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Everything posted by Eagle114th

  1. Hello everyone, I want to share some advice with anyone who is thinking about, has tried, or is in the middle of creating fictional nations for SF2 or any simulation. I have met and talked with various people who have attempted to do this. After going through errors and trials of writing a book for the fictional nations, I learned what appears to be the most practical ways of doing it. I want to share it so any of you who want to try it realize that it is not a difficult thing to do. Consider it as your new additional hobby. Creating the new nations led me to research the various countries based on where the fictional nations are located geographically. It involves learning the basics of the cultures, languages, and history. It opened my eye to the bigger world. It is one of the most enjoyable things I have done as the book grows. You are NOT required to do deep research and earn a degree in culture, history, or tongue. You can dip yourself into their world and get tastes of it by researching or watching youtube, unless you want to go further on certain parts, such as the cultures, history, or languages. It also depends on how much depth you want the nations to have. Some of the authors wish countries to have a lot of depth to immerse you with it. At the same time, some authors only want to give fictional nations a little deep so that the audience can fill the gap with their imagination, based on the amount of Depth, the author, gave it. TOOLS Writing a book makes it a fun hobby, and it is also beneficial to have as a reference for you to build the mods based on. Here are the following tools I used to work on the projects of creating fictional nations: - Microsoft Word (To create a book) - Microsoft PowerPoint (See note below) - GIMP - Paint Shop Pro (NOT required, since you can use GIMP for free. I use PSP to re-size the map while preserving the quality as possible.) - Microsoft Paint I will explain how and why I use each tool, so you can get an idea of how they can be helpful to you too. Microsoft PowerPoint = Besides Microsoft word, PowerPoint is the most helpful tool I ever used when copying and pasting from gimp, PSP, and Microsoft paint. It allows me to place certain materials along with other materials. At once, when it is done, by selecting all materials, you can copy and paste it into GIMP as a new image in one piece with transparent background. It is how many decals were designed with precise positioning. GIMP = It is the best free graphic design tool up to date. You can use it to create the skins, import the template (PSP), export .tga for SF2, and other valuable features. I highly recommend it if you want an alternative to PSP. Paint Shop Pro = I use it to enlarge the image to 4K or beyond while preserving the quality possible. The maps were made by enlarging them to 4,000 x 4,000 or more. Then reduce the size for PowerPoint and book. That is how you can have a high-quality picture. Just a warning, it will take up a lot of space when doing it. Microsoft Paint = I use it to quickly copy any image (square or rectangle shape only) and then paste it into a book if the formatting is messed up when copying from PowerPoint to Microsoft Word. If an image does not have four straight edges (Square or Rectangle), I use GIMP instead. Microsoft Paint takes a second to load up, paste from PowerPoint, and copy and paste into Word. Designing the nations Here are the most foundation of designing fictional nations: 1. The purpose of the fictional nations 2. What kind of conflict do they face? 3. The location of the nation’s geographically 4. The cultures, language, and history of the nations 5. The era they are based on 6. The evolution of the Nation’s map (from the birth to the target era) (1) The purpose of the fictional nations = By starting the project, ask yourself, “Why do you want to create the fictional countries? What kind of projects are you working on? At once, when you get this solid, you are ready to start from there. (2) What kind of conflict do they face? = Now, this is the essential part of the project; what type of conflict do you intend for the nations to face initially? When I wrote the book about Saad and Zafir, initially the way they were designed, they were meant to conflict with each other, based on their border and actions that caused them to be angry with each other as the primary point in the story. (3) The location of the nation’s geography = Once you determine the location of the countries you designed, it will be the critical point for the nation’s culture, languages, and history. You don’t have to be too specific or make too many depths on them, as stated before. It can be minimized and have the audience fill the gaps with their imagination when you have enough depth. It is ideal for keeping it simple yet enriched with stories and pictures. It can be as simple as having a few paragraphs with images on each page. They say that the picture speaks a thousand words. (4) The cultures, language, and history of the nations = Once the nation’s location is set, it is ideal to look at an existing country from the site for the cultures and language. For example, in my project, Saad is located where modern Eritrea is. Culturally Eritrea is Christian, Muslim, and a few others. According to Wikipedia, The language of Eritrea is Tigrinya, Tigre, Kunama, Bilen, Nara, Saho, Afar, Beja. Tigrinya, Arabic, English, and historically Italian serve as working languages. This is where I gave Saad the culture of being primarily Christian with their own government system in modern era. Saad used to be Monarchy with the king from early era. with a similar language of Eritrea as the starting point. And keep in mind, as you evolve, the stories, the core culture, language, and history of your designed nations will change. (5) The era they are based on = For the history part, it is best to trace back to when your nation was created and then trace it forward to the target era. For example, Saad being in place of Eritrea, I was looking through the ancient maps of the horn of Africa. I watched a video about the maps each year from the early to the modern era. This is a video where I created the history of Saad