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Everything posted by 76.IAP-Blackbird

  1. There is also another Mig-1.44 made by Heberth, I have it on my desk together with a twoseater!
  2. What su-17 versions were used during that conflict?
  3. World of Tanks

    I love the VK 3002M, this Panther predessesor has a gun that penetrates nearly all Tanks at it`s Tier and higher. I sometimes even penetrate KV1S on the turret, you simply snapshot them and the camo is very good if you skill your crew at it and put a camo net on it. Camo net and crewskill on a medium?! Yes you read it right, it works fine! Fast enough to flank and gun is good enough to hurt. Ich glaub der ist es, ist etwas ... low poly/quality, Ich könnte mal Enoc drauf ansetzen wenn du möchtest, der pinselt meinen ganzen Projekte neu an. Selbst Paulo nutzt seine Templates
  4. The F-20 is more similar to the X-29 which was build out of different types like F-5, f-16 and some other planes
  5. Wow! That DCS Title will be a pure hardcore sim right? I have no DCS Title purchased cause im not a friend of buying single planes or stuff for a game. I like the oldschool style of buying a complete game and maybe some addons with more than 1 plane
  6. F-16MLU RNLAF

    fantastic movie!
  7. World of Tanks

    The Brits have funny tanks, pls try the AT2 in stock and you will cry for month! The Churchil I and VII is a fun vehicle, you can fight even KV1 1 vs 1 and win it! I like the churchil and the Matilda ist so damn great! I use it`s gun to tear down KV1 too with premium ammo. Ok it costs alot but you will get the kill. And under 2sec reload its like a machinecanon! It`s painfully slow in stock, ok iit will not improve much, but if you have ever fought against it, you will know what it can do. I have bought the Nashorn and equiped it with the latest stuff, this thing is fast fireing and the camo is also not bad, but, If you are spoted, you are instantly dead. I drive the Ferdi too and this can nearly hold one side by its own. The armor is thick and the fearfactor huge. You make 500 instant dmg with it. The Jagdtiger still use the Ferdi gun as stock, it`s usefull but painfull too, cause Tier X is simpy to hard to fight it down. And yo uneed 64.00 XP to research the final gun, I hope the JT will change after it. What do you like most? second line as sniper? First line fighter or a nimble medium? And you have to know when you have to fall back,. If the enemy overwhelms one side, even if 2 or 3 guys are stll alive but 5 or more heavies are knocking them down.... run for your life. It`s not a shame, but you can join the other group and fight back with support. Except the other group is dead too J-7III Jupp ist sie, ich habe hier die TK stock MiG-21 und Carlo hat nen Skin gepinselt
  8. You 3D guys should realy start to distribute your work, I do it by myself with various people, so if my HD decides to say goodbye, I have more than 1 guy who has my latest work
  9. I think I have seen one without it
  10. The easiest way would be to ask Russo if he could build an interim version for SF2 one with refuelprobe and one without.
  11. World of Tanks

    That`s the only tank i would not go for. I have many troubles with the 12t, it`s not my tank, the Type 34 is nice, fast gun and nice penetration, smae with the VK3002M But the american stuff I can`t find anything more boring but also dangerous than those strange tanks. The T57E1 and T54E are both damn dangerous. I don`t like them as opponents, but are fascinating when they strike down a heavy battletank with one revolver load!
  12. World of Tanks

    I can send you a J-7III if you like?
  13. War Thunder Beta (1.35) Review

    You will laugh, im using Strike Fighters for modeling and easy flying hours. As I have switched back to il2, I fall instantly from the sky during dogfights.. damn Strike Fighter FM! Warthunder is a great looking game, I had never the chance to fly full real against the enemy. I would like to have an il2 with this graphics, but the new battle of Stalingrad is on the launch!
  14. You would make me happy with a twoseater! A Mirage 3 or 5 as twoseater would be nice too, but those are only dreams
  15. You will not regret that waiting! ... We have updated it a bit ...
  16. World of Tanks

    If you like good armored and nimble heavies, with hull down capabilities. Is the T29 the right tank for you. The 105 is powerfull enough to even penetrate Tigers and other Tier VII`s I have only 86 fights with it and my winrate is over 50%. this tank is worth the money, the Tiger 2 is a bit more difficult to fight with and more powerless with its stock and early engines. You can hold with 2 Tanks a whole side, but don`t try to fight E75`s I eat the T29er for breakfast in my E75
  17. You have shown some pics of a Su-17/20, I have good news for you, a new one is coming soon
  18. World of Tanks

    I can only tell you something about the T29 and Tiger 2, both are great. Tiger 2 more armored ,T29 has a bigger fearfacror than the Tiger. Both are painfull in stock configuration but very powerfull when upgraded. The T29 fearfactor is funny, even IS are running away, i use top gun but stock turret.
  19. Paul Walker died in car accident

    http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-25173331 He was "the" Fast and Furious guy.. very sad news for me this morning RIP
  20. Should be a similar Layout like the current Su-27
  21. Paul Walker died in car accident

    There is a video at YT that shows some guys are filming the burning wreck, just moments after the crash, without doing anything That`s the reason why I have a fireextinguisher in my car... you never know and this small bottle can give you just seconds to save a life ...
  22. Mh remote controlled AI planes, drones in TK games? I smell conspiracy
  23. How to open LOD models ?

    Better to start with a source file from a modder to see how it is put together and the different parts are linked to each other. Look out for modeling tutorials at Youtube and other sides

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