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Everything posted by Sundowner

  1. Getting there........ HEAVILY reworked Alphasim model by me. Model is in game, basic panel lines & rivets 80% done, all animations sorted, flies like a pig.....I need an FM guy if anyone is feeling brave.... Still to do; rocket pods, tidy up some joins in max, skins etc,etc. I might attempt a pit.......then again I might not, bear in mind I'm not a proper 3ds max guy. Anybody with access to good colour unit marks etc please pm me.
  2. The book arrived last week and after reading from cover I must admit it's not really up to the publisher's hype but still an interesting read. I would of liked a bit more in-depth information about about the airframe and systems, more detail in general instead of this squadron went here and that squadron went there type stuff but still all in all a good read.
  3. Does anyone know where I can get this book ........either in pdf or hardcopy. http://www.canavbooks.com/publications/AvroCF100/
  4. Sea Harrier FA2_2018

    Version 1.0.0


    Not another Sea Harrier FA2 I hear you say.........well...yes. Original Mirage Factory max file extensively rebuilt by me, too many modifications to mention, same goes for the pit. Backup any other versions you may have as unlike a lot of mods posted on here nowadays I'm not telling you to dump other folks hard work because mine is better.....you decide for yourselves (rant mode off). You WILL need Thrust Vectoring set up in your controls to fly this thing. Please read the ReadME......without it this thing would not of got released.. Mirage Factory product. Have fun.
  5. Yep, I did exactly the same thing, I know it's been out of print for a while and can fetch some silly money, it's the same with a Sea Vixen book I've been after for years..
  6. Thanks for the replies, ideally I was hoping to get one here in the UK as I'm too impatient to wait for international shipping but I've bitten the bullet and ordered a copy from Amazon, should be here by the last week of this month.........
  7. Try setting it to the same as another terrain, might work.
  8. Try installing it someplace other than "program files".
  9. Pre-Falklands FRS1?

    Hmmmm, sorry I lied, I've not done these for the updated model in the Falklands pack. Once the FA2 is sorted I'll get onto the FRS1 templates again or I might chop FA2 model about and make an FRS1 from it. Watch this space.
  10. Pre-Falklands FRS1?

    Erm....... I might have some....
  11. I could do with a couple of volunteers to try this thing out for me......any takers?
  12. Can some-one explain to me the best ( simplest ) way to make distance lods and how many should be made?
  13. CAP2 Development Round-up

    Blimey, I thought this thing was dead.
  14. All 120+ ALARM missiles fired during the first Gulf War were fired from the under fuselage stations. The original wiring was for the inboard wing pylons until they realised they'd have nowhere to hang the Hindenburg's..... Side of pylon mounting came later.
  15. Did you install DX 9.0c? This is an issue I had a while back, once I ran the installer everything was fine.
  16. Fairey Vanquish B2

    Version 1.0.0


    "What if" Britains 4th V Bomber.
  17. I think myself and Crusader are the only two original (as in since its formation) active members of the mirage factory still going. I was member no5. I still have Oli's original listing of the members somewhere, there were less than a dozen of us when we first set it up and Crab_02 and C5 were the only non European members of the team.We all had our own "specialist" departments for who did what and worked on what.......ah the good old days. Rip Oli mate.
  18. If anybody would like to test the FAA versions for me before I upload them please let me know...... I've also given the basic ( as in non clipped wings) version the same treatment.......just dont really have time to make new skins for them.......they've all been done so many times before anyway.
  19. Thank you very much kind sir, I'll give it a try later.
  20. I need some help here from our pit experts, working on the Sea Harrier FA2 pit. Is there a way to make the 5 weapons station selector switches use-able more than once? Seing as we can hang differing weapons on any particular pylon, I've tried all kinds of entries but cant get any of them to work for more than once. If I were to set them as: [PortOuterPylonSW] Type=WEAPON_TYPE_ID NodeName=LOuter_Arm MovementType=ROTATION_X Set[01].Position=30.0 Set[01].Value=0 Set[02].Position=0.0 Set[02].Value=1 ItemNumber=1 What would be the best way to set up the value and position entries? I'm guessing Value= would be my weapon, and Position= is the angle of the switch? Do I still need the ItemNumber entry? Or am I just wasting my time??? I was trying all sorts of stuff a few weeks back until my little brain could take no more.... Any help would help this thing see the light of day.
  21. Having fun with this.......just about done I reckon.

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