from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-q_uCjQmoT4 This is how I designed the map from the 12th century to the 1990s, making Saad seem real and alive when the audience read the short history about Saad. Any nation without the past will appear to have a less immersive to it. (6) The evolution of the Nation’s map (from the birth to the target era) = When the delivery of the designed country to the target era is set, you can use GIMP to create the multilayers. Select the map to the default bottom layer, then use the 2nd layer to draw the country on top. That is how I do it when creating each era of the maps for all designed nations. This will also be useful for developing or modding terrains in SF2 or any other simulation. As stated before, it is best to expand the size of the map to high resolution, then use it from there. Designing the military and squadron Now that you have designed the nations being enriched with the stories, history, culture, languages, and maps. The next thing you will want to do is take your time to design the military branches. You determine the name of the military based on the government type of the nation and its history. In my project, Saad has four branches (The republic of Saad Air Force [ROSAF], The Republic of Saad Navy [ROSN], The Republic of Saad Army [ROSA], and The Republic of Saad Coast Guard [ROSCG]) while Zafir has three branches (Royal Zafir Air Force [RZAF], Royal Zafir Navy [RZN], and Royal Zafir Army [RZA]). There is also an aviation and ships/boats version for the Navy. There are also aviation and ground vehicle versions for Army. You can see how complicated it can be; hence take your time to design them all. The following steps are to design the squadron. Please note, for the sake of simplification, you only want to design the squadron, and then use simulation to assign them to any military branch you prefer in the simulation. You may not want to try to be too specfiic with which military branch they belong to, the number of aircraft they have, and the list goes on. This part may burn you out from the project. In my honest opinion, to make your nation look appealing by using their native language for the script for squadron too. You can create as many companies you want to; it is all up to your creativity. You will want to have a lot of fun with it! When you determine the number and name of each squadron, you will use it as a reference when designing their decals. Designing the flags, logo, and any decals Now that you have designed the nations, military, and squadron. The next thing you will want to do is take your time to prepare the flag. It is best to create it based on the most precious to the nations. This is what I wrote about the flag of various countries. This will give you an idea for your projects: Saad created their flag for the first time. The flag of Saad has two main symbols: blue star and African symbol known as Mmusuyidee. Mmusuyidee means “fortunate” and “lucky,” which have a similar meaning as “Saad” in Arabic. There are two primary colors: Navy blue and white. Navy blue represents the water. Water is one of the essential elements that give life to the world, including the people of Saad. White presents purity; one must have a pure heart and mind to have hope. The lion symbols the strength, justice, and bravery of the people of Saad. Dhahab Dynasty was created by the royal family with the name of Hilal. In Arabic, the name Hilal means Crescent moon. The name Dhahab also means “Gold.” It was used to express the country’s beauty as gold. As you can see, the flag of Dhahab contains a golden crescent moon. After designing the national flags, you take the following steps by creating each military branch’s standards, aviation insignia, and other decals. Do the same thing for the squadron decals. This will take a lot of time, and this is where your skills with graphic designs will grow. And also, do yourself a favor; when you use any materials from the internet, add the credits to where you get it. It may seem too much hassle, but this will save you from any potential problems when you share the project with the community online. Designing the military inventory The last step in the book is to choose various aircraft and vehicles for each military branch. It all comes how you design the nation and its military. Their history and stories determine which nations they get aircraft and vehicles from. And if the account permits it, the nation also can locally build the plane. Here is some advice from what I have learned about this part: - When naming aircraft, take a look at how each nation names its aircraft and vehicles historically. This will make your nation semi-realistic, making it more convincing and immersive. For example, Saad receives E.E. Lightning F.80 (F.6) in my project. Notice I use F.80 as an export number from the British for The Republic of Saad Air Force (ROSAF). It uses (F.6) to note which specific variant of Lightning it is based on. - For Locally built aircraft, use your nation’s native language. For example, in my project, Saad’s locally produced aircraft based on Israel Lavi, the aircraft name is S.A.I Anibesa SFG.1. S.A.I mean “Saad Aerouantical Industry), Anibesa is a romanization version of Tigrinya (ኣንበሳ), meaning “Lion.” SFG stands for “Saad Fighter and Ground attack.” There are many ways each country manages aircraft naming. It may seem complicated, so take your time to research and apply it to your nation’s military aircraft and vehicle. Feedback for your book Do NOT be surprised if you don’t like the input if you ever decide you want feedback. It is not to break your modding spirit. It is there as an opportunity for you to consider improving any aspect of your project. It may be friendly or not friendly. You can not please everyone. The point of the project is what makes you happy. It is your hobby. If it brings you joy working on this project, that counts. However, give yourself time and see how you can improve your book further. There were numerous times I got feedback that I did not like, and it helped me know what I did not see before. Hence, seeing other people’s perspectives may help you too. FINALLY, you just finished designing everything from the ground up. You have a book with tons of references to use as a foundation to build the mod project.
