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Everything posted by Eagle114th

  1. Thank you for the picture. I just realized it was designed this way. I will keep it that way. I always learn new things everyday! That is noted, I am going to do it this way. I appreciate your advice. Cheers!
  2. The IRM missile plyon are finally solved but the fuel tank are still there, even when loading another bombs at the same plyon. I am learning a lot today. Mirage5E2_Loadout.INI Mirage5E2_Data.INI
  3. FInally solved it. Is IRM rail supposed to be at this angle? Just wondering...
  4. I agree with you. After going researching and trying to make it work, I have come to the conclusion: When hitting the hard brick wall, it is best to leave it alone and make the best out of it. Therefore, I will focus on texture and ini files only. Most practical this way. Cheers!
  5. Hello everyone! I am working on a radar scope overhaul for SFCE. I am buzzed about this one. By using LOD Viewer to look at the default radar scope. I am trying to replace the radar scope default texture with the new one. That way it won't show blank 'black screen". It is my goal to assign a new texture to it. May I ask for advice on how to replace the default texture for radar scope? Thank you and cheers! Eagle114th
  6. Thank you for the reply. According to this code from F-4B Cockpit ini: [RadarScope] Type=RADAR_SCOPE NodeName=radar_screen By default, the radar scope is black, and It is my goal to have a new texture as default especially when the radar is off. I do not want to use "RadarTexture" because the texture is activated only when I turn radar on. In order, for radarScope to have new texture, I can do this: [TextureData] RadarScope=cockpit\RadarScope_NEW.bmp Right? Eagle114th
  7. Report for today: It is very interesting experiment with the radar scope for F-4B! After looking for the information, pictures, and videos of F-4B radar scope, I found this golden thread: https://combatace.com/forums/topic/89248-calling-phantom-experts-radar-scope-colour/ StreakEagle provided the pictures I needed for the F-4B radar texture and started working on it. It came out very interesting! Here are screenshots and I would like the feedback on this, please. I aim to give all aircraft authentic, realistic radar experiences as an optional for anyone who wants to use it in SFCE or any of mods. ORIGNIAL RADAR SCOPE: NEW RADAR SCOPE #1: NEW RADAR SCOPE #2 Eagle114th
  8. I want to talk about the radar panel for Mirage III Family. After going through various Mirage III mods/skins from CombatAce, I took notes that some of them have different radar scope textures for Mirage III. However, according to the sources, It appears that some Mirages have different colors for radar scope. This is the radar scope from Shahak Over Israel. SF2. 1.0 (yakarov79), I like his radar scope texture. It invited me into modding cockpit and avionics for SFCE. I noted that in some pictures of old aircraft such as A-7s, F-4s, and others, the radar panel doesn't look super 'clean" like modern avionics. This is a picture of USAF A-7D radar scope: I just realized I also want to improve all aircraft radar scope too! Looks like I have a lot more fun projects to work on now. Eagle114th
  9. Hello everyone! Report for today: While preparing to release the next version of beta with A-6s and A-7s, I began working on Mirage III family. The afterburner are next new challenge to work on after viewing various old videos of Mirage III afterburner. They are rather unique, like MiG-17s and 19s. Did my best to give it bluish color for inner afterburner along with yellow afterburner for outer part. This time, 2D afterburner texture are used to enchance 3D afterburner effect. There is a smooth transmit from afterburner to engine node animation. Eagle114th
  10. A-7A being tested with new TMF A-7A cockpit: NOTE: TMF Cockpit is being tweaked to be aligned properly with TW A-7A, along with the improved night light being implemented. Eagle114th
  11. Report for today: All A-7s are almost completed. There are some issues I am having through; I am am still hunting for the authentical TP30 engine sounds for early A-7s. At least I have TF41 engine sounds. Same thing with VK-1F afterburner, It is still being searched for MiG-17F and MiG-17PF. Even though I am deaf, it doesn't stop me from trying to give SF2 the best sounds possible. I do not want to use generic sound engine shared by multi aircraft. It is more immersive if each aircraft engine have their own proper sounds. Now back to good news, here are screenshots of A-7D, you can see, not only canopy animation are enabled, the arrest hook are re-enabled for all air force version of A-7s. Any features that get disabled by specific A-7s for reasons, get re-enabled. New engine node animation: Unique exhaust smoke for TF41 powered A-7s: Wing vortex when doing hard turning: Landing light added: Improved night light for cockpit: Please note, I am in progress of replacing default cockpit with The Mirage factory version from TMF A-7s pack. However, there will be option to restore back to TW version of A-7 cockpit (with improved night light). Eagle114th
