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Everything posted by Sundowner

  1. Keep yer chin up m8, I'm sure everything will come right in the end.
  2. IIRC that marking is already on a skin I released a while back....somewhere.
  3. March 2011, somewhere over the Med.........
  4. Blimey, cant believe nobody has picked up on this before. I must of been having a "senior moment", sorry.
  5. FSX

    Still using DX9 here Jeff, your last sentance says it all really.
  6. El Centro 2010!

    Excellent pics m8, keep 'em coming, head on Growler is a beauty...
  7. File Name: Mirage Factory Greek F-4E AUP File Submitter: Sundowner File Submitted: 31 May 2010 File Updated: 31 May 2010 File Category: SF2 Series Add On Aircraft Greek F-4E AUP for SF2 series. Tested with Dec2009 combo pack patched to Feb2010. New model, new details. Uses the F-4EJ Kai pit. [included]. Thanks to; Oli [bPAo, RIP my friend ] Crab_02. Sundowner May 2010. Click here to download this file
  8. Mrs. Crab_02 delivers

    Congratulations m8.
  9. Buccaneer

    Stunning Volker
  10. If you decide to re-do your Javelin for the SF2 series & need a skinner, I'll volunteer....
  11. FSX in Win7

    Cant think off the top of my head why you're having problems Jeff but here's summat worth looking at.... http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/showthread.php?46139-FsX-Configurator also , check out some of the other guides over there, some useful stuff m8.
  12. PureBlue, that is excellent mate...
  13. File Name: Airfield Objects Vol 2 File Submitter: Sundowner File Submitted: 10 March 2011 File Category: SF2 Series Add On Objects Another collection of various hangars/walls etc aimed mainly at desert type terrain although they can be used in any you like. Click here to download this file
  14. This is a problem that's been bugging me too but I dont really understand how collision meshes work
  15. I take it he's a little irate.....I dont understand his language...
  16. Airfield Objects Vol 2



    Another collection of various hangars/walls etc aimed mainly at desert type terrain although they can be used in any you like.
  17. Ok guys be gentle with me here, I've made another hangar & in max itself everything looks fine to me but in game its tilted over to one side, I've tried 2 or 3 variations of it but I always end up with the same problem, strange as all the others turned out ok. Have I done summat stupidly wrong & its staring me in the face..........
  18. Well Harold, I owe you one m8, I had'nt got a clue what you were on about but with the help of the 3ds help files I did everything you said and all is now good. Many thanks m8.
  19. Blimey m8....all way above my head, But I'll look into it.....thanks.
  20. Couple of My Favorite Pics I took

    Great shots matey.
  21. combatace upgrade

    Thanks FC....working great now.
  22. File Name: Airfield Objects. File Submitter: Sundowner File Submitted: 05 March 2011 File Category: SF2 Series Add On Objects A collection of various buildings,roads & general airfield objects designed for and tested in the SF2 Germany terrain [any version..] Click here to download this file

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