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Everything posted by Sundowner

  1. The good times.

    Great set m8, that head on shot is very imposing.
  2. Battle Creek Airshow 2012

    Excellent stuff m8, I agree with Major Lee, that T-bird really is the dogs.
  3. Download issues

    I have this same problem with any downloads from CA, been like this since CA came back on line [since the "big crash" a couple of months back] nothing has changed on my pc.
  4. Park full of (fake) colours

    Love it m8, never be afraid to try something different.
  5. Francesco Baracca Memorial Day 2012

    Lovely selection of pictures, that Staggerwing is a fantastic looking aeroplane...
  6. Difficult conditions but still a great show.
  7. Ugly skies at Cosford Airshow 2012

    Thanks folks, sometimes the grey skies can make for a more intresting photo .
  8. CombatAce Photographers

    Great pic Muesli , a friend of mine is thinking of getting that camera too.
  9. IS OUT !....... http://www.thirdwire.com/downloads.htm
  10. quote name='Dave' timestamp='1336474887' post='571367'] Rules: 1. Every post must have a screenshot. Even if you're commenting on a shot. If not your post will be deleted. ................. 2. No "What If" shots. We have a forum and thread for that. 3. You will have fun. To start this off, show us your best Viper pics.
  11. definately a patch issue, I have installs all the way back to last June, I can run them modded or stock & this latest one is the only one it happens with.
  12. Very strange indeed m8, the HUDDATA ini edit has definately cured my problems when using external views, but I still get the stutter when in the pit, again on both stock and heavily modded installs.
  13. Swedish Air Force Show (Pictures)

    Excellent set of pics m8, looked like a great day out.
  14. Guys, try removing the radar display from the HUDDATA.ini , it SEEMS to have cured my problem. [Display004] //DisplayType=RADAR PosX=0.865 PosY=0.015 Width=0.125 Height=0.16666667 Alpha=0.60 InitTime=2.0
  15. Some real beauties there, thanks for posting them.
  16. I tried swapping out the .dll for the April version....got a lockup at 90%....
  17. Yep same here, the "Game Loop" keeps jumping between 1x & 2x [in time with the stutter] in certain views, dunno if this is related though.
  18. F-4 Skin Pack 4



    F-4 Pack 4 USAF Skins For SF2/V F-4D_67..13,389,390,433,435,480 TFS . All SEA Camo. Just copy the Objects folder[ with its subfolders] to your SF2/V to your Mods directory, the skin and decals will be installed. Enjoy. Sundowner 3 June 2009
  19. Various pics of a variety of types over the years. http://www.vintagewings.ca/VintageNews/Stories/tabid/116/articleType/ArticleView/articleId/325/language/en-CA/Lower-than-a-Snakes-Belly-in-a-Wagon-Rut.aspx
  20. Use the TFD Steve, I've resused a couple of tiles[with their tods] from another terrain that only have a few trees on them, once I'd found the suitable tiles I used the panel finder [from sim outhouse I think] to map just exactly where the trees were then I could use those tiles around airbases without ending up with trees on runways etc.
  21. Back up


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