  12. Report for today: I was always bothered by how new F-4's J79 and other aircraft exhaust smoke looks like. So I did further works on A-4s, A-6s, F-4s (J79 and RR Spey), along with new A-7's engine effects. After doing research on A-7A, B, C, D, and E engine and looking at TK's codes for all A-7s. Turns out that older engine are more darker color, smokey than newer engine. That gave me reasons to re-work on A-4s and F-4s exhaust. Now this time I am actually happy with how it turns out! Since I promised myself to work on A-7s after A-6s. However, after A-7s is completed, will randomly pick next plane to work. I am thinking of E.E. Lightning series or Mirage III / V series. Anyway, here are screenshots of re-worked effects: A-4 A / B/ C (J65 powered): A-4 E / F/ G/ L / K (J52 powered): A-6s: F-4 Phantom II (J79 powered) F-4 Phantom II (RR Spey powered): The engine node are also further improved to make them appear a bit darker, so they are more realistic this way. Eagle114th
  13. Report for today: After fixing the bugs with some F-4s afterburner not displaying correctly, I took noted of the afterburner at night. Corrected the location of all afterburner light location, so it gives the lights right after where engine nozzle is. Here is a screenshot of MiG-19's corrected afterburner light colors: This one is difficult to spot, MiG-19S military thrust engine node (dark red): Now that all A-1s, A-4s, A-6s, EA-6s, J-6s / F-6s, and MiG-15s / 17s / 19s are polished, I am moving on to A-7s before randomly picking next plane to work on. Sorry no wing vortex for A-6s and EA-6s for now. I worry that if I add too many components or systemnames, it may cause instability issues with A-6s and EA-6s in SF2. So it is better to play it safe. Eagle114th
  14. That is noted. Thank you for the advice. For some reasons, the codes is not working when using with other codes such as fuselage, inner wing, or outer wing. For example: [Fuselage] . . . (Changed name from Components[XXX] to SystemName[XXX] SystemName[014]=LeftWingVortex1 SystemName[015]=LeftWingVortex2 SystemName[016]=LeftWingVortex3 SystemName[017]=RightWingVortex1 SystemName[018]=RightWingVortex2 SystemName[019]=RightWingVortex3 This doesn't work and the wing vortex doesn't show up. Tried changing Systemname[XXX] to Components[XXX], still doesn't work either. What should I do to make effects that previously uses Components to work with Systemname? By the way I sent you PM question about C-47 door animation. Cheers!
  15. Hello everyone, I noticed something while working on adding A-6s and EA-6s wing vortex. As soon I pass Component[033], wing vortex effect no longer show up inflight. This got me puzzled. May I ask if there is workaround to component limitation? I am trying various methods to make it work. Since A-6 have the big and long wings, it require me to use from Component[011] to [029] for left wing and Component[030] to [048] for right wing. [AircraftData] . . . Component[011]=LeftWingVortex1 Component[012]=LeftWingVortex2 Component[013]=LeftWingVortex3 Component[014]=LeftWingVortex4 Component[015]=LeftWingVortex5 Component[016]=LeftWingVortex6 Component[017]=LeftWingVortex7 Component[018]=LeftWingVortex8 Component[019]=LeftWingVortex9 Component[020]=LeftWingVortex10 Component[021]=LeftWingVortex11 Component[022]=LeftWingVortex12 Component[023]=LeftWingVortex13 Component[024]=LeftWingVortex14 Component[025]=LeftWingVortex15 Component[026]=LeftWingVortex16 Component[027]=LeftWingVortex17 Component[028]=LeftWingVortex18 Component[029]=LeftWingVortex19 Component[030]=RightWingVortex1 Component[031]=RightWingVortex2 Component[032]=RightWingVortex3 Component[033]=RightWingVortex4 Component[034]=RightWingVortex5 Component[035]=RightWingVortex6 Component[036]=RightWingVortex7 Component[037]=RightWingVortex8 Component[038]=RightWingVortex9 Component[039]=RightWingVortex10 Component[040]=RightWingVortex11 Component[041]=RightWingVortex12 Component[042]=RightWingVortex13 Component[043]=RightWingVortex14 Component[044]=RightWingVortex15 Component[045]=RightWingVortex16 Component[046]=RightWingVortex17 Component[047]=RightWingVortex18 Component[048]=RightWingVortex19 As always, the advice and information are much appreciated. Eagle114th
  16. Thank you for the advice! May I ask, is there a way to combine multi effects in one effect like weapon effect for aircraft wing vortex? I will look into combining multi vortex by tga. That will be an interesting challenges. Cheers!
