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Everything posted by Eagle114th

  1. I just found out that if I tried to tweak SystemMenuHotspot, it will cause CTD. Is anyone out there able to tweak the size and position of SystemMenuHotspot? UPDATE: I found a way to edit it. I copied the entities from SYSTEMMENU.INI and pasted into MAINSCREEN.INI. It works, I am able to change the position and size of System Menu icon.
  2. That is no problems. With your help, I am able to figure out the basic way of animating several buttons for "normal", "Mouse over", and "Mouse down" animation. The project is looking good so far. For now, I am scratching my head over the biggest challenges: Option page, since there is a dial switch (buttons). So i wonder how to animate that when selecting different page in option. It'll be an interesting challenge.
  3. I am able to successfully use three buttons. However, I am unable to get "NumFrame=3" working. For now, I got it working by this method: //---------------------------------------------------- //New Menu - INSTANT ACTION [InstantActionHotspot] MenuItemType=HOTSPOT UseHotSpotImage=FALSE NormalAnimation=InstantActionAnimation0 MouseOverAnimation=InstantActionAnimation1 MouseDownAnimation=InstantActionAnimation2 Position=661.5,161 ButtonSetting=MenuButtonSetting InfoTextSetting=InfoTextSetting InfoTextStringID=TXT_MENU_INSTANTACTION_INFO // BUTTON ------------- [InstantActionAnimation0] AnimationFilename=INSTANTACTION0.bmp LoopingAnimation=TRUE NumFrames=1 TicksPerFrame=0 TransparentBackground=FALSE Width=234 Height=45 [InstantActionAnimation1] AnimationFilename=INSTANTACTION1.bmp LoopingAnimation=TRUE NumFrames=1 TicksPerFrame=0 TransparentBackground=FALSE Width=234 Height=45 [InstantActionAnimation2] AnimationFilename=INSTANTACTION2.bmp LoopingAnimation=TRUE NumFrames=1 TicksPerFrame=0 TransparentBackground=FALSE Width=234 Height=45 Can I ask you for an example how to use NumFrames = 3?
  4. Yes, I am still learning more about how this works. I made sure the filename defined in .ini matches the one in directory. Here is the code: //----------------------------- //New Menu - SINGLE MISSION [SingleMissionHotspot] MenuItemType=TEXTBUTTON DestinationMenu=SingleMissionScreen TextSetting=MainMenuText ButtonSetting=MenuButtonSetting TextStringID=TXT_MENU_SINGLEMISSION TextPosition=790,330 InfoTextSetting=InfoTextSetting InfoTextStringID=TXT_MENU_SINGLEMISSION_INFO // BUTTON --------------- [InstantActionAnimation] AnimationFilename=InstantAction1.bmp LoopingAnimation=TRUE NumFrames=1 TicksPerFrame=0 TransparentBackground=TRUE Here is the files: Still won't show up on the screen. I am going to do further testing to see what is going on. UPDATE: I found the reasons why it wasn't working. I had to save the image picture as .bmp WITHOUT transparent background. By just renaming .png or .tga with transparent background to .bmp won't work in SF2. Hence, I will have to use a raw .bmp files, in order, to get it showing up on SF2. I could go either .bmp or .jpg. Should I go with .jpg, in order, to use the smaller file size? It won't look much differnt with smaller file size. It will save people from downloading a larger file size. I am going to work on NuMFrame = 3 now. (Crosses my fingers)
