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Everything posted by Sundowner

  1. Version 1.1


    Mirage Factory F-4K/M RN/RAF for the SF2 series. First and foremost lets just spend a moment remembering who made these things possible.........Olivier ANGUILLE (BPAo)....rip my friend. Ok this is pack 2 of 3, it comprises new aircraft models and skins but you still need pack 1 installed to get the decals,sounds etc, but it does use the stock F-4M cockpits so you will need SF2 Europe installed, I have the combo pack so they've only been tested on that...patched to Feb 2010. Installation instructions are in the readme, its there for your benifit not mine so be sure to read it. Many thanks. Sundowner.
  2. Version 1.1


    Mirage Factory F-4K/M RN/RAF for the SF2 series. First and foremost lets just spend a moment remembering who made these things possible.........Olivier ANGUILLE (BPAo)....rip my friend. Ok this is pack 1 of 3, it comprises new aircraft models,sounds weapons etc....but it does use the stock F-4M cockpits so you will need SF2 Europe installed, I have the combo pack so they've only been tested on that...patched to Feb 2010. Installation instructions are in the readme, its there for your benifit not mine so be sure to read it. Many thanks. Sundowner.
  3. All being well, they're will be a shed load of new RAF F-4's coming out this week...... :wink2:
  4. Thanks Jeff...still stuff to do tho..
  5. Seriously folks, dont take my previous post seriously......I was just pulling a few chains, people go payware because they can, they offer excellent value for their products & any funds gained are usually turned into research materiel for future products etc.
  6. Well......I suppose somebody has to be honest and say it, so it might as well be me; Greed & a general sense of being better than others..........well thats what the opinion was in the early days of payware for the SF series, attitude [tempers ??] seem to have mellowed in recent times tho which can only be for the better. For me personally a simple thanks is good enough to make me feel good about my stuff.
  7. A blast form the past.................
  8. All is not what it seems......... :whistle:
  9. Military aircraft videos

  10. I must admit I've tried all my versions & cant replicate the problem m8, I have the Dec 09 combo pack.
  11. "The hard part with Q and A is trying to strike a balance between total hand-holding and complete flailing" Agreed mate.
  12. FC, one thing that I do find irritating here is the constant "look in the KB" answers that some folks like to bang out endlessly, the whole of Combat Ace IS one huge knowledge base, that is the idea of forums is it not ? I do use the KB, but myself personally find the search function less than helpful [maybe thats just me though]. But otherwise I agree 100% with your post.
  13. Its an EMI recce pod, it will be up for download once I'm happy with it. More on the pod here....http://www.spyflight.co.uk/emipod.htm
  14. hmmmm......funny how quickly you can go off some people........only joking Vanessa...
  15. 41 Sqn FGR2 heading for a photoshoot..........
  16. Money well spent............. :whistle:
  17. I was'nt suggesting that YOU were....calm down I'm on your side matey..
  18. What TK really needs is for everybody to stop telling him how to run his business.....then he can get in with the job in hand, asking a civil question about something that apparenty isnt working [intenionally or not] is what customer support is all about, folks constantly telling him he should be doing this or that is bound to piss him off, there is a difference. Just my point of view.

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