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Everything posted by 76.IAP-Blackbird

  1. @Kevin was the map a part of operation darius?! Then yes I have flown it :) but its along time ago
  2. I am the one who never flew over the map?! Havent even installed it, but I must be honest, I cant wait to test it with my new Su`s
  3. Irans new Fighter - Qaher 313

    I have a conspiracy theorie ... Iran is photoshopped! It`s a pure digital country with PS apes in space (planet of the apes) flying around vulkans in Tie fighter, so emerged Star Trek and Wars .... ok and brother Grimm are the heads of the PS State?! Im confused
  4. Stary is working on the 23 pit so it will be more authentic
  5. not realy i have the source but its a nearly whole new plane
  6. Damn that Biplane is great! One is stationed nearly 12 km next to me in Mühlheim!
  7. Su-17/20 update

    They look realy good, we have to make a list of skins and units we will create, this seems to be a job till summer :D if I count the other versions too
  8. Su-17/20 update

    @ Enoc, will send you a LOD update for the 20 and the early 17
  9. Su-17/20 update

    Absolutly great! The first book is already on my disk the others I have to check, than you very much!
  10. Yes you have to animate it thats right but you dont need a special animation key.. ah damn thats a missunderstanding from my site, sorry I have i a slider for it ingame sorry mate. -animation in max -animation ID in the ini -animation keys ingame you are right mate you have only 10 slots so far i know in max
  11. Uh Sadam is coming, looks great ;)
  12. Its automatic so far I know. You should have set the animation ID in the ini.
  13. Su-17/20 update

    Still not solved but a small update, soviet pilot ready for takeof
  14. Su-17/20 update

    What are your setting to get those "squares" I always get a wired net that looks like Spiderman was there
  15. Su-17/20 update

    It looks great. but isnt it a frame killer?!
  16. Su-17/20 update

    Ok have checked the tailfuselage and all is fine, seems it was just the point of view. Have adjust some small polygons and all is fine test skin: and yes the airbrake area will be reworked
  17. I can offer one thing, Morteza, the iranian guy, asked me to add some RWR recievers to the Iranian F-5 Tigers, feel free to use this mod when its done. But, dont we already have a RWR receiver F-5Tiger?! Couldnt start on it yet due to real life stuff
  18. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Ich habe es mal mit kleinen Kindern versucht, doch diese waren eindeutig zu laut im Ofen!
  19. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Ich schmeiß doch schon jedesmal ne Schippe mehr in den Ofen, ... bringt aber nüschts
  20. Su-17/20 update

    Hi thanks you like our work and yes I plan to create some low poly LOD for other distances, two are planed and adestroyed model.
  21. Irans new Fighter - Qaher 313

    My smartphone is more advanced than this jet ... Irans military realy needs a new marketing manager!
  22. Su-17/20 update

    The ini settings are from the metal skin, they are already tunded down, about the distortion, good you mention this. I have to see what I can make without reworking the whole skin. Have to check it next week. thanks for the info, thats the way I like it, you see a problem and post it!
  23. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Es geht, wenn ich mir die Sachen von Volker ansehe, klappt das super, denn auf den Standbildern sieht man jedes Detail
  24. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Ja das stimmt sind sehr einfach vom Design her, daher muss man sehen wo man die Akzente setzen kann um das ganze etwas detailierter aussehen zu lassen. Ist schwer bei einer Röhre mit Flügeln habe das Gleiche Prob bei der Ye-152 die ist ja noch einfacher ohnte Vents auf dem Rumpf .. zumindest nicht der Prototyp

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