  5. As always, thank you for the advice! 1) I tried it with .tga, .bmp, and .png, it won't show up on the screen. If I use .jpg, then it will show up. That is very confusing part for me. I tried ODS 30, .bmp button, it appears on the screen. What makes it even more odd is that, I copied the mainscreen.ini from ODS 30 for testing purpose and swapped ODS button with mine (as .bmp, .tga, and .png), it still refuses to show up on the screen. I attached my button graphic files here, so if it is okay with you, can you check it out? 2) That is very interesting! As soon I finally get the button working, I will test it with NuMFrame = 3. InstantAction.rar
  6. Hello everyone, While I was working on SF2 new MENU / GUI project, I realized that I really want to finish working on updating an ordinance list. The reasons: I missed the old day of Jane's FA when I could view the list of ordinance that is separated between AA (Air to Air) / AS (Air to Surface). I decided to work on it, so anyone who wants this can also enjoy SF2 with new ordinance list. I created the notes with abbreviations I am using for the list. The feedbacks are welcomed as always. I will happily update the list if the community wants to see any abbreviations modified, changed, or added. Here is the list: Abbreviations -------------------------------------------------------- <MISSILE PLATFORM - TYPES> AAM AIR TO AIR MISSILE ALCM AIR-LAUNCHED CRUISE MISSILE AGM AIR TO GROUND MISSILE ARM ANTI-RADIATION MISSILE ASM AIR TO SURFACE MISSILE AShM ANTI-SHIP MISSILE M-SAM MOBILE SAM SAM SURFACE TO AIR MISSILE <MISSILE - GUIDANCE TYPES> ARH ACTIVE RADAR HOMING CG COMMAND GUIDANCE CLOS COMMAND TO LINE-OF-SIGHT SARH SEMI-ACTIVE RADAR HOMING LG LASER-GUIDANCE LOSBR LINE-OF-SIGHT BEAM RIDING INS INERTIAL NAVIGATION SYSTEM IR INFRARED HOMING IIR IMAGING INFRARED GUI TGM TELEVISION GUIDANCE TV ELECTRO-OPTICAL GUIDANCE RA RADAR ALTIMETER GUIDANCE RC RADIO COMMAND RL RADIO LINK <BOMB - TYPES> CBU (CLUSTER BOMB UNIT) FFD FREE-FALL DEMOLITION GBU (GLIDE BOMB UNIT) GPB GENERAL-PURPOSE BOMB LGB LASER-GUIDED BOMB LDGPB LOW-DRAG GENERAL-PURPOSE BOMB NPB NAPALM BOMB PGM PRECISION GUIDED MUNITION <ROCKET - TYPES> AP ARMOR PIERCING FFAR FOLDING-FIN AIRCRAFT ROCKET HE HIGH EXPLOSIVE HVAR HIGH VELOCITY AIRCRAFT ROCKET <OTHER> DT DROP TANK ECM ELECTRONIC COUNTERMEASURES GP GUN POD RACK ORDINANCE RACK RL ROCKET LAUNCHER RP ROCKET PROJECTILE TGP TARGETING POD Here is the updated list of SF2 ordinances: NOTE: You will see duplicated names for drop tanks, don't worry about it. It is connected to the aircraft. You won't see duplicated drop tanks in SF2 Menu. This list is directly copied from weapondata. The list is still WIP, there are probably mistakes I have not seen before. So please let me know if you see anything needs fixing in the list. <AIR TO AIR MISSILES> (AAM) AIM-4D Falcon (IR) (AAM) AIM-7D Sparrow (SARH) (AAM) AIM-7E Sparrow (SARH) (AAM) AIM-7E-2 Sparrow (SARH) (AAM) AIM-7E-4 Sparrow (SARH) (AAM) AIM-7F Sparrow (SARH) (AAM) AIM-7M Sparrow (SARH) (AAM) AIM-7P Sparrow (SARH) (AAM) AIM-9B Sidewinder (IR) (AAM) AIM-9D Sidewinder (IR) (AAM) AIM-9E Sidewinder (IR) (AAM) AIM-9E-2 Sidewinder (IR) (AAM) AIM-9F Sidewinder (IR) (AAM) AIM-9G Sidewinder (IR) (AAM) AIM-9H Sidewinder (IR) (AAM) AIM-9J Sidewinder (IR) (AAM) AIM-9L Sidewinder (IR) (AAM) AIM-9M Sidewinder (IR) (AAM) AIM-9N Sidewinder (IR) (AAM) AIM-9P Sidewinder (IR) (AAM) AIM-9P-2 Sidewinder (IR) (AAM) AIM-9P-3 Sidewinder (IR) (AAM) AIM-9P-4 Sidewinder (IR) (AAM) AIM-9P-5 Sidewinder (IR) (AAM) AIM-54A Phoenix (SARH / ARH) (AAM) Matra R.530 (SARH / IR) (AAM) Matra R.530E (SARH / IR) (AAM) Matra