  2. Thank you. About taking a break, you are RIGHT. From time to time, it is always a great idea to take a break and do other hobby until you are refershed. That is how countless new ideas always come to me which improve an existing project all the time. By the way, you are also right about this one. When I worked on the old project (Dhimar and Paran expansion) and discounted it. You once told me I would come back with a new ideal project. I am happy that you find this project to be fantastic. This gives me even more reasons to do my best with this project. You and everyone here are awesome too! Cheer
  3. Thank you! You are super cool too! I am looking forward to bring the book into SF2 world, so we can experience it. Cheers
  4. Thank you and I look forward to sharing the mods with everyone too.
  5. Hello everyone, I am back! I have been working on an exciting project I dreamed of doing with a teammate. Dhimar and Paran was the first step that pushed me into creating the completely new, fictional nations for SF2. A lot has happened since I canceled Dhimar and Paran expansion project. Initially, I realized that it would be unwise to change the stories written by someone already. TW already creates Dhimar and Paran. Hence, it makes more sense to write my own stories instead. And thank the community and friends, I was recommended to look into Africa for fictional nations. That is what lead me to the mod project known as SFAW. It stands for Strike Fighter Alternative World. Without changing too much in the world of SF2, the fiction nations are being bridged into this world in semi-realistic ways. I am fortunate to have a friend who teaches me a lot about the military's work. It led me into research and creating the squadron, insignia, nation, history, nation flags, military branches standard, etc... I never realized this would lead me to make a book with many references. It has been such a joy and blast being an author of the book for the first time. What took me the longest time was researching the countries around the Horn of Africa and the Arabian Peninsula. I intended to create nations with their own cultures, languages, and history. I am working with a great friend who is also a teacher. We are doing this as our hobby, hence flowing with the project. I am working with a two-member team to bring the book into SF2 and FE2 world. An announcement about the SFAW project with details will be announced in a new thread. For now, here is a preview of the SFAW mod from the book:
  6. Hello everyone, Just to let everyone know, I am discontinuing the Dhimar vs. Paran project. Instead, I am working on an entirely new project that creates two new fictional nations from an alternative world. That way, I can write the new story afresh instead of expanding an existing nations. It does not feel right replacing everything that an author of SF2 has written initially about Dhimar and Paran. UPDATE: The information is posted at the 2nd page.
