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Everything posted by Sundowner

  1. Excellent....release it..
  2. It's the BLT's B-Day!

    Happy Birthday you old fart.....
  3. Yeah....sorry I miscounted....its nearer 20,000..........plus I'm still trying to purchase a copy of every F-4 book ever published...........
  4. OK, thanks KB....not what I wanted to hear tho......
  5. If I try to import/merge an old [pre sf2] weapon data ini, I'm ending up with a lot of folders with a bak/deleted entry in them....whats that all about ? I must be doing summat wrong.
  6. File Name: Mig29 Templates File Submitter: Sundowner File Submitted: 10 Mar 2009 File Category: Skin Templates / Decal Sets OK everybody, you've all been very patient waiting for the Mirage Factory Mig 29 release, well....most of those skins are well over 2 years old, so here's the templates for you to go and paint some of the many more variations out there. Enjoy. Ant. Click here to download this file
  7. Thanks guys, for a while I thought these were lost but it all came good in the end. There's loads more I wanted to do but I just dont have they time nowadays, so I'm looking forward to seeing all the new stuff you make.
  8. Templates are awaiting approval, once they're approved get stuck in & paint more skins....lots more....its easy..
  9. Mig29 Templates



    OK everybody, you've all been very patient waiting for the Mirage Factory Mig 29 release, well....most of those skins are well over 2 years old, so here's the templates for you to go and paint some of the many more variations out there. Enjoy. Ant.
  10. SEE!!!!!!!!..... I said not to realease it .
  11. Early morning test flight........
  12. NP......with a little thought you can set up multiple versions, not only to carry rocket pods, but any weapon you like.....in any combination you like......
  13. Mike, if you have all the info to hand, go ahead post it.........users beware this thing can cause a fps drop.
  14. " OK buddy....everything is gonna be fine......I'll talk you down"
  15. GT Legends

    I used to play it a lot [i grew up with lots of these cars] the main site I used to go to is now closed, but yes there are quite a few mods out there, try this site first... http://www.bhmotorsports.com/board/viewforum.php?f=103
  16. Personally I think its a good thing to release stuff that's not 100% perfect [i do it all the time]........noboddy has yet picked up on a particular skin by me that says "Sundowner Tyres" on one of the tyres on the bmp....... . Also it is the best way of pleasing everybody, you get those that genuinely enjoy the mod for what it is, and you get to please those that like the sound of their own voice so much that they shout their OWN NAME when having sex.. :yes: :yes: :yes: :yes: :yes: ........ See.....everybody is happy...
  17. England shuts down

    I live in south Cheshire, not much snow here [as usual].....just the odd flurrie [sp?] which the local radio station is calling "blizzard conditions".....lol.
  18. How did YOU end up here at combatace?

    I was dragged here by USAFMTL......I was kicking and screaming like a girl at a Robbie Williams concert but it was too late, he locked the door & I've been trapped here ever since......
  19. Excellent work you guys, this is far more than I expected, you really have gone the whole hog.....many thanks....

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