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Everything posted by Sundowner

  1. Mirage Factory Greek F-4E AUP



    Greek F-4E AUP for SF2 series. Tested with Dec2009 combo pack patched to Feb2010. New model, new details. Uses the F-4EJ Kai pit. [included]. Thanks to; Oli [bPAo, RIP my friend ] Crab_02. Sundowner May 2010.
  2. Looking for a needle in a haystack
  3. hmmmm might just have to wait till patch Z comes out..... . I also have a funny feeling that lots of the issues that are around since Exp2 are because we're all being used as beta testers for the Tomcat sim.
  4. SF2 F-4 Templates



    My intrest in skinning for the Strike Fighters series is getting less nowadays so I've decided to release some "trimmed down" templates for a couple of the F-4's. You can tweak/modify them as you all see fit, but just remember where you got them in the first place when you release summat. Also, they are just basic as in one model, it might be worth copying them and renaming them with the correct model naming...ie F-4B_67_1 etc, etc. Just remember skinning is supposed to be fun, dont get stressed about it, experiment & dont be afraid to ask questions. Enjoy Ant. [sundowner]
  5. I'm uploading some "basic" SF2 F-4E and F-4B templates as I type this.
  6. Well, you'd better tell me then....or I'm gonna tell everybody about that wart on your.....ooooops sorry m8
  7. The Royal Wedding

    Its an extra day off, that'll do for me.....
  8. Can you make it happen on the Ark Royal too ?....[different subject altogether]
  9. well, I suppose I just had to..................
  10. UK Harriers retired

    Cutting costs, more like cutting the RAFs throat. We used to have the Royal Air Force, soon it will be the Royal Air Farce.
  11. I agree with Spinners here, while it pisses me off big style every time a patch comes out & screws summat up, it's really our own fault, it's not up to TK to downgrade [for want of a better term] his sim, it's up to us to keep up, after all most of the features he's implementing now are stuff that we [the modders] have asked for. The longer he takes on the patch, the longer it is before we get the Tomcat sim.......god help us once that comes out.....LOL. Just my thoughts.
  12. Thanks, it's just the old model with my hi rez skin on it, they're here at CA somewhere......still one of my all time favorite models.
  13. Hmmm, summat strange going on m8, your rig should be able to blitz it all maxed out without any problems. I use ATI myself so my settings wont be much use to you. It's not summat stupid like a sound problem or summat running in the background is it..just a thought m8.
  14. Happy Birthday Bongodriver!

    Happy b'day matey...
  15. Did you try to disable vsync in your "Options" ini ? Its in your Saved Games/Thirdwire/whatever game folder. [GraphicsOptions] DisplayDeviceID=0 DisplayWidth=1680 DisplayHeight=1050 DisplayDepth=32 AspectRatio=1.600000 AntiAliasing=4 UseAdvancedShaders=1 ForceDX9=FALSE ForceVSyncOff=FALSE LensFlare=0 DetailLevel=4 ObjectDetail=2 ObjectTexture=3 CockpitTexture=3 CockpitMirrors=1 CockpitReflection=1 EffectsDetail=3 TerrainDetail=2 TerrainTexture=3 HorizonDistance=0 GroundObjectDensity=3 WaterDetail=2 CloudsDetail=2 Shadow=2

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