  7. I am happy you like the idea of this mod. This mod is created for the community, so we all have much easier time going through the list. Any feedback and suggestion are always appreciated. Cheers
  8. https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php?topic=67326.msg735893#msg735893 Hello everyone, I am not certain where to post this, so please let me know the proper place I can post this. For now, since this section is related to BAT WAW, so here it is. It have been fun week working on this project intensively. What took a lot of time is researching for each designation / names of aircraft. Before I explain about this mod project, I want to express big thank to the community for creating this huge mod project. I want to give the gifts to the community by creating this mod project. Keep in mind, this mod is NOT meant to replace any mods, instead, this is meant to give the user an alternative ways of selecting aircraft from the list. After looking at the aircraft list, I realize the modders are very enthusiastic about aircraft naming for immersive experiences. In my humble opinion, due to the limited space of displaying aircraft name, I believe that it is more ideal use the space to show the designation , name, and specific variant of each aircraft, related to their types and purpose of aircraft. What this mod do: 1) Tweak all aircraft names to match their accurate designation, naming, and variants as possible 2) Rename the 'what if' user made aircraft to the certain name as if they would have been likely (Theoretically) 3) Add the specific purpose of aircraft for certain group of aircraft When I look at the long list of, say 'bomber', I always get confused by which specific type of bomber are used for, such as level bombing, heavy dive bomb, torpedo bomb, etc. That is where this mod project comes in. This is also an ideal not only for assisting pilot to select aircraft with specific role for certain missions, it also is helpful for mission / campaign creation. When I used to look at the very long list of Spitfire, I always get confused by it. Hence, I often skip Spitfire from time to time. However, now with this mod, I finally understand the variants of spitfire and is finally enjoying flying them with the understanding of what each spitfire are designed for. I hope this help anyone not to get overwhelmed by the long list of aircraft, such as Spitfire, A6M Zero and other aircraft. 4) Changes the 'symbol' to become more 'eye friendly' when looking at the list. instead of using many "*", I use horizontal line that will help your eye to naturally separate the group of aircraft from the list with ease. 5) Group the list of aircraft under each nation and group that uses them. With this mod project, there is no more "various nations", you will see the the following nation in the list: > Dawn of Flight (#DOF3) CIVILAN AUSTRIA-HUNGARY CZECHOSLOVKA ENGLAND FRANCE GERMAN EMPIRE ITALY JAPAN NETHERLANDS ROMANIA RUSSIA > The Golden Age (#TGA3) < CIVILAN CANADA CHINA COLOMBIA CZECHOSLOVKA DENMARK ENGLAND FINLAND FRANCE GERMANY ITALY JAPAN NETHERLANDS POLAND SOVIET SPAIN (Post Spanish Civil War) - WIP SWEDEN THAILAND UNITED STATES SPANISH CIVIL WAR OTHER > World at War (#WAW3) < CIVILIAN AUSTRALIA CHINA CZECHOSLOVKA DENMARK EGYPT ENGLAND FINLAND FRANCE GERMANY ITALY JAPAN NETHERLANDS POLAND ROMANIA SOVIET SPAIN SWEDEN SWITZERLAND UNITED STATES YUGOSLAVIA OTHER > The Jet Age (#JTW3) < CIVILIAN AUSTRALIA ARGENTINA BRAZIL CANADA CHINA CZECHOSLOVKA ENGLAND FRANCE GERMANY INDIA ISRAEL ITALY JAPAN NEW ZEALAND SOUTH AFRICA RUSSIA / SOVIET SWEDEN SWITZERLAND UNITED STATES PROJECT BEARTRAP EXPERIMENTAL RACING 7) Uses tag for notes. Here are the following tags used in aircraft list: - PLANNED - = Aircraft that are designed by an aeronautical engineer officially and have not been built as a prototype yet. - CAP - = Captured aicraft - PROTOTYPE - = Aircraft that get stuck in prototype without becoming a military production version - OLD - = For "old hangar' aircraft - modder name- = For any aircraft with duplicated name, with this tag, you can tell which aircraft are from IL-2 1946 or modder. For example, -JCat- for A6M series mod. - FICT - = for any user made aircraft that wasn't officially designed nor planned by an aeronautical engineer. 