R.550 Magic (IR) (AAM) Matra R.550 Magic 2 (IR) (AAM) Shafrir-1 (IR) (AAM) Shafrir-2 (IR) (AAM) Python-3 (IR) (AAM) Firestreak (IR) (AAM) Red Top (IR) (AAM) Sky Flash (SARH) (AAM) V3A Kukri (IR) (AAM) V3B Kukri (IR) (AAM) RS-2US "AA-1 Alkali-B" (LOSBR) (AAM) R-3S "AA-2 Atoll-A" (IR) (AAM) R-13M "AA-2 Atoll-D" (IR) (AAM) R-23R "AA-7 Apex-A" (SARH) (AAM) R-23T "AA-7 Apex-B" (IR) (AAM) R-24R "AA-7 Apex-C" (SARH) (AAM) R-24T "AA-7 Apex-D" (IR) (AAM) R-60T "AA-8 Aphid-A" (IR) (AAM) R-60M "AA-8 Aphid-B" (IR) -------------------------------------------- < BOMBS > (CBU) CBU-24B Cluster Bomb (CBU) Mk.20 Rockeye II (FFD) M-117 750-lb Bomb (GPB) AN-M57 250-lb Bomb (GPB) AN-M64 500-lb Bomb (GPB) UK 250-lb Bomb (GPB) UK 540-lb Bomb (GPB) UK 1000-lb Bomb (GPB) FAB-100 100-kg Bomb (GPB) FAB-250 250-kg Bomb (GPB) FAB-500 500-kg Bomb (LDGPB) Mk.81 250-lb Bomb (LDGPB) Mk.82 500-lb Bomb (LDGPB) Mk.82 Snakeye (LDGPB) Mk.83 1000-lb Bomb (LDGPB) Mk.84 2000-lb Bomb (LGB) GBU-12 Paveway (LG) (LGB) GBU-12 Paveway II (LG) (LGB) GBU-10 Paveway (LG) (LGB) GBU-10 Paveway II (LG) (NPB) BLU-1 Napalm (PGM) Mk.1 Walleye I (TGM) (PGM) Mk.5 Walleye II (TGM) (PGM) Mk.21 Walleye I ERDL (TGM) (PGM) Mk.23 Walleye II ERDL (TGM) (PGM) GBU-8 HOBOS (TGM) -------------------------------------------- <AIR TO GROUND MISSILES> (ARM) AGM-45A Shrike (ARM) AGM-45B Shrike (ARM) AGM-78A Standard ARM (ARM) AGM-78B Standard ARM (ARM) AGM-78C Standard ARM (ARM) AGM-78D Standard ARM (AShM) AGM-84A Harpoon (RA / ARH) (AShM) AGM-84C Harpoon (RA / ARH) (AShM) AGM-84D Harpoon (RA / ARH) (AShM) K-10S "AS-2 Kipper" (INS / RL) (AShM) Kh-22 "AS-4 Kitchen" (INS / ARH) (ALCM / AShM) KSR-5 "AS-6 Kingfish" (INS / ARH) (ASM) AGM-65A Maverick (TV) (ASM) AGM-65B Maverick (TV) -------------------------------------------- <ROCKET LAUNCHERS> (RL) LAU-3 Rocket Pod (RL) LAU-10 Rocket Pod (RL) LAU-32 Rocket Pod (RL) LAU-33 Rocket Pack (RL) Matra 155 Rocket Pod (RL) 2" Microcell Rocket Pack (RL) 2" Microcell Rocket Pack (RL) JL-100 Rocket Pod (RL) UB-16-57 Rocket Pod (RL) UB-32-57 Rocket Pod -------------------------------------------- <GUN PODS> (GP) SUU-11 Gun Pod (7.62x51mm) (GP) SUU-23 Gun Pod (20mm) (GP) Mk.4 Gun Pod (20mm) (GP) 30mm Aden Gun Pack -------------------------------------------- <DROP TANKS> (DT) 75-gal Drop Tank (DT) 100-gal Drop Tank (DT) 150-gal Drop Tank (DT) 170-gal Drop Tank (DT) 195-gal Drop Tank (DT) 175-gal Ventral Drop Tank (DT) 200-gal Drop Tank (DT) 230-gal Drop Tank (DT) 250-gal Drop Tank (DT) 275-gal Drop Tank (DT) 280-gal Drop Tank (DT) 300-gal Drop Tank (DT) 335-gal Drop Tank (DT) 370-gal Drop Tank (DT) 450-gal Drop Tank (DT) 500-ltr Supersonic Tank (DT) 600-gal Drop Tank (DT) 610-gal Drop Tank (DT) 625-ltr Drop Tank (DT) 650-gal Drop Tank (DT) 1300-ltr Drop Tank (DT) 1700-ltr Drop Tank (DT) 293-gal Drop Tank -------------------------------------------- <RACKS> (RACK) A/A37B-5 TER (RACK) A/A-37B-6 MER (RACK) NAPGACH (RACK) Harrier Twin Store Carrier (RACK) Mirage Twin Bomb Rack (RACK) LAU-88A/A (RACK) LAU-105 DRA (RACK) F-105 Twin AIM-9 Rail (RACK) RPK10 Bomb Rack Fuel (RACK) APU-60-II -------------------------------------------- <TARGETING POD> (TGP) AN/AVQ-23A/B Pave Spike -------------------------------------------- <ECM> (ECM) AN/ALQ-71 (ECM) AN/ALQ-101 (ECM) AN/ALQ-119 (ECM) AN/ALQ-131 -------------------------------------------- <SAM> (SAM) RIM-2F Terrier HTR-3 (SARH) (SAM) RIM-7E Sea Sparrow (SARH) (SAM) RIM-7H NATO Sea Sparrow (SARH) (SAM) RIM-66B Standard MR (SARH) (SAM) "SA-2B Guideline Mod 1" (CG) (SAM) "SA-2C Guideline Mod 2" (CG) (SAM) "SA-2E Guideline Mod 4" (CG) (SAM) "SA-2F Guideline Mod 5" (CG) (SAM) "SA-6A Gainful" (CG / SARH) (SAM) "SA-N-3 Goblet" (RC / SARH) -------------------------------------------- <MOBILE SAM> (M-SAM) "SA-8 Gecko Mod 0" (CLOS) (M-SAM) "SA-8B Gecko Mod 1" (CLOS) (M-SAM) "SA-N-1B Goa" (CLOS) (M-SAM) "SA-N-4 Gecko" (CLOS) I will share the progress of this mod through time.
