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Everything posted by Sundowner

  1. Seeing as the soon to be released Windows 11 no longer supports 32 bit applications are we going to see the SF series finally dissapear ? I know I lot of us will hang on as long as is possible.......maybe this is why TK has'nt given us the Win 10 version, maybe he's making it a 64 bit application after all ? Who knows ??
  2. Blimey m8, my win 10 is right up to date & I'm having no issues here..............maybe I should'nt have said that..
  3. Exactly right m8, you should never be without a Big Stick..! Just a 2 man crew nowadays..... More internal fuel ( still has the Bombay ) more powerful engines.....in fact just a whole lot more capable..
  4. After the Falklands war the British government and military chiefs had a re-think, much to the annoyance of the Royal Navy....the ageing Vulcan was given a reprieve and a massive upgrade programme was started.......... To be continued.........
  5. Lots of improvements to the model...........again..
  6. Just saying Hi!

    Hey m8, glad to see you're still alive and well...
  7. Ban decals....that's the solution............
  8. Ahhh, yes my bad. I misunderstood the 32 bit thing......old age..
  9. de Havilland DH.110 Sea Vixen - Skinpack

    A thing that everybody needs to be aware of is ALL of my skins are different in some way, I vary colours, weathering, shading etc in some small way, spec maps too, they are not the same on all the different skins. This is something that I've ALWAYS done from day one on all of my work so if you go sticking the bits that are " common textures" in the root folder of the particular aircraft it would screw up the skins originally made by me ...... The reason I didn't do every squadron or include the FAW2 was to keep the download size down to a manageable size .....FAW2 will follow.. BTW I'm not knocking your work Paulo...I'm glad you like the aircraft.
  10. @ GKABS.....if you're using photoshop just enable the alpha channel to view or edit it , there really is no need to have multiple programmes to create .tga's....whatever the other programmes can do, believe me so can photoshop it's just a case of learning how.
  11. Sea Vixen FAW1

    Version 1.0.0


    Sea Vixen FAW1 new model for SF2........this addition will not conflict with the old model made by Skippybing. Please read the readme and post any issues/bug reports etc here at Combatace.
  12. There is a bug in the old Photoshop 7.0 where by it automatically creates the alpha on a tga .....been using it since day one.
  13. Ahhh, the good old days....I remember it well. And just because the game works on Win 10 today there's no saying that it will after the next major update, we DO need the Win 10 version.
  14. How do you know it's been abandoned? Have I missed something...
  15. Only use .bmp for normal maps m8, any other file type seems to open up a can of worms of abnormalities.
  16. 3d painting in viewport

    For years now I've been using Maxon Cinema4D, don't be confused by the name it has capabilities to paint in 2d and 3d , works with layers and will save your results as .psd, jpeg etc. I only use it on heavily distorted meshes or to line up the panel lines/camo where I don't have the original max files at hand but you can import photoshop brushes into the programme which make using your custom brushes a bonus. Iv'e really only ever scratched the surface on what it can do though. Other than that I'm stuck in the 20th century with the old panel finder and Mues lod viewer...
  17. B-57G Tropic Moon.

    Version 1.0.0


    This model is created from the old freeware AlphaSim B-57B which is a LOT more work than most folks realise. Pit is by myself but not 100% correct. Lots of ini work by Wrench......without Kev's help this model would not of made it to this downloads section. Read the readme and enjoy.
  18. SF2 F-4D IRIAF



    This will give you yet another F-4 to fly... For SF2/SF2V........read the readme
  19. View File B-57G Tropic Moon. This model is created from the old freeware AlphaSim B-57B which is a LOT more work than most folks realise. Pit is by myself but not 100% correct. Lots of ini work by Wrench......without Kev's help this model would not of made it to this downloads section. Read the readme and enjoy. Submitter Sundowner Submitted 04/12/2021 Category B-57  
  20. There used to be a TW colour picker tool/utility........dont know if its in the downloads section....maybe for SF1.

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