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Everything posted by Sundowner

  1. Jules has spoken.....everybody bow.....
  2. Depends on who your customers are, TK has said that this is a GAME , I reckon that he knows what he's doing & who his main core of customers are, it just dosent suit everybodies taste....[on here anyway] . This place is full of armchair developers at the moment.....truth hurts sometimes. PS, I'm not a fanboi, just an old customer like many others here.
  3. I really would,nt be too surprised if TK pulled the plug on this thing altogether, it must be far more trouble than its worth to him.
  4. Happy Birthday hgbn

    Yeah , have a great day matey.....
  5. Drdoyo

    Blimey, sad news indeed.
  6. There are couple that I know of, but you still need the max file to do it. Photoshop CS5 and Bodypaint 3d , I use the latter.
  7. Happy Birthday Sundowner

    Thanks everybody......got more books & a negative scanner so lots to do now.
  8. Its a naming issue between the folder and the ini m8, just rename the Hunter9 _SD folder to Hunter9_SD & you should be good to go [there's a space before the underscore on the uploaded version ] Obviously no body else downloaded it or it would of been mentioned before.
  9. Hi res Hunter FGA9



    This is a pack of 2048x2048 skins for the SF2 Expansion pack 2 Hunter FGA9. I've set them up as stand alone aircraft as they use slightly different bump maps to the stock TW items, everything else stays the same.
  10. One of my all time favorites....
  11. Am I reading this wrong?

    Quick screen grab from the BBC's website..... Or is it just my sense of humor
  12. HDR......

    Some folks love it, some hate it..............personally I'm just having fun doing something different.
  13. HDR......

    Thanks, its all done by tone mapping [i have enough problems getting 1 good pic, let alone 3 in a row....lol], here's the tutorial which I followed, you really do need to just experiment to get the effect you like best though. Also check out the rest of this guys site, some fantastic stuff on there. http://www.gmap.nl/index.php/pictures/hdr-pictures/hdr-tutorial
  14. A few old edits

    I've been asked a couple of times now to post some of my old shots so that they could be used for screensavers etc, so here goes, enjoy. If you want more just say so...
  15. A few old edits

    Thanks gents, they were all taken at Waddington airshow or RAF Coningsby, both bases are pretty spotter friendly although Waddington can be pretty quiet nowadays, Coningsby has lots of good places to get pictures from and is generally pretty busy. I'm hoping to get over to both bases in the next 2-3 weeks, weather and work permitting.
  16. A few old edits

    Last lot....for now.

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