  7. Thank you for the link! As the community have discussed, I am stopping my work at SF2 stock only for now. So that way anyone can use it as a starting point for renaming the weapon packs. (That way I also can enjoy SF2 from time to time too!) Cheers!
  8. It is an awesome how you sorted the list! Thank you for sharing with me. As Menrva have mentioned, it is good idea to skip the ordinance list sorting mod. About the SAMs and other besides ordinance, that is noted. Your advice is appreciated.
  9. That makes sense. For now, I am going to stop my ordinance list mod to the stock only. You and others just saved me from a major headache in this project. I thank you and everyone here. I am going to move on to the next mod projects. At least, the community can use this mod at this stage to start with. :)
  10. Thank you very much! :) Since I do this as hobby, it doesn't feel like a work for me. Hence, I enjoy doing this. Plus, as I rename each weapon, I google and learned a lot about them too. hence, it is a win-win situation.
  11. Thank you for the feedback. I sincerely appreciate your concerns. I am looking for the latest, up to date weapon pack. If you know any, please let me know. I will contact the author of mod and ask for the permission to work on ordinance's ini files, respectively. That way the community can have the up-to date pack with the organized names too. From there, the community could keep updating it too (hopefully).
  12. Hello everyone, I finally am able to finish working on this project. I owe big thanks to both Wrench and Menrva for the big helps. Because of them, I am able to solve the problems tweaking ordinances in SF2. Here are screenshots:
  13. Menrva and Wrench, I FINALLY DID IT. I actually used TK weapon editor... OH BOY, I SHOULD HAVE used it earlier! (smacks my head on the desk). THANK to you (Menrva) and Wrench for explaining how the system works in SF2. The beauty of TK's Weapon Editor is that it automatically take care of everything I needed for it to do for me. All I have to do is to edit all names from 'FULLNAME=" and use weapon editor to take care of the rest for me. I will make sure to remember to use all tools available out there. It is working beautifully in SF2 now! Here are screenshot:
  14. Hello everyone, I have a question about the location of weapons .ini files. I have been looking for it using CAT extractor. I am unable to find the .ini files for the weapons in SF2. May I ask if anyone know where I can find it? If someone knows which weapons pack is up-to-date and is released for SF2, please let me know too. I will contact author about tweaking their .ini for weapons, respectfully. If the permission is approved, I will start .ini dancing through a long list of weapons. The information and advice are much appreciated, as always. I am still looking for files again in SF2. I am working on the project that sorts the weapon list like I did with the aircraft list. Cheers!