8) Optimized the list with more clean list. it will make scrolling through aircraft easier. I hope that one day modders manage to add the features to the GUI where you can select the country from a drop menu, then choose the aircraft. That would be awesome. This just gave me ideas for the request section. By the way, Keep in mind, I am not perfect and I continue to learn everyday. Any feedback are always appreciated. If you happen to spot the incorrect aircraft name, roles, or placement of the aircraft in the list, please post here. I am more than happy to fix it. If you have any suggestion or ideas on how to improve the mod, please feel free to post here. ISSUES: There are certain issues in the aircraft list. - Some of the two aircraft have the same name. I can't tell which mod it is from. So I use tag "#1" and "#2" for now. if anyone know which mod it is from, please let me know and I will use tag - modder name -. - Some aircraft does not use specific variant letter / numbers for designation. I use one that I think is possibly correct. For example, when I see B-36, I assumed it is B-36C. So if the designation and variatns are incorrect, please post it here. I will fix it and release the newer version. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTION: (This mod is JSGME supported now.) 1) Extract a zipped file and you will see a folder "BATMODS" 2) Drop BATMODS into IL-2 1946 main folder #BAT_DOF_ALTERNATIVE_AIRCRAFT_LIST_ALL_ERA 3) Use JSGME to enable the mods UNISTALLATION: Delete #BAT_DOF_ALTERNATIVE_AIRCRAFT_LIST_ALL_ERA folder from JSGME folder Changelog v1.0 - First main release of BAT-DTW-AAL v1.1 - First release of BAT-DTWJ-AAL v1.2 - Cleaned some of the list, moved some aircraft to the correct role, and re-organized A6M list. Added an alternative version of #WAW3 list known as "#WAW3 Lite". v1.3 - Updated to work with BAT 4.2 v1.4 - Fixed A6M variants and moved several aircraft to their proper role. v1.5 - Updated to BAT v4.2.1 v1.5a - Fixed Avenger name and place in the list v1.5b - Updated various planes name DOWNLOAD (Mediafire) BAT v4.2.1: https://www.mediafire.com/file/pkqficoj8zozmbt/BAT-DTWJ-AAL_v1.5b.7z/file
  9. Dieselpunk era vehicles

    Grushin DSh Double Tandem By Bispro Royal Navy Fairey Gumbo I By Bispro SIPA S.500 Vedette By Bispro S.N.C.A.S.O. SO.2000 Roussette By Bispro USMC Ryan XN2R-1 Fireblaze By Bispro TWA's Martin 6-O-4 airliner By Bispro
  10. Dieselpunk era vehicles

    Hello everyone, This thread is similar to Steampunk and interwar era vehicles. This thread is all about Dieselpunk era (1930s - 1950s). As stated in another thread, the purpose of this thread is to share the pictures / screenshots related to Dieselpunk era. It can be historical, what if designs (Alternative historical), creatively designed by artists / designers, or retro futurism. Here are some pictures here for a start: Warplane By Small-Brown-Dog https://www.deviantart.com/small-brown-dog/art/Hounded-748029103 By Small-Brown-Dog https://www.deviantart.com/small-brown-dog/art/Storm-coming-630647837 By OrionShipworks https://www.deviantart.com/orionshipworks/art/P-44-Takeoff-880915320 Airliner By lnago https://www.deviantart.com/lnago/art/Airfield2-511759608 By lnago https://www.deviantart.com/lnago/art/Fivemotor-509719231
  11. Atompunk era + Post Atompunk era vehicles

    Mikoyan Gurevich Ye-10 By Bispro BAC-Heinkel 'Haukka' or Falcon By Bispro Grumman Manxcat fighter-bomber By Bispro Northrop ''White Ray'' By Bispro McDonnell Rockwell F/A-68A ''Sabre Spectre'' By Bispro McDonnell F3D-1 ''Wasp'' By Bispro Boeing Sonic Shuttle By Bispro Lockheed's Baby Blackbird By Bispro
  12. Hello everyone, This thread is similar to Steampunk and interwar era vehicles thread: And Dieselpunk era vehicles thread: This thread is all about Atompunk era (1950s - 1970s). However, if you find any vehicles that belong to era after Atompunk era (1980s - 1990s), that is also okay. As stated in another thread, the purpose of this thread is to share the pictures / screenshots related to Atompunk era. It can be historical, what if designs (Alternative historical), creatively designed by artists / designers, or retro futurism. Here are some pictures here for a start: Warplane By roooooooost https://www.deviantart.com/roooooooost/art/Zwilling-colours-881139338 Airliner Guest post by Mark J. Appleton http://alternatehistoryweeklyupdate.blogspot.com/2014/04/atomic-machines-atompunk-sampler-part-2.html Flying vehicles By AndrejTroha https://www.deviantart.com/andrejtroha/art/POBEDA-357-GROUND-EFFECT-VEHICLE-EKRANOPLAN-735572043 By Blippicrunk https://blippicrunk.tumblr.com/image/148309668438