  17. Yes that is the plan, including the MiG-23s and rest of Soviets aircraft! I decided to randomly select next aircraft to work on instead of doing it alphabetically from aircraft list. More fun this way. Eagle114th
  18. Hello everyone! Report for today, I have good and bad news: Let's go with one bad new before we go with good news. Unfortunately, due to componethe nts limitation of 32, I am unable to implement all wing vortex effects on A-6s and EA-6s. The wings of A-6s and EA-6s are so wide and big, requiring at least 19 effects for each wing. I created new thread about it at this link: https://combatace.com/forums/topic/97419-need-advice-from-modder-components-limitation/ However, I am saving the codes for future usage, in case, the workaround is found or TK ever decides to upper the limitation from 32 to 64 or even higher. Now time for good news! All effects are optimized. Let's face it, even though the computer now are way more powerful than decades ago, there is still one limitation that haunts SF2; It is still 32-bit software. Even if you have a medium to high-end PC, the nature of 32 bits software still bottlenecks everything, including RAM. If I remember correctly, with 32-bit software, it still only use up to 4 GB RAM, even if you have 16 GB, 32 GB, or even 64 GB RAM. This is how each effects are opitimzed with MaxVisibleDistance. Aircraft wing vortex = 4000 Engine exhaust = 12000 Engine node animation = 2000 Engine inner afterburner (insize nozzle) = 4000 Engine Afterburner = 8000 If you want to make it higher, you can always edit ini files in Effects folder. Next news, it is all thanks to Stary's excellent cockpits for MiG-15s / 17s / 19s, I learned how to improve the cockpit night lights. You can see the big difference with screenshots. SF2 Default cockpit lights (A-6s and EA-6s) Improved night cockpit lights version: NOTE: You also can see your co-pilot with improved red lights. A-1H Improved cockpit night lights: A-4C Improved cockpit night lights: F-4E Improved cockpit night lights: All A-1s, A-4s, A-6s, EA-6s, and F-4s night cockpits are being updated with improved cockpit night lights. Eagle114th
  19. Thank you for the supports! It is my intention to overhaul every aircraft in SF2 (with all expansions pack and DLCs). My great passions is with all aircraft around the world, including 'forgotten' aircraft. I also thinks that F-104s will be interesting aircraft to work on. I am looking forward to it too. Cheers!
  20. Hello everyone! While working on A-6s and EA-6s series aircraft for SFCE, I just thought of this. I am going to share techniques I use to inplement the wing vortex and pinpoint the location for it. That way any modders can get an idea and use it. IMPORTANT NOTES: Any codes after SystemName[032] will not work. I discovered this limitation. When creating wing vortex, please note that if any aircraft have a large wing, such as A-6, it would be ideal to either make larger vortex to use less SystemName or experiment an alternative methods. Personally I think it is impratical to try to implement the wing vortex on A-6s until TK fix this limitation. I recommend adding wing vortex to any aircraft with smaller wing span, such as F-4s, F-104s, Mirage IIIs, etc.. However, for the sake of tutorial, I will leave this post intact. A-6A is one of perfect example since it have various shapes from engine intaker to wingtip. First step - Pinpoint the location Note: The most useful tools I use is LOD Viewer. This is Godsent tool. Without it, it would have taken me probably twice or even more time required for the project. All hat off to Mue for his masterpieces! 