  15. I tried that with updated Weapondata.ini (All names are changed) and there are no changes occurring in SF2 yet. Perhaps I should fly a mission and let SF2 'update' the text with new names from Weapondata.ini? I will run the further test again. UPDATE: This is strange. If I put the folderized files in Weapons folder, it shows the changes in SF2 (With that buggy Mk.20 Rockeye II as mentioned above). If I put only Weapondata.ini in, there are no changes occurring in SF2 yet. I must have been missing something. I ran the tests with Weapondata.ini only by doing a quick mission and end it, no changes show up in loadout screen yet.
  16. I see, your advice is appreciated too. Just for clarifying, weapondata.ini and .dat goes to this directory: SF2 folder -> Objects -> Weapons -> Weapondata Right? This is opportunities for me to learn more about how SF2 works, that way I can edit both weapondata.ini and making new folders for the proper situations.
  17. It appears that there is probably a bug with Mk.20 Rockeye II. I renamed Mk.20 Rockeye II, it made two names with and without new names at the same time. I did double-checked everything and still is confused by this. Another ordinance works successfully though. Can anyone test and see if anyone experiences the same problem with Rockeye II? I placed the following three files into MK20_ROCKEYE_II folder in Weapons folder (SF2): MK20_ROCKEYE_II.INI MK20_ROCKEYE_II_DATA.INI ROCKEYE.BMP MK20_ROCKEYE_II.INI CODES: [WeaponData] ObjectDataFile=MK20_ROCKEYE_II_DATA.INI [LOD001] Filename=rockeye.lod Distance=100 [LOD002] Filename=rockeye_LOD2.lod Distance=250 [LOD003] Filename=rockeye_LOD3.lod Distance=1000 [Shadow] CastShadow=TRUE ShadowCastDist=10000 MaxVisibleDistance=100 MK20_ROCKEYE_II_DATA.INI codes: [WeaponData001] TypeName=Rockeye FullName=(CBU) Mk.20 Rockeye II ModelName=rockeye Mass=216.000000 Diameter=0.332000 Length=2.337000 SubsonicDragCoeff=0.224000 SupersonicDragCoeff=0.788000 AttachmentType=NATO SpecificStationCode= NationName=USAF StartYear=1968 EndYear=1996 Availability=2 BaseQuantity=12 Exported=TRUE ExportStartYear=1968 ExportEndYear=1996 ExportAvailability=2 WeaponDataType=0 RailLaunched=FALSE Retarded=FALSE FinStabilized=TRUE SpinStabilized=FALSE EffectClassName=ClusterBombEffects DragAreaMultiplier=1.000000 WarheadType=9 Explosives=100.000000 FusingDistance=100.000000 ClusterBomblets=50 ClusterDispersion=0.500000 GuidanceType=0 Accuracy=0 MaxTurnRate=0.000000 MaxLaunchG=0.000000 LockonChance=0 LaunchReliability=0 ArmingTime=0.000000 SeekerFOV=0.000000 SeekerGimbleLimit=0.000000 SeekerTrackRate=0.000000 SeekerRange=0.000000 LiftDragRatio=4.000000 ReleaseAnimationID=1 ReleaseAnimationTime=0.200000 ReleaseAnimationDelay=0.100000 EODisplayFlags=0 CEP=20.000000 Here is a screenshot with the strange bugs with Mk.20 Rockeye II:
  18. GOOD NEWS! Looks like it is working! I was renaming all AIM-9s family in SF2 in a method as Wrench explained. I am able to display all AIM-9s updated names!
  19. Understood, your advice is much appreciated. I will do this way. I will do a few experiments with the AIM-9s and AIM-7s family first. Then see how it goes. If it all works out very well, then I will go this way. Cheers!
