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Everything posted by Sundowner

  1. WW2 pics

    Some great oldies here..... http://www.mission4today.com/index.php?name=ForumsPro&file=viewtopic&t=14429
  2. drop tank error

    Hmmmm, I'm on July 2012 too ........
  3. Is this a "what if" or a "when" .................
  4. Intresting reading....

    One guys life in the RAF......... http://www.projectoceanvision.com/vox-00.htm
  5. Friday arrivals/practice...it all seems so long ago. just a small random selection.
  6. More Ravenclaw goodness...........
  7. Tornado role demo......

    2 shots in the smoke........
  8. Try some of the patterns stamps m8, you'll probably need to get ps to load them all as they're all not visible by default, create your pattern on a new layer with a brush of about 2000px plus , then use the blend modes and opacity to get the effect you need....trial and error I'm afraid tho. Also the gunpods are not mapped to the same scale as the fuselage, thats why the effect looks different between the two areas.
  9. FGR2 featuring some Ravenclaw goodness........
  10. There ARE templates.......and max files........it's just knowing where... :wink:
  11. This type of thing any use to you Kev ? It depicts a basic "generic" cold war airbase at the moment, but could be modified.........
  12. Thanks gents, glad you like it. Sorry no campaign.....that stuff is way beyond me.
  13. Version


    This is an upadate for the Photo real UK terrain mod, it fixes a couple of height issues, some runways facing the wrong way, some airbase active and inactive dates were missing and various other minor mods. You must have the original terrain mod installed first, from here.... http://combatace.com/files/file/13285-photo-real-uk/ I thought it better to do it this way rather than need to download the whole terrain again for such a small addition.
  14. Hopefully less than "2 weeks".
  15. Here you go m8...... http://combatace.com/files/file/7319-pride-of-the-rokaf-f-4-plane-set/
  16. When I was a kid..................
  17. I'ts a "remake" of parts of different TMF models, long barrel, hard wing......I'll tidy it all up and release it asap.
  18. Hmmmm, Chico..... http://combatace.com/topic/72591-strike-fighters-2-screenshots/page__st__920

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