1) Use LOD Viewer to pinpoint the first location of wing vortex. 2) Locator - I use light to help me locating where vortex would be. Here is an example in aircraft data ini file: [Fuselage] . . . (BOTTOM of [AircraftData] code) SystemName[014]=Locator1 SystemName[015]=Locator2 SystemName[016]=Locator3 SystemName[017]=Locator4 SystemName[018]=Locator5 SystemName[019]=Locator6 SystemName[020]=Locator7 SystemName[021]=Locator8 SystemName[022]=Locator9 SystemName[023]=Locator10 SystemName[024]=Locator11 SystemName[025]=Locator12 SystemName[026]=Locator13 SystemName[027]=Locator14 SystemName[028]=Locator15 Then Added this codes: // Wing Vortex --------------------------------------------------------- [Locator1] SystemType=LIGHT Position=-1.0,0.74,0.45 LightSrcOffset=0.0,0.0,0.0 Color=1.0,1.0,1.0 Brightness=0.05 LightSrcRange=50.0 LightRange=10.0 CanFlash=FALSE MovingLight=TRUE [Locator2] SystemType=LIGHT Position=-1.4,0.27,0.43 LightSrcOffset=0.0,0.0,0.0 Color=1.0,1.0,1.0 Brightness=0.05 LightSrcRange=50.0 LightRange=10.0 CanFlash=FALSE MovingLight=TRUE [Locator3] SystemType=LIGHT Position=-1.8,-0.20,0.41 LightSrcOffset=0.0,0.0,0.0 Color=1.0,1.0,1.0 Brightness=0.05 LightSrcRange=50.0 LightRange=10.0 CanFlash=FALSE MovingLight=TRUE [Locator4] SystemType=LIGHT Position=-2.2,-0.75,0.39 LightSrcOffset=0.0,0.0,0.0 Color=1.0,1.0,1.0 Brightness=0.05 LightSrcRange=50.0 LightRange=10.0 CanFlash=FALSE MovingLight=TRUE //-------------------------------- [Locator5] SystemType=LIGHT Position=-2.6,-1.0,0.37 LightSrcOffset=0.0,0.0,0.0 Color=1.0,1.0,1.0 Brightness=0.05 LightSrcRange=50.0 LightRange=10.0 CanFlash=FALSE MovingLight=TRUE [Locator6] SystemType=LIGHT Position=-3.0,-1.21,0.37 LightSrcOffset=0.0,0.0,0.0 Color=1.0,1.0,1.0 Brightness=0.05 LightSrcRange=50.0 LightRange=10.0 CanFlash=FALSE MovingLight=TRUE [Locator7] SystemType=LIGHT Position=-3.4,-1.42,0.37 LightSrcOffset=0.0,0.0,0.0 Color=1.0,1.0,1.0 Brightness=0.05 LightSrcRange=50.0 LightRange=10.0 CanFlash=FALSE MovingLight=TRUE [Locator8] SystemType=LIGHT Position=-3.8,-1.63,0.37 LightSrcOffset=0.0,0.0,0.0 Color=1.0,1.0,1.0 Brightness=0.05 LightSrcRange=50.0 LightRange=10.0 CanFlash=FALSE MovingLight=TRUE [Locator9] SystemType=LIGHT Position=-4.2,-1.84,0.37 LightSrcOffset=0.0,0.0,0.0 Color=1.0,1.0,1.0 Brightness=0.05 LightSrcRange=50.0 LightRange=10.0 CanFlash=FALSE MovingLight=TRUE [Locator10] SystemType=LIGHT Position=-4.6,-2.05,0.37 LightSrcOffset=0.0,0.0,0.0 Color=1.0,1.0,1.0 Brightness=0.05 LightSrcRange=50.0 LightRange=10.0 CanFlash=FALSE MovingLight=TRUE [Locator11] SystemType=LIGHT Position=-5.0,-2.26,0.37 LightSrcOffset=0.0,0.0,0.0 Color=1.0,1.0,1.0 Brightness=0.05 LightSrcRange=50.0 LightRange=10.0 CanFlash=FALSE MovingLight=TRUE [Locator12] SystemType=LIGHT Position=-5.4,-2.47,0.37 LightSrcOffset=0.0,0.0,0.0 Color=1.0,1.0,1.0 Brightness=0.05 LightSrcRange=50.0 LightRange=10.0 CanFlash=FALSE MovingLight=TRUE [Locator13] SystemType=LIGHT Position=-5.8,-2.68,0.37 LightSrcOffset=0.0,0.0,0.0 Color=1.0,1.0,1.0 Brightness=0.05 LightSrcRange=50.0 LightRange=10.0 CanFlash=FALSE MovingLight=TRUE [Locator14] SystemType=LIGHT Position=-6.2,-2.89,0.37 LightSrcOffset=0.0,0.0,0.0 Color=1.0,1.0,1.0 Brightness=0.05 LightSrcRange=50.0 LightRange=10.0 CanFlash=FALSE MovingLight=TRUE [Locator15] SystemType=LIGHT Position=-6.6,-3.10,0.37 LightSrcOffset=0.0,0.0,0.0 Color=1.0,1.0,1.0 Brightness=0.05 LightSrcRange=50.0 LightRange=10.0 CanFlash=FALSE MovingLight=TRUE When running SF2, all light positions are re-adjusted