollständigen
  5. 2018 F-35 distribution

    Than comes a MiG-21 from behind .... the F-35`s blind spot and hugs it to death! by the numbers it would be a 50% loss for Australia! Lucky nation
  6. SF2 Germany Flughäfen...wo?

    Thanks for the info Kevin
  7. classical crowdfounding, it could work and we need someone who speaks nativ english and can contact TK for a business meeting with a realistic and attractive offer for him. Maybe a DLC or the code will be the result
  8. SF2 Germany Flughäfen...wo?

    Absolut top!
  9. I would change the laser designation to simply "point at any object/ ground/ target" Waypoints for Airfield layouts, like beginning from a parked position, those waypoint should be editable, with coordinates or an editor to rework them for any airfield layout. We would need only one Airfield done that way to see how it works and than adapt it to the others
  10. SF2 Germany Flughäfen...wo?

    Wenn du Bilder und grobe Maße hast kann man da etwas bauen.
  11. German Autobahn Docu

    Nah, there is a small difference to the rest of the world, germans drive cars not cause they want to drive, but to be right....
  12. German Autobahn Docu

    The limits are there, we have many parts that leads straight trough cities, so you are limited to 80 till 120 and at Autobahn crossings. You cant pass those places with over 200, cause the people are still to stupid and suicidal to use it at 80kmh. It would be your instant death with higher speeds. but the rest, when the conditions allows it, there is no limit, only in crowded areas
  13. SF-2 Future

    What Snailman said, I can live without any DLC plane, but the A2G modes that are nearly not existant ingame would be a nice crowd founding feature!
  14. To be honest, I wasn`t able to produce a convincing 3D product for a longer time. After my work on the Su-17 nearly all my questions are solved.
  15. The mapping will be skinner friendly, I rework it together with Enocs advise, so I try to garantie a good proportioned UV mapping. BTW new intakes and fuselage for the Su-25 is done
  16. Just to complete the list Su-20/22/22M "new" Su-25/UB "new" F-5E "new" F-4E Mirage F.1 "new" MiG-25 "new" MiG-23 Mil Mi-8/17 "new" Super Etendard "new" should be ok now
  17. Someone was asking for the 25... it gets also a complete overhaul like the Su-17 Wings and Verttail are still the old ones, the rest will be new
  18. SF2 Germany Flughäfen...wo?

    1. das der Schatten eines objects bis 500m dargestellt wird 2. bis zu welcher distance das object in seinem LOD Level gerendert wird, ab 2000 ist das ding dann nicht mehr zu sehen
  19. World of Tanks

    Tier V is pretty good balanced, the last games I had 30 kills
  20. Mi-8 HIP WIP

    Maybe we could ask Stary later for a pit
  21. Damn its Cold!

    8C in Germany
  22. Mi-8 HIP WIP

    The positions of my parts for Marcelos Hip doesnt match the exact positions on the drawings.
  23. Mi-8 HIP WIP

    I have decided to build this bird from scratch, I am still waiting for the files from MarcFighters just to see how he has done it. So far here the current WIP

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