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Everything posted by 76.IAP-Blackbird

  1. weapons shadow

    i think it has something to do with the ini, not the model
  2. That`s simply fantastic! Glad im part of this project :D
  3. Can you pls export it as OBJ and upload it again ?
  4. That looks great, will you upload it here too?
  5. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Model wurde etwas verfeinert, mache die Lufteinlässe neu, Fahrwerk wird wohl von Matt übernommen, der Typ der das Fahrwerk auch an der Su-17 gemacht hat. Denke es wird was am Ende. Ich überlasse die Su-25 dir zum pinseln ;)
  6. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Sehr gut sogar, habe die Airbrakes neu gemacht, ein paar Dinge angepasst und brauche nur noch etwas Zeit fürs finish der ersten Reihe der Su-17, da unterscheiden sich z.B. die Landescheinwerfer usw. Die MiG-17 macht auch gute Fortschritte, habe einige Schattenprobleme ausgebügelt und das Model noch etwas verfeinert. Muss jetzt nur noch herausfinden wie ich die Exhaust Nozzle animieren kann. Ich werde aus der Beschreibung im "Jetzt mal für Doofe" nicht ganz schlau. Finde es einfach nicht in 3Ds Max
  7. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Carlo, falls Langeweile in deiner Ecke herrscht ....

    Is it TK`s A-4? Looks good in this camo!
  9. Nose & tail bomb fuzes

    tail fuze can be set with delay
  10. Like my new toy?

    Great Gun! Now imaging 12 303 guns in a Spitfire ....
  11. Lim-6bis masquerading as MiG-17F skin and model not final
  12. World of Tanks

    You can exchange gold for free XP, so he has paid for it....
  13. Is There a F-105B...

    Cant you use the D version for the B?
  14. World of Tanks

    The T18 is a funny TD, I had sold it as i have reached the Wolverin and later the Jackson. I try to save the free XP, but if a tank is a pita, I use them, 'Best example is the ISU, I still used the first gun from the Su-152 until i had 65.000 XP ready for the very last one. Try to find a good way for you, the free XP are only generated with elite tanks.
  15. World of Tanks

    Yes I have tried it, it`s an interresting tank. But the Marder III is realy nice, cant wait to have the 88mm on Tier V TD I have cleaned 4 Garage slots for the new TD line!
  16. World of Tanks

    New free tank? Ok that`s nice, during the time, WOT gave me over 5 free slots so far..
  17. World of Tanks

    The problem is, when you reach the 38t na, you will be a scount in Tier 8 and higher matches. You just need to die trough it, than the fun begins again. T-28 is great, its huge, but you can fight down a Matilda easily. A KV1 has some problems to fight against a tilly, but if you know the weakspots... a T-28 is just enough for it
  18. Why not use the Stealth mode? Press the stealth button on you monitor at the down right corner... often with a light in it .... problem fixed
  19. That`s absolutly correct, the pilot died as he fall of the plane during exiting it.... broken neck
  20. World of Tanks

    You are playing on US server?
  21. World of Tanks

    The French are very special. They have some very damn killer tanks like the whole Foch TD`s and the very late AMX tanks, with drum magazine. Whats your callsign in WOT? You can find me under 76IAPBlack
  22. World of Tanks

    The German Tanks are interresting from the VK3601 onward. The lower Tiers can make fun too, but I liked the VK and than the Tiger. But <-- the Tiger is special. The TD line is much easier to master The Russian Tanks start to make fun with the T-26 and T-46, when you move to the heavy line, the fun ends with T-28 and starts again with the KV1 US Tanks are nearly useless up the the M4, that`s a pure funtank! Forget the French stuff
  23. World of Tanks

    I have bought an AT8, still the first gun, it`s very painfull. The fully upgraded AT2 is more fun! But I can all say the Ferdi, is a beast, Storm, if you can reach it, damn pgrade it till the end, it`s absolutly great. You can kill with it up to Tier IX everything. But if you fightt a Maus or E100, IS7 forget it, just fight them from the side or rear
  24. World of Tanks

    I still need 37.000 XP for the BL10 for the ISU152. Still using the short barrel 152mm from the Su152, it`s a pain to deal just 300 dmg on tier X tanks. You need 5 mins to kill one. @ Storm, try out the M4 Sherman, it has a great gun (the last one) and is fast enough. Also the Wolverine is a nicetank and even the T40 is good, not well armored but fun to play. If you like Armor, use later the Jackson, for speed the Hellcat. Don`t golater for the E2 and E8 Shermans, E2 is needed to get to the T29, but the E2 is crap as hell

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