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Everything posted by Sundowner

  1. A few old edits

    A few more......
  2. What did they say in WW2??......Over??????????
  3. more here....http://www.britmodeller.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=31387&hl=Phantom
  4. Some of your questions are answered here m8.... http://www.britmodeller.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=29492
  5. My new Hotfod grill here's the pics.

    Now that is very,very cool........look better in Ford blue tho............................
  6. Position lights have the wrong locations in all the GR1 versions, correct entries are... [LeftPositionLight] SystemType=LIGHT Color=0.98,0.5,0.5 Brightness=0.03 Position=-4.442,-4.674,0.027 LightSrcOffset=0.0,0.0,0.0 LightSrcRange=0.2 CanFlash=FALSE MovingLight=TRUE AttachedNodeName=wing_left [RightPositionLight] SystemType=LIGHT Color=0.5,0.98,0.5 Brightness=0.03 Position=4.442,-4.674,0.027 LightSrcOffset=0.0,0.0,0.0 LightSrcRange=0.2 CanFlash=FALSE MovingLight=TRUE AttachedNodeName=wing_right
  7. Sunrise or Sunset ?

    Some pics I took a few years ago at Coningsby......
  8. Pictures from the Intrepid this weekend

    Nothing wrong with those m8.....
  9. Waddington airshow 2002

    Pre digital days, seems a long time ago now, wish I'd taken more...in fact I'm sure I did, just need to find them......
  10. Photography tips?

    Dont be afraid to experiment, the beauty of digital is that you can always delete crappy images, unlike the old days when you could'nt tell what you'd got untill the prints were developed. Like you say, your camera gets the job done [i also use a point and shoot at airshows for the static parks], just know its limitations & enjoy your day out, that's the main thing.
  11. File Name: F-4B VF-111 File Submitter: Sundowner File Submitted: 08 August 2009 File Category: F-4 Here's a skin I thought I'd already uploaded but had'nt....thanks to Stingray77 for the heads up. Just unzip the VF-111 skin folder to your desktop or somewhere convenient, inside you'll find a folder called "Objects" just copy that entire folder to your SF2 mods install, all the files will be added to your F-4B_67. Many thanks. Sundowner. Click here to download this file
  12. Sunrise or Sunset ?

    LOL, excellent, well done guys, just too obvious is'nt it.
  13. Blackburn Buccaneer Released for SF2

    Quality, just pure 100% quality....
  14. Just copied my Aug SingleMission.Dll into my Sept install & everything now works fine so summat has definately changed somewhere.
  15. What really bugs me is that everything works fine on pre Sept installs, also like Dave said , if you just hit fly, exit out the mission, then refly, now change your wingmans loadout without it locking up, weird or what????
  16. Yep, works fine on pre September patched installs.
  17. Its part of an ongoing set of modifications I've been working on [with AD's permission to release] & hopefully you'll be able to get it in less than "two weeks".....

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