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Everything posted by Sundowner

  1. I get the same effect as RichardG, not only with this terrain though, with all my modded terrains/enviroments......certainly needs more than just the KB fix.
  2. Nice day out enjoying the scenery.....
  3. Another day at RAF Coninsby.......
  4. Crab_02 Returns...

    Glad you got back ok m8.....now, get to work....lol.
  5. Happy Birthday Sundowner!

    Many thanks everybody...no day off though...
  6. Old wip...... I'll see what I can do about getting them finished...
  7. A truly sad time, I, along with many others are honoured to have worked with Oli, a true master of his art. Very sadly missed, but never to be forgotten. RIP my friend.
  8. Sorry, ignore my last post....all terrains are NOT running great, the only modded terrains that seems to be ok are my Germany one, and Baltika's UK terrain, all others are porked in one way or another, SEA with the green hell mod has textures flashing on and off, one minute they're water, next they're not, Korea, no textures other than runways.....Falklands....well that just locks up my system solid.....I think I'm going to trow my toys.....WAAAHHH.
  9. Have I done something wrong [or even right] here ? All my terrains are running great.....trees included, yep merged installs all going to a common mods folder....
  10. Hmm, menu screens etc are now jpegs.....should save a bit of memory.
  11. Northern QRA.... Bobrocks F3, Baltika's UK terrain.....little bit by me..
  12. FC...if you need a volunteer to help with the skin??.......I'd love a go at it..
  13. Exactly......like plough/plow and disc/disk....the list goes on, no matter how you spell Ahit its still only 4 letters & if you count all the letters in the posts at Thirdwire & here, well thats a fair lot of ini editing you could have done....
  14. Ahh, where I went wrong was that I didnt now what settings to ues in ANSI2UNI so I downloaded the UFU pluggin for converting ANSI to Unicode, ran this in pretty much the same way as the renamer function, everything looked good until I went to create a mission using KMD [which apparently cant use both formats together] I got some "blank" boxes in the KMD which points to an ini issue, so I checked the offending ini's & bingo ! all manner of differnt stuff going on there. I then make the mistake of trying to reconvert everything back to ansi [dont laugh] during which it overwrote the backups it had made origionally....well as you can imagine that was one of my biggest mistakes of my life....LOL The moral to be learned here is that if I had'nt of backed up my stuff before attempting this [which I nearly did'nt bother] is that you should ALWAYS backup your stuff no matter how smart you think you are. Thank FC for the detailed post, I'll leave it a while for my nerves to settle down before having another go..

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