  20. I have a problem with the updated Weapondata.ini. After finishing editing and renaming all weapons in weapondata.ini, I moved both weaponsdata.ini / DAT files to SF2 -> Objects -> Weapons -> Weapondata and started SF2. It appears that not all ordinance name is updated in SF2 yet, only a few. Here is screenshot Notice that only a few weapons with new names show up while the rest still show an original name. For example, for AIM-7E Sparrow, I renamed it as: (AAM) AIM-7E Sparrow (SARH) and it still shows up as AIM-7E Sparrow. Am I doing something else wrong? [WeaponData028] TypeName=AIM-7E-4 FullName=(AAM) AIM-7E-4 Sparrow (SARH) ModelName=aim-7e Mass=193.690002 Diameter=0.200000 Length=3.670300 SubsonicDragCoeff=0.440000 SupersonicDragCoeff=0.615000 AttachmentType=USN SpecificStationCode= NationName=USN StartYear=1974 EndYear=1980 Availability=2 BaseQuantity=6 Exported=TRUE ExportStartYear=1974 ExportEndYear=0 ExportAvailability=2 WeaponDataType=1 RailLaunched=FALSE RocketPod=FALSE Retarded=FALSE FinStabilized=TRUE SpinStabilized=FALSE HasGrowl=FALSE EffectClassName=MediumMissileEffects ReleaseDelay=0.200000 WarheadType=0 Explosives=30.000000 FusingDistance=2.000000 ClusterBomblets=0 ClusterDispersion=0.000000 GuidanceType=12 Accuracy=60 MaxTurnRate=15.000000 MaxLaunchG=5.000000 LockonChance=80 LaunchReliability=75 ArmingTime=1.000000 SeekerFOV=5.000000 SeekerGimbleLimit=46.000000 SeekerTrackRate=16.000000 SeekerRange=28000.000000 CLmax=14.000000 MinFreq=0.000000 MaxFreq=0.000000 MinLaunchRange=500.000000 MaxLaunchRange=28000.000000 Duration=70.000000 CounterCountermeasure=70.000000 NoiseRejection=30.000000 CapabilityFlags=0x00000008 LoftAngle=0.000000 DescentAngle=0.000000 MaxLoftAltitude=0.000000 BoosterStart=0.500000 BoosterDuration=2.800000 BoosterAccel=21.600000 BoosterEffectName=MissileFireEffect BoosterSoundName=Missile BoosterNodeName= BoosterPosition=0.000000,-1.835150,0.000000 SustainerDuration=0.000000 SustainerAccel=0.000000 SustainerEffectName= SustainerSoundName= SustainerPosition=0.000000,-1.835150,0.000000 InFlightEffectName=MissileInFlightEffect InFlightSoundName= ReleaseAnimationID=-1 EODisplayFlags=0 CEP=0.000000
  21. Sir, thank you very much! I am going to roll my sleeves again and start working on this project. By the way, I am a fan of your weapon pack series work. I found it recently on this forum. It looks great!
  22. SF2 - Menu (UI) Expansion

    Thank you! I just realized that I am hooked to modding SF2. There are a lot to do. :)
  23. Hello everyone, I released the first version fo SF2 - Menu (UI) expansion:
  24. Hello everyone, It has been a hectic week for me. I am still working on new SF2 menu project slowly. At the same time, since I got a new external SSD as an alternative storage for my external HDD. 1 TB external is affordable now. To my surprise, it is small and doesn't even require me to plug into power outlet, unlike an external HDD. I could just hook it into my gaming laptop's USB 3.1 T Type-C. Oh boy, it made a huge difference. I am able to load SF2 much faster now. I just wiped my old SF2 multi-installation, in order, to have a fresh start with SF2. I spent weeks installing many mods for SF2, in order, to make up for my lost SF2 files. I decided to work on aircraft sorting list for my preference ways of sorting the list by nation first, then aircraft. I started with default SF2. (Note: I bought SF2 complete Edition since it is on sale. It is a perfect time to get it before the time runs out.) Here is what default list looks like: Now with a new sorting list (by nation), it looks like this: NOTE: When you see [Export], it means it have a multi nations skins included. I am very pleased with this. With the new sorting list, I am able to quickly tell which nation specific aircraft belong to. It has been an educational day for me about the nations and aircraft versions. If anyone wants this, I could post it in combatace download section. I modified All the aircraft .ini in a clean SF2 (Without mods). That way anyone can build the mods on it. I am still brainstorming about what to do with [Export] tag. Should I replace it with '*" or any certain symbols to the end of the aircraft name? Feedback are appreciated, as always. Plus, I also can add updated HUDDATA.ini with both RWR and RADAR being included on upper right corner. I modified it this way, so I can easily scan my eyes between both RWR and Radar while padlocking around. (Note: Either RWR / Radar will only show up if aircraft have either. For example, if you fly aircraft that doesn't have either RWR or Radar, it won't show up on the screen.

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