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Posts posted by Sundowner

  1. 14 hours ago, Menrva said:

    Man, I totally did NOT question the fact users may want to use such functions because those are not realistic. I simply stated why TK didn't include them nor highlighted them; his SF series is described as a lite flight sim, so realism is still a factor in his original product. This is not an arcade flight sim like Ace Combat, so I don't see why TK should have included such "rearm while in flight" option by default. So, it is a cheat in my view and in TK's as well.

    I'm the one working on the Moon and Mars terrains, but that does not imply I despise realism, nor I criticize those who would like to rearm in-flight.

    My apologies if my opinion wasn't clear enough.

    No worries m8, I did take it that you were trying to put down what the guy was trying to do but I do also see your point......we all have our pet likes and dislikes regarding what happens within SF.


    ps, keep your great work.

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  2. Does it really matter what an individual wants to do with their game [ keywords being THEIR and GAME ] be it realistic or not ? The game offers the option to start in the air ....how realistic is that?

    They are not cheats, they are just another way of using what TK made available........hell we even have moon and mars stuff being worked on.....how "realistic" is that ?

    Like Wrench, I've been with the SF series since day one and seen sooooooo many cheats/workarounds call them what you like, but they are what keep folks interested in SF, it's the whole idea of being mod-able......letting the end user enjoy the game as they want to.

    Just my opinion...:wink:

    • Like 5

  3. 8 hours ago, sophocles said:

    Truly gorgeous Sundowner, love what you've done with the front canopy area.. must've been a bit tricky!!:good::good:

    Thanks, although I cant take all the credit here. I did'nt make the original model I downloaded it from the net [freeware of course] it looked pretty good to start with but I have to admit that the only part I havent needed to to completely re-do has been the radome....so far, the area around the cockpit being one that I keep returning to as I'm still not 100% happy with it.

    I'm too lazy to start a model from scratch but I might as well have done really as once I started skinning it that's when I realised just how far out most of it was....:stars: every single part has been totally remapped and changed in one way or another.

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    • Thanks 2

  4. Cheers Kev....13mm that's a hell of a size.

    My bowel suddenly burst so I ended up being blue lighted into hospital for emergency surgery, after a few days they realised things were not going as they should be........rushed into surgery again, this time was more successful but certainly not a nice experience.

    So after a lot of tubes/drains etc I've finally been released home with a bag to collect my "stuff" and a set of wounds that need daily attention......at least I'm home now.

    • Sad 2

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