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Everything posted by Sundowner

  1. Don't dive into anything just yet m8.....the model has been updated......a few times since then....
  2. Hmmm, cant replicate that here m8.......each door is in 2 parts....inner/outer but I still cant get the effect you're showing me there in lod viewer.
  3. View File Sea Harrier FA2_2018 Not another Sea Harrier FA2 I hear you say.........well...yes. Original Mirage Factory max file extensively rebuilt by me, too many modifications to mention, same goes for the pit. Backup any other versions you may have as unlike a lot of mods posted on here nowadays I'm not telling you to dump other folks hard work because mine is better.....you decide for yourselves (rant mode off). You WILL need Thrust Vectoring set up in your controls to fly this thing. Please read the ReadME......without it this thing would not of got released.. Mirage Factory product. Have fun. Submitter Sundowner Submitted 11/21/2018 Category Other  
  4. Yes m8.....gear doors are still old model....wheels are new....was'nt the original model made by Monty_cz many many years ago?
  5. This was made from the original original TMF FRS1......LOL
  6. Yet another rework of this model........
  7. View File Gloster Javelin FAW9/9R This is a much modified model made from the original Veltro2k Javelin max file. I does NOT replace any of the previously released work, it is an entirely separate aircraft. Most parts reworked, remapped, bump & spec maps, new pit. Please read the readme.....its for YOUR benefit not mine ! Thanks again to Veltro2k for allowing me to release this. Submitter Sundowner Submitted 11/09/2020 Category Other  
  8. Spey engines + RF-4 nose = RF-4K....
  9. Gloster Javelin FAW9/9R

    Version 1.0.0


    This is a much modified model made from the original Veltro2k Javelin max file. I does NOT replace any of the previously released work, it is an entirely separate aircraft. Most parts reworked, remapped, bump & spec maps, new pit. Please read the readme.....its for YOUR benefit not mine ! Thanks again to Veltro2k for allowing me to release this.
  10. Long mission ahead.........................
  11. Well folks I'm having some issues with bump maps when saved as .dds, take a look at the pic below.... See all the little "whitish" bits ? they are not intentsional scratches or paint blemishes, they are actually being generated by the bump maps, if I save as .bmp all those little marks are not there just rivets and lines bump mapped as they should be. The easy way would be to just continue using .bmp's as they work just fine but these Vixens all use 7 maps so 7 x 4096 maps as well as the spec maps and skin itself add up to quite a size. These are my bump map settings....... And these are my .dds settings..... Any ideas.....am I just saving them wrong ?
  12. Thanks guys....I'll try some of your suggestions........I didnt realise we can use jpeg's for bump maps.
  13. Double check your .lod and .LOD name entries mate, if the dont match the model they wont show.
  14. I made some cooling towers for the UK terrain.....use those if they're what you need.
  15. No working extending nose gear on either models...........Numerous ways have been tried by a few of us over the years but I'll be trying summat new with the TMF birds over the next few days........
  16. I'll check my stuff later....I've lost track of what is what.........I have one with bump maps too
  17. Already been done m8........Spinners latest Jag "what if" has the needed files.
  18. Is that the Just Flight model from CGTrader ?
  19. It's full name was RAF Martlesham Heath, looking pretty good to me but I'll have a look through my books and see if there's any good photos for you.
  20. Time for a bit of flying today......
  21. Have you tried changing the Co-Pilot entry of the external model to something that uses the "ShowfromCockpit=False" entry?

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