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Everything posted by Sundowner

  1. Sometimes it's a joy to go to work

    Excellent stuff m8.
  2. What Camera do you use?

    Canon EOS 20D, Sigma 50-500, Sigma 28-135 F2.8. I'd like to get an EOS 7D.....but then again I'd like a lot of things.
  3. Military aircraft videos

    Classic Royal Navy stuff... http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=joluqa#p/search/0/LFzRtOuj5GQ
  4. Mirage Factory RF-4E/EJ Pack



    This is a pack of 2 additional aircraft for the SF2 series......The RF-4E as originally supplied to Greece with slatted wings and the RF-4EJ as used by the JASDF. Both are made from BPAo's original RF-4 model which he and myself were working on before his tragic death last year. There is no way that I could finish these models to Oli's standards but I've done the best that I can, thanks must go to Crab_02 for letting me use his intakes & other details & for all his help and advice.
  5. Thanks, they're still on going but things are a little slow at the moment.
  6. Hmmmm, been messing with some terrains & came across summat strange, maybe a good "what if"
  7. LOL.....I remember a few years back when I first started doing 2048's, some folks were calling me all the names under the sun for "killing" their systems, I even got some threating emails from some poor soul who blamed me for everything going wrong in his life.....ahhhh....those were the days.. now, who was it said that this flying lark would never catch on.......
  8. Suberb !...just what's needed to kick start my intrest again.
  9. Sorry to build your hopes up folks......it's all photoshop effects.
  10. nope,... I had'nt thought of doing it that way, plus I wanted smoke at the same time.....
  11. Ready... Steady... GO!!!! Speys rarely ignited together..... :wink2:
  12. Some girls.....

    are not right in the head.
  13. Some girls.....

    No mate.......Rhyl, not a bad little show & it was free .
  14. Some girls.....

    more....yes there's a lady flying in the Red Arrows too.....
  15. @ ace888, yes mate.....eventually, I have so many on the go [& so little time nowadays] that I usually forget where I'm up to.
  16. Duxford........tanks?

    Not what a lot of people would expect at Duxford, but the museum houses an excellent collection of military vehicles and yesterday we were treated to some displays by some of the more modern stuff..............
  17. Duxford........tanks?

    Thanks for the comments guys, I'm not that well informed on "heavy" hardware, I dont even know what some of them were.....but they have definately got me intrested. Here's a few more....

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