until they match the shape and align with the 'lining' of front edge of wing. NOTE: I recommend being above the wing, not 'on surface' of wing. When you pull high Gs, the wing will sink into the wing. You don't want that. Instead, you would rather for the wing vortex to be direclty above the wing. 3) Save all position information from locator and erase all Locator codes since you no longer need it. It is better to have clean codes instead of messy in aircraft data ini. However, now you have saved positions as reference for wing vortex effects. // Wing Vortex --------------------------------------------------------- // 1 = Position=-1.0,0.74,0.45 // 2 = Position=-1.4,0.27,0.43 // 3 = Position=-1.8,-0.20,0.41 // 4 = Position=-2.2,-0.75,0.39 // 5 = Position=-2.6,-1.0,0.37 // 6 = Position=-3.0,-1.21,0.37 // 7 = Position=-3.4,-1.42,0.37 // 8 = Position=-3.8,-1.63,0.37 // 9 = Position=-4.2,-1.84,0.37 // 10 = Position=-4.6,-2.05,0.37 // 11 = Position=-5.0,-2.26,0.37 // 12 = Position=-5.4,-2.47,0.37 // 13 = Position=-5.8,-2.68,0.37 // 14 = Position=-6.2,-2.89,0.37 // 15 = Position=-6.6,-3.10,0.37 // 16 = Position=-7.0,-3.31,0.37 // 17 = Position=-7.4,-3.52,0.37 // 18 = Position=-7.8,-3.73,0.37 // 19 = Position=-8.2,-3.94,0.37 // 20 = Position=-8.6,-4.15,0.37 4) Prepare effect files for aircraft. In next version of SFCE, you will see two files in Effects folder: AIRCRAFT_A-6_VortexEmitter.ini VORTEX_A6WingVortex.tga In AIRCRAFT_A-6_VortexEmitter.ini, you will see this code: [EmitterType001] Name=A-6VortexEmitter1 EmissionType=POINT_EMITTER UpdateType=NON_MOVING MaxVisibleDistance=4000.0 EmissionRate=0.0005 EmissionVolume=0.01,0.01,0.01 EmissionVelocityTableType=CONSTANT EmissionVelocity=0.0,0.0,0.0 EmissionVelocityDeviation=0.0 ParticleUpdateType=SIMPLE_POINT ParticleRenderType=SPRITE ParticleRandomOrientation=TRUE ParticleLifeTime=0.26 ParticleLifeTimeDeviation=0.25 ParticleWeight=-0.1 ParticleRandomness=0.03 ParticleDragFactor=1.00 ParticleInheritence=1.0 ParticleWindFactor=0.0 ParticleColorTableType=TABLE ParticleColor[01].Time=0.000000 ParticleColor[01].Value=1.000000,1.000000,1.000000,0.00000 ParticleColor[02].Time=0.500000 ParticleColor[02].Value=1.000000,1.000000,1.000000,0.100000 ParticleColor[03].Time=1.00000 ParticleColor[03].Value=1.000000,1.000000,1.000000,0.00000 ParticleSizeTableType=TABLE ParticleSize[01].Time=0.000000 ParticleSize[01].Value=0.20 ParticleSize[02].Time=0.500000 ParticleSize[02].Value=0.35 ParticleSize[03].Time=1.000000 ParticleSize[03].Value=0.70 TextureMaterial=A6WingVortexMaterial . . . //============================================================================= [A6WingVortexMaterial] EffectShaderName=effectLightLevel.fx DepthBufferCheck=TRUE DepthBufferWrite=FALSE IgnoreRenderOrder=FALSE AlphaTestEnabled=FALSE LightEnabled=FALSE UseLightLevel=TRUE SpecularEnabled=FALSE EmissiveEnabled=FALSE AmbientColor=1.000000,1.000000,1.000000,1.000000 DiffuseColor=1.000000,1.000000,1.000000,1.000000 ZBufferOffset=0.000000 PriorityLevel=3 BlendOp=BLEND_SRC_ALPHA NumTextureStages=1 TextureStage[01].TextureName=VORTEX_A6WingVortex.tga TextureStage[01].MipMap=FALSE TextureStage[01].FilterEnabled=TRUE TextureStage[01].StageColorOp=TEXTURE_MODULATE_DIFFUSE TextureStage[01].StageAlphaOp=TEXTURE_MODULATE_DIFFUSE 5) Prepare your wing vortex codes. In aircraft data ini, add this code under [AircraftData]: [AircraftData] . . . (Bottom of [AircraftData] codes) Component[011]=LeftWingVortex1 Component[012]=LeftWingVortex2 Component[013]=LeftWingVortex3 Component[014]=LeftWingVortex4 Component[015]=LeftWingVortex5 