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Everything posted by Sundowner

  1. All markings are currently painted on, I dont have enough information about serials unit codes etc to make up decals so I've just chosen a few pictures from the web for that individual aircraft. If anybody wants to make decal sets for them let me know.....
  2. Seeing as the Harrier FA2 was driving me nuts I decided to take a break from it and give this old girl a re vamp, this was the first aircraft I'd skinned from scratch and also the first MF factory bird I worked on. 2006 I think it was. Myself and Oli spent many nights discussing it. RIP my friend. A fair bit of max work needed doing and a lot has been remapped along with bump/spec maps etc.
  3. Model about 80% rebuilt & remapped...... Pit........I hate working on pits, but its getting there, it'll never be 100% accurate though.
  4. Just maybe a little off topic, but has anyone ever compiled a list of what we lost and gained at each patch level?
  5. I think that the lack of response to this topic is a sure sign that most of us believe it's a non starter, it's easy for any number of folks to say they would pay TK to get back on board.....but when it comes to actually coughing up the dough just how many would? I wouldn't. While we think there my still be lots to be had from this game, TK certainly doesn't or he would never have dumped it in the first place.
  6. Version


    This is a little in cockpit sound mod I've been using to replace the stock sounds, I feel it adds a little extra immersion by adding background radio comms to the cockpit environment.. With the appropriate comms you can set up virtually any aircraft from any nation to play background sounds in the language of your choice, this pack uses RAF/US comms but other languages can easily be added by the end user following my examples. Sorry , but reading the readme is a must with this mod. You WILL need to BACKUP some of your files first. !!
  7. Can't you just make the 66 decals or however many you need and tell one model to use decals 1-33 and the other model to use 34-66 if you know what I mean. Or is it something like decal start no=33, decal end no=00
  8. An excellent mod and a great write up, thanks MB.
  9. Check the windows error logs, they usually point to the area where you need to start looking, terrain, missile, etc etc.
  10. Somewhere.... I have at least 2 skins done for EVERY ANG unit, it's something I did a few years ago now, I wanted to try to do every F-4 unit in every camo scheme they'd used. I don't think they all ever got released as there was just too many plus I thought it was just me that was that much of a Phantom Phanitic.
  11. Have you tried using the "RotatingPylon=True" ini entry to get the weps to stay with the animated wingfold?
  12. A-1H Skin Pack

    Have you tried using the "RotatingPylon=True" ini entry to get the weps to stay with the animated wingfold?
  13. She's for sale at Everett Aero at the moment.
  14. Hey Slack Asses......

    Well.....,there was the??? Nope I tell a lie, it was the.......ah, no didn't happen either. Other than that we all got older.
  15. View File Fairey Vanquish B2 "What if" Britains 4th V Bomber. Submitter Sundowner Submitted 04/13/2018 Category What If Hangar  
  16. RF-101 Camo

    Version 1.0.0


    2 Skins for Erikgen's Superb RF-101 Voodoo. Please read the readme.
  17. View File RF-101 Camo 2 Skins for Erikgen's Superb RF-101 Voodoo. Please read the readme. Submitter Sundowner Submitted 04/13/2018 Category F-101  
  18. Maybe one of our "programmer" friends can make a mission editor that could allow the placement of flight(s) with ramp start positions and taxi positions and maybe even the positioning of parked aircraft, although this would possibly need it to write to the airfield data.ini as well as a mission file. I'm sure Kreelin's old editor did something like this for SF1.
  19. I was going to rustle up a pit for this but I've got bored so it uses Del's excellent B1 pit, hopefully I'll get it uploaded next weekend.
  20. You cant call anyone a thief just because summat shares the same locations etc.........just think about skinning, we'd all have to draw the lines, rivets marking etc in different places just to stop us accusing somebody of pinching our work.....just assuming that the whatever was totally accurate in the first place. If base layouts are correct then there's nowt to stop anyone making their version of it. The terrain might be yours but ALL the objects etc are almost certainly not. Just because I've been here since day one dosent mean I cant tell somebody not to release summat I've already done freeware agreement or not. It would be a big task to prove anything in reality.
  21. And there was me thinking this was a "TEAM" effort.......just add it to the long list of "teasers" that never get released because they never get totally finished.
  22. Come on guys calm down, this is an ongoing problem we are all running into nowadays, there's nothing new to do anymore, everything we do is basically an improvement (hopefully) of something that's already been done. I can see how sometimes a guy can get a little pissed when one of these mods comes about, hell it's happened to me more than a few times and I guess it will again, it can be frustrating when we've spent months & months sorting out something full of bugs and glitches and then someone decides to do things a little differently. This need not be a replacement for an existing terrain more of an optional version. I personally am not worried about 100% accuracy just playability and having fun.
  23. Lol!! I knew what I meant......it should be anti slip.
  24. I'm afraid the place is full of this kinda stuff nowadays. It only takes one line of ini editing or a quick change of contrast or something like on a skin = instant hero/master modder.

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