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Everything posted by 76.IAP-Blackbird

  1. yes new driver can solve it too in some cases
  2. Seems it`s the rudder, the poti of the rudder input gets dirty during the time, you can find solution how to clean it at Youtube, have done it myself so it takes just 15 mins for all stuff
  3. I was unsatisfied with Volkers Vipers, they would never fit on a BSG... damn, So i have to make my own That was a very early shot of it done by Spillone who helped me sort out my problems with the 3 engined Aircraft.... That`s the current stage:
  4. Have send you a PM with a pic ;) hope you like the idea
  5. They produced alot stuff that doesnt worked well, the P-38 as one example ;-)
  6. Dont forget to remap the nozzle my friend. The bird looks great!
  7. That SAM pic looks like Iran made it to scare the west! "If you attack us, we will SPAM you to death with Photoshoped Reality!"
  8. NEW WIP

    Veltro, pls check blueprints proportion, looks a bid stretched to the sides, maybe it`s the resolution of the screen. I had always problems to find the right resolution for the blueprints to avoid disturbed drawings. I usualy save a blueprint on a much larger white background, something about 2048 x 2048, why <--- Cause if you create a plane (3Ds Max object), UVM map it and put then the blueprint on it from the big JPG, you dont need to fiddle around with the wideness and hight of the pic. IT`s like copy paste it on it, like a stamp with no distortion.
  9. The missiles on the left are howering too, cool
  10. Those spontanious flight paths are always normal procedures!
  11. War Thunder Beta (1.35) Review

    Review is great, I ma Il2 pilot from the very first hour. So this game impressed me only with the grafics, the FM`s are ... simple, but that`s my impression, the game is for free
  12. World of Tanks

    Im on the way straight to the JT with this method. I have survived the last Noob Saturday, damn that was hard, but surprisingly funny. I was defending with a Sfl IVc and second gun ( the best one) and was sitting in a bush. Some teammates have uncovered the enemy but were shot pretty fast. As the situation started to be very chaotic, I tried to trowh the enemy back so safe the line. My Teammates died one after anthother. So I started to punch out as much as I could, 5 shots ... 5 kills in a row! I haven`t noticed it in the heat of the battle and was positiv surprised as I have finished the battle with 7 kills 23 Matches 44 Kills .. that`s ok but some matches were useless.. they nailed me with 3 and more tanks .. Moron Teams!
  13. PAK FA, POR FIN!

    @ Suicidal Your work is great and you know the comunity can`t wait to fly your birds. I have noticed only one small difference between yours and the original, the back of the wingtips is a different shape. That`s all Hope you dont mind
  14. Hi guys, I need some ini Entries for a Jetengine for a plane that can accelarete upt to Mach 5 or something simliar, without blowing up. The bird has 3 of them. I started with the FM and entries of a Mirage3C and here is one entry of one engine: [Engine] ReferenceName=Snecma ATAR 9B SystemType=JET_ENGINE InputName=THROTTLE_CONTROL EngineID=1 HasAfterburner=TRUE NumAfterburnerStages=4 SLThrustDry=42080.00 SLThrustWet=58840.00 ThrustAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0 ThrustPosition=0.0,0.0,0.0 ThrottleRate=0.4 NozzleAnimationID=2 // idle 2910 t/min - IdleThrottle=0.10 IdleRPM=0.35 IdleNozzle=1.00 // cruse 7300 CruiseThrottle=0.37 CruiseRPM=0.82 CruiseNozzle=0.0 // Max sec : 8450 MilThrottle=0.65 MilRPM=0.90 MilNozzle=0.25 // mini PC : 8450 MaxThrottle=0.78 MaxRPM=0.95 MaxNozzle=0.5 // Max PC : 8450 FullABThrottle=1.12 FullABRPM=1.00 FullABNozzle=1.00 AltitudeTableNumData=10 AltitudeTableDeltaX=3048.0 AltitudeTableStartX=0.0 AltitudeTableData=1.000,0.771,0.604,0.484,0.396,0.353,0.302,0.025,0.000,0.000 DryMachTableNumData=4 DryMachTableDeltaX=0.4 DryMachTableStartX=0.0 DryMachTableData=1.000,0.980,1.172,0.000 WetMachTableNumData=7 WetMachTableDeltaX=0.4 WetMachTableStartX=0.0 WetMachTableData=1.000,0.991,1.207,1.683,2.473,2.750,3.027 MaxInletTemperature=78.0 GyroscopicInertia= TSFCM0=0.843 TSFCM1=1.260 AfterburnerTSFC=1.970 MinFuelFlow=0.01 ExhaustEmitterName=CleanExhaustEmitter ExhaustPosition=0.0,-3.512,1.026 ExhaustEffectSize=0.8 AfterburnerNodeName=Afterburnerplate AfterburnerEmitterName=AfterburnerEmitter2 AfterburnerEffectSize=1.8 MinExtentPosition=-0.5, -1.4,-0.552 MaxExtentPosition= 0.5,-2.8, 0.552 FireSuppression=TRUE GasTempMaxRPM=1720.0 GasTempIdleRPM=620.0 GasTempChangeRate=5.0 OverheatTemp=1780.0 DamageTempDelta=2800.0 OilPressMaxRPM=35.0 OilPressIdleRPM=55.0 OilPressChangeRate=0.5 LowOilPress=12.0 LowOilTempDelta=400.0 Every the bird explode during flight at Mach 1.38, so I thought I will set the temperatures a bit higher so the engine will be damaged somewhere over the standart parameters. Strange thing is now, the bird explodes even earlier... Who can give me a hin what entries I could use? best regards Martin
  15. I am absolutly no ini guys, I have now simply copy paste the F-104 engines into my model, changed the exhaust position and put DryMachTableNumData=2 WetMachTableNumData=2 There are 20 segments at all The plane simply destroyes the engines directly at mission start?
  16. Alternativen für die Lw bzw. LSK zwischen 1955 und 1980