Component[016]=LeftWingVortex6 Component[017]=LeftWingVortex7 Component[018]=LeftWingVortex8 Component[019]=LeftWingVortex9 Component[020]=LeftWingVortex10 Component[021]=LeftWingVortex11 Component[022]=LeftWingVortex12 Component[023]=LeftWingVortex13 Component[024]=LeftWingVortex14 Component[025]=LeftWingVortex15 Now with the reference codes you proved, use it for LeftWingVortexXXX. Here is an example: NOTE: I recommmend you to do one LeftWingVortexXXX a time to test it in-game and adjust it before moving to next one. // Wing Vortex --------------------------------------------------------- // 1 = Position=-1.0,0.74,0.45 // 2 = Position=-1.4,0.27,0.43 // 3 = Position=-1.8,-0.20,0.41 // 4 = Position=-2.2,-0.75,0.39 // 5 = Position=-2.6,-1.0,0.37 // 6 = Position=-3.0,-1.21,0.37 // 7 = Position=-3.4,-1.42,0.37 // 8 = Position=-3.8,-1.63,0.37 // 9 = Position=-4.2,-1.84,0.37 // 10 = Position=-4.6,-2.05,0.37 // 11 = Position=-5.0,-2.26,0.37 // 12 = Position=-5.4,-2.47,0.37 // 13 = Position=-5.8,-2.68,0.37 // 14 = Position=-6.2,-2.89,0.37 // 15 = Position=-6.6,-3.10,0.37 // 16 = Position=-7.0,-3.31,0.37 // 17 = Position=-7.4,-3.52,0.37 // 18 = Position=-7.8,-3.73,0.37 // 19 = Position=-8.2,-3.94,0.37 // 20 = Position=-8.6,-4.15,0.37 //-------------------------------- [LeftWingVortex1] ParentComponentName=Fuselage ModelNodeName=LeftWing DestroyedNodeName= ShowFromCockpit=TRUE DetachWhenDestroyed=False DamageRating=DISABLED MassFraction=0.0 HasVortexEmitter=TRUE VortexEmitterName=A-6VortexEmitter1 VortexPosition=-1.0,0.74,0.45 //VortexG=5.0 Note how I added // to VortexG=5.0. We don't want to enable that just yet until you perfect your wing vortex. 6) In SF2, it is ideal to change the option (Start in Air, near enemy), so you can be in the air quickly with sufficient airspeed to accelerate and do hard turning for wing vortex effects testing. Remember when stating that the vortex should be directly above the wing? You will see it when pulling hard, the vortex would move down and it should touch the surface of wing. From there, you keep tweaking both aircraft effect file and the position of it in aircraft data ini. At first it may seem tendious but it will become a second nature to you. After tweaking and flying several times, the first left wing vortex is now done. In the code, re-anble VortexG=5.0 by removing '//'. Now you have a first working wing vortex. You are ready to move on the next one. When you finish working with the rest of LeftWingVortexXXX, doing the RightWIngVortexXXX is not that difficult. All you have to do is copy the entire LeftWingVortex list and codes, then rename it to RightWingVortex AND remove '-' sign for 'X' position in all vortex position. Then you are set! Hope this tutorial will help anyone who struggle to work with the wing vortex effects. Eagle114th
  21. While testing MiG-15s, MiG-17s, MiG-19s, and J-6s / F-6s, I realized they are still using older cockpits. After talking with the modders, I am updating all MiG-15s / 17s / 19s and J-6s / F-6s with newer cockpits released by Stary. Here is screenshot of MIG-15s and 17s with new HD cockpit: MiG-17PF also get new cockpit: MiG-19s and J-6s / F-6s cockpits: Eagle114th
  22. Next report for today: All A-6A and A-6Es have pilot and co-pilot posiiton and seat position adjusted so they are in align with each other when being in cockpit view: HomeFries' excellent A-6 and EA-6 pack also includes .ini for the night lights, navigation lights, and canopy (A-6s only) and wing folding animations. Eagle114th

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