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Everything posted by 76.IAP-Blackbird

  1. World of Tanks

    You recieve this tank for some clanwar wins. We have recieved a british bonus tank, I have tested it and already sold it. Those premium tanks are totaly crap. The Soviet medium is realy nice, I try to find a way through the chinese stuff, but thosenumber tanks.. I have no relation to them
  2. World of Tanks

    Bonus Code WGNY2014
  3. Seems it makes money... I would switch to a more profitable market, but not with such arguments like adding a feature takes so much money. Every fingermove cost thousands of dollars .. .that`s bullshit! I would offer a ground attack addon with new avionics and features.... all further updates will need this addon, so all people who wants to upgrade the game, needs this DLC ... and so on! DLC combined with upgrades and patches.. that would provide a good income
  4. World of Tanks

    I thought the M4 is great but the T29 and M18 are the real fun tanks. M36 is great also but alot slower wih heavier armor, i have still the M10 in my garage with the fast fireing gun. Try to get the german TD line with the Stug3 and JP till the Ferdi, all above is a pain. Ferdi is so damn great i have a winrate of 60% in it going solo. Armor is so thick and the gun so deadly you one shoot Type58. Oneshots with SU152 and stock gun was a Tiger and IS-3
  5. Merry Christmas my friend!
  6. what is DLC ?

    DLC is downloadable Content.. in short Payware from TK, check his website and you will see what a DLC is. This Folder remains empty till you buy something and install it ;) so far all is fine
  7. World of Tanks

    I have bought the Hellcat, i have to say it was one of my biggest misstakes in wot. I had to buy this great tank alot earlier. Its 60kmh fast and nearly invisible. you can sit infront of the enemy and firing.... and nobody knows were you are. Will skill camo and sixth sense for my crew and keep this little monster! a pure fun tank.
  8. World of Tanks

    Mine was ready in the morning in only a few minutes ... that`s ok, but to be honest I have alot of fun with the new Jap tanks...... eating them alive in my Matilda!
  9. Man you should keep us updated with your WIP of the Kamov! I love WIP`s shots!
  10. The current Hind is very wrong shaped, compare the front part with the real monster and you will notice it ;) in short, we need a new one
  11. Make the Vertail larger, this is to small to work right ;) but all in all great bird!
  12. Happy Birthday?

    Happy Birthday
  13. World of Tanks

    Still better to want a tank rather than become a tank (for a woman) We call fat chicks also "Pommes Panzer"
  14. MiG-21 SM camo1980

    You need a new MiG-21 model for your job!
  15. World of Tanks

    That`s funny, your kids are playing WOT, have fun with them! I have checked the Tanks, to be honest, there is nothing I would buy, cause Premium tanks hare worse than the normal ones, they just have special limited match making and earn you some good money. Save the money for the tanks and buy insted some garage slots, I have spend 20€ once to buy me some free slots, but if you do it, wait till they cost only 150 Gold each. So you can get twice of the slots than normal. You should see my tankgarage ;)
  16. Brazil chooses Gripen

    Rafale goes to India and Gripen to Brasil, both companys have their deal and we can start modding!
  17. Those birds are full of bug/bucks, without weapons and 2 of 3 helos for 15 Dollar are useless!?! All of them in 8 packs?! WTF?
  18. World of Tanks

    Those machinegun tanks are only good in groups and in close combat. Im not playing Tier 1-3 anymore, no idea why But I have stuck somewhere between 4 - 8(9) Those are Tanks and Tiers that make still alot of fun and you can fool around abit with the enemy. Im now in the situation that I have also some possibilities to buy some interesting tanks: Panther (The VK3002M is a damn good medium and it fits my playstyle (need to check the other VK3001D)) KV2 (152 mm Trollgun.. anything more to say) KV150 ( 90 mm armor front and sides, makes 300 dmg per round) Type 58 (could be interesting) Black Prince (heavy slow bastard, hard to fight down) Comet (I wish I could leave it out of the line) I have bought the Jagdtiger but I have to say that I still have more fun with my Ferdi, that`s such a heavy armored sucker, you shoot, angle a bit, ricochet and you shoot back! Boom next one pls!
  19. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Habt ihr die neuen Helis von YAP gesehen, kosten pro Stück knappe 5 Dollar wie ich die Paks verstanden habe gibt es immer 3 für 15 Dollar http://www.yankeeairpirate.net/ModelSelectPage.html Aber seht selbst
  20. Su works fine ingame, Nose intakes and Airbrakes are already cut out and I have very little shadow distortion WIP
  21. Uh, the second part was missing... The Su-20 was a bit out of proportions, so my team and I decided to rebuild it simply... This is the result but still WIP <-----
  22. Ok guys, some bad news first. I have encountered a problem with the Su-20, it seemed to be a minor one but .. I couldnt solve it, the bad part about it, I have lost the whole Su-20
  23. World of Tanks

    Good to know, were are rising more and more. Try out this site: http://www.noobmeter.com/ You can check your stats and compare players and clans. Im using also an App on my Smartphone, sometimes very interesting if you have to check your progress.

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