    Zwei Phonix wuerden auch unter die Tragflaechen passen wie Mavericks.
  17. That looks sweet! Thanks for sharing!
  18. Thanks will test the inlet temperature, and report
  19. Як-38 ...был такой самолет

    Man, I love russian birds so much and this exotci one is superb! Damn teaser....
  20. Як-38 ...был такой самолет

    It`s every time the same, we have a nice Tomcat, TK anounce NA, a new F1 is coming, TK creates a EXP3. But hey, that`s why we are here, we are doing it better :D Is there a possibility to release it as a kind of Beta?! Cause i think im not the only one who think it would be a great benefit to the comunity. And on the other side, a great loss and waste of time and hard work if not released! Similar trouble with the MiG-15 and the cockpit, it was stunning!
  21. Як-38 ...был такой самолет

    Does some has this bird somewhere? Or contact addy?
  22. World of Tanks

    After the patch 8.9 the game become terrible. Not cause of the patch bbut of the amount and kind of people that started to play it. I`m not a racist but the whole bunch of Romanian people and "Siema PL" are useless ingame. 1. My Tank is a TD I drive next to a guy in a bush and he starts to shout at me to leave this specific bush, cause its his! I ignored him and he started to shot at me... WTF 2. I was in a AMX 12t, in a Tier X fight, no chance to do anything just spot, So i was sitting in a front bush and was spotting in the hope not to be spotted by the enemy. An ISU152 wanted to havea suicide scout.... I ignored him .. result was, he killed me WTF 3. The first who die are crying "Noob" and are also useless as before. Im starting to have problems with the people, I ignore everyone ingame, all guys im typing int to drive back.... die in the next 10 seconds .. I`m imagine i can kill my teambuddis with the drive back command Best tank for this game is a fast medium or a very well armored heavy... cause you need to go into dogfights!
  23. Mal von Anfang an und für ganz Doofe!

    Ich bräuchte noch einmal Hilfe, habe mir den Eintrag von florian durchgelesen, werde da aber nicht so schlau draus, da ich diese Funktion noch nicht benutzt habe. Ich würde gern den Afterburner skalieren und dieses Skalierte in einen Animationsslot einfügen. Ich habe einige Objekte wie Bremsschirme und andere Aftterburner die skaliert sind auf der platte, jedoch weiß ich nicht wo ich welche button nutzen muss um selbst so etwas in der animation zu skalieren?
  24. I have now the Mig-25 on the table, will contact you with PM about the status
  25. We will have a very nice F-1 created by Centurion :D That`s all I need

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