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Everything posted by Sundowner

  1. Next on the list matey.
  2. Airfield Objects.



    A collection of various buildings,roads & general airfield objects designed for and tested in the SF2 Germany terrain [any version..]
  3. Look carefully

    I must admit that it took me a few minutes to see this, the wife got it straight away..... http://www.britmodeller.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=62431
  4. "Johnny Fartpants" looking for somewhere to dump his load...
  5. Some Sea Vixen goodness..... half a second later I was toast.....
  6. Canberra is looking good Carlo, the airbases in my screenies are summat I'm messing with at the moment, a few new HAS structers & "stuff"
  7. ah, yes, I'll go back & see what I've been messing with, many thanks.
  8. Superb work Stary... Off for a morning in the Welsh valleys..........
  9. Spinners, your imagination is really quite frightening.............
  10. Black Mike on QRA duty...... Less than"2 weeks"....
  11. Did somebody mention Black Mike ?......
  12. I used to use an X52, to get round the spring tension problem I just clamped 2 of the coils together with a couple of cable ties, made it a lot more user friendly after that.
  13. These are the E's that I've found [so far]. Its also worth bearing in mind that in the early days [pre 1971 I think] most wings had individual tail codes for each sqn, BT,BR & BS for the 36 TFW, Woodbridge/Bentwaters were WT,WR & WS.
  14. Also found an RS coded bird 90% done in SEA wrap camo. I'd started doing all the USAFE F-4 units a while ago........Soooooooo much stuff I'd forgot all about

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