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Everything posted by Sundowner

  1. Now you've got me started........this was from over 2 years ago.......there's more now.... http://combatace.com/topic/54608-phlipping-heck/page__hl__books
  2. http://www.amazon.com/McDonnell-F-4-Phantom-Vol-Marine/dp/2352501148/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1348076836&sr=8-1&keywords=9782352501145
  3. Not just USMC, but still a darn good book..... http://www.schifferbooks.com/newschiffer/book_template.php?isbn=0764310216
  4. What has happened to pee me off this last week does appear to be a genuine oversight, something that could have been avoided by a quick pm to me. Everything will be sorted in the end....and for the better I think. But it does prove that even regular respected modders can make a mistake sometimes. Maybe a copy of the files readme or just some text stating our uploads terms of use should be put on the file description area....just to double cover ourselves. As to overwriting a complete mod as opposed to adding to it, I would say that this really is down to the original author to say yes or no....ie, permission must be obtained & stated in the readme, if the original author is no longer around the descision should be made by a minimum of two moderators.......just an idea.
  5. Reason for edit.....complete misunderstanding......all is good now.
  6. What my main gripe is that a specific mod have been completely "overwritten" on the basis that theirs is better, as if to say , ignore the old one its crap, no body should be able to just stomp across some's work like that. Folks generally pm me just to be polite and ask if they can add or change something which like Brain32 says is usually not needed.
  7. Just downloaded 4 files of varying sizes using chrome, switched around pages and sites like I usually do......no interruptions [yipeeeeeeee], I'll use chrome from now on & report back if I have any issues. Thanks for you time.
  8. They can get interupted anywhere, no error messages, I used to think it was something to do with me going on to view another topic as it "seemed" to happen when I came of the page with the download buttons on, but I've stayed on that page & still get the same problem.
  9. Its just taken 3 attempts to download the IAF vipers pack but the Blk50/52 pack downloaded in just 1 hit.
  10. Ping results.... Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601] Copyright © 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. C:\Users\Ant>ping -n 100 combatace.com Pinging combatace.com [] with 32 bytes of data: ...................... Ping statistics for Packets: Sent = 100, Received = 100, Lost = 0 (0% loss), Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds: Minimum = 131ms, Maximum = 141ms, Average = 132ms
  11. I still have issues with my downloads being interupted, I use IE9 stock, its weird really as sometimes a small file gets interupted 3 or 4 times whereas stuff like the NF5 packs were pretty good. It also happens with files sent by pm......this sort of issue could also count to a persons download count could'nt it ?
  12. The nose is getting a little "attention" at the moment, dont expect miracles though, I'm no max expert. Another area that drives me nuts is the shape of main gear door , the lower edge should be more horizontal for want of a better term, this would involve reworking the inner door too.....beyond my capabilities I think.
  13. @ DA, the DECM ducts are part of the model m8. Mandatory screenie..
  14. A rare picture of the ASW Phantom........... ....luckily the project was cancelled after just two flights.
  15. Michigan Sunsets

    Second one does it for me, excellent stuff m8.
  16. Brooks Field Pancake Fly-In

    Stunning m8.

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