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Posts posted by Sundowner

  1. 21 hours ago, bazillius said:

     As to Windows 10 Home. You doing something. You doing something long time, phoitoshop or else, or you playing. Windows write to you "so i am updated and i need to restart!" you click "later", and continue playing. After some time its again  "i am updated and i need to restart!" you click "later". you are playing and windowas write "i do not care what are you doing, i will restart myself" and begins to restart. You are siting and thinking, who is main it this room, me or Windows 10? And there is no way to turn this off on Home edition. It is rare now. but year befor it was wery often and was killing my psychik.

    It can be setup to only install updates on shutdown , I have Win 10 home edition and have only had this happen once, after that I  went into settings/updates and changed the way updates are installed.

    Windows 10 is not as hard as most folks make out, it's just usually a case of "ask Google" when you get stuck.

  2. Getting there........:wink:



    HEAVILY reworked Alphasim model by me.

    Model is in game, basic panel lines & rivets 80% done, all animations sorted, flies like a pig.....I need an FM guy if anyone is feeling brave....

    Still to do;

    rocket pods, tidy up some joins in max, skins etc,etc.

    I might attempt a pit.......then again I might not, bear in mind I'm not a proper 3ds max guy.

    Anybody with access to good colour unit marks etc please pm me.





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  3. Sea Harrier FA2_2018

    Not another Sea Harrier FA2 I hear you say.........well...yes.

    Original Mirage Factory max file extensively rebuilt by me, too many modifications to mention, same goes for the pit.

    Backup any other versions you may have as unlike a lot of mods posted on here nowadays I'm not telling you to dump other folks hard work because mine is better.....you decide for yourselves (rant mode off).

    You WILL need Thrust Vectoring set up in your controls to fly this thing.

    Please read the ReadME......without it this thing would not of got released..:biggrin:

    Mirage Factory product.

    Have fun.


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  4. 15 hours ago, streakeagle said:

    I found it odd that I couldn't find even one downloadable PDF reference for this book. Either google is blocking links to less than honest file hosting sites, or this book is really rare and not very popular.

    Yep, I did exactly the same thing, I know it's been out of print for a while and can fetch some silly money, it's the same with a Sea Vixen book I've been after for years..

  5. I think myself and Crusader are the only two original (as in since its formation) active members of the mirage factory still going. I was member no5. I still have Oli's original listing of the members somewhere, there were less than a dozen of us when we first set it up and Crab_02 and C5 were the only non European members of the team.We all had our own "specialist" departments for who did what and worked on what.......ah the good old days.

    Rip Oli mate:salute:.

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