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Everything posted by Sundowner

  1. For Mikes F-4D LORAN mod to work you need to rename the lod....look how its named in the ini, this caught me out too. OR just change the ini entry itself to the normal F-4D entry.
  2. 10 May 1972..........The rest is history............................
  3. Phinal Phlight..............................................
  4. When did you start modding...

    I started late 2002....its all C5,Crab_02 & USAFMTL's fault, they got me into skinning, never done anything before that.
  5. I'll get this uploaded in the near future...
  6. Sorry, meant to say, NVidia 7900GS 512mb here, just managed to get a lockup on the 4th pull of the trigger, I've got the error log if its any use.
  7. Random lockups, Ctrl+alt+delete to quit the game [gives a WOI not responding msg, also give the WOI exe as the problem], straight back into game, same plane same location etc but no lockup, very strange, cant predict when it will happen though.
  8. Monty's old A-6A......with some new clothes......
  9. Caption This

    "Dont use cheap parachutes"
  10. Congratulations are in Order

    Well done that man !!..
  11. Taking plane pics....?

    Nice litle piece here..... http://airfoto.photosite.pl/index.en.html
  12. Hell mate,....you're going to have to change your name again.....
  13. You mean this one ?........ Model by bongodriver [craigbrierley].......wax crayons by me...
  14. http://www.scramble.nl/airforces.htm
  15. Just tried this...........Outstanding..!!
  16. Maybe...just maybe, this is not the game for you...
  17. Just one quick pic [from the 14Gb I took].........What a moment..
  18. Already being done......along with just about every other little bump, lump & whatever......just a matter of time.
  19. Waddington Airshow 2008

    OK, I've created an album just for the Vulcan piccies here.......... http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...m&album=194

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