  13. Dieselpunk era vehicles

    Fairey Jet Gannet By Bispro General Aircraft GAL.62 By Bispro Vickers Commodore By Bispro De Havilland Sea Devil Mk. I By Bispro Westland Weymouth I By Bispro
  14. Dieselpunk era vehicles

    Vought V-5000 ''Filibuster'' By Bispro Scaled Composites F-44A Banshee (''Pond Fighter'') By Bispro Gloster ''Gannet'' early jetliner By Bispro Seversky P-35F, P-35M, P-35N ''Thunder'' By Bispro Lockheed FTO-1 ''Thunder'' By Bispro Heinkel He 311 By Bispro North American A-51 ''Stallion'' plan By Bispro Martin XF3M-1 'Mighty Mite' By Bispro Martin XF3M-1 'Mighty Mite' vs. McDonnell 'Goblin' By Bispro Grumman G-66C Chinese Cat By Bispro A new group on dA: Whifcraft By Bispro Lavochkin 'Samolyet 335' prototype By Bispro USAF Martin YF-97A 'Midget' fighter By Bispro Nakajima J10Y1 Nashika By Bispro Nakajima C7N1 Taiun By Bispro Westland Woomera asymmetrical fighter By Bispro Westland Wyndham II torpedo bomber By Bispro Beriev R-2 Foghorn By Bispro Westland Jet Wyverns in flight By Bispro
  15. Dieselpunk era vehicles

    McDonnell X2H-1 ''X-Banshee'' By Bispro Kawasaki Ki-204 ''Hien-kai'' By Bispro Curtiss CW-36 ''Ascender II'' (XF-55J) By Bispro North American XPB2J-1 'Super Mitchell' By Bispro North American Trailblazer By Bispro Northrop N-3G 'Sparrowhawk' 1940 fighter By Bispro Republic AP-60B ''Rainbow Warrior'' By Bispro Arsenal VB.210 ''Arbalete'' By Bispro Northrop C-125C ''Sea Raider'' plan By Bispro Northrop C-125C ''Sea Raider'' By Bispro Douglas R2D-2 ''Skywalker'' (!) By Bispro North American AC-146K Super Commando By Bispro
  16. Atompunk era + Post Atompunk era vehicles

    Vought YF-103A Cutlass II By Bispro Lockheed Martin XF-38A ''Black Crow'' By Bispro Northrop 'Gryphon' (Special Ops SST) By Bispro McDonnell A-56A Wraith By Bispro Ryan F-109A ''Fireshark'' by Bispro Lockheed F-108A Starchaser By Bispro Vought A-11A Corsair III plan By Bispro Fairchild Thunderfighter By Bispro Grumman OV-1H Mohawk II By Bispro Lockheed Martin StarViper By Bispro Republic YF-115 Thunderknight By Bispro
  17. Steampunk and Petrolpunk era vehicles

    Royal Navy Avro Bison - Veeb'd By Jimbowyrick1
  18. Steampunk and Petrolpunk era vehicles

    Hello everyone! It have been a while. I was away for over a month and now i am back. I was looking at one of thread in SAS1946 about an author of mod who loves 'what if' aircraft. The author creates aircraft of their own design completely, unrelated to any aircraft that was officially designed by an aeronautical engineering historically. He awaken my inner passions with the steampunk, petrolpunk, dieselpunk, and atompunk. To anyone who are not familiar with "punk" era designs and arts; It is about the styles of anything related to certain era. It also involves retro futurist as an opinion too. The following punk era are based on the following years as their era: Steampunk (late 1800s - 1910s) Petrolpunk (1910s - 1930s) Dieselpunk (1930s - 1950s) Atompunk (1950s - 1970s) Before I continue, I want to give a thank to NobleNerd from SAS1946 community for giving us the new name for the era between Steampunk and Dieselpunk, it is known as Petrolpunk. I will create separated threads for each "Punk" era. The purpose of this thread is to share the pictures / screenshots with the community related to aircraft, tanks, ships, or any vehicles from Steampunk and interwar era. It can be historical, what if designs (Alternative historical), creatively designed by artists / designers, or retro futurism. I will start with some of the interesting pictures: Airship by PhoenixRisingStock https://www.deviantart.com/phoenixrisingstock/art/Steampunk-Zeppelin-2-822917648 by Javoraj https://www.deviantart.com/javoraj/art/The-Sisters-598593902 by Lukes3D https://www.deviantart.com/lukes3d/art/Steampunk-Airship-Steam-Flyers-891805806 by Lukes3D https://www.deviantart.com/lukes3d/art/Steampunk-Airship-Steam-Flyers-Jobyna-Ralston-891805802 Warplane by clearwater-art https://www.deviantart.com/clearwater-art/art/steampunk-fighter-5-115460970 By Legato895 https://www.deviantart.com/legato895/art/IDotW058-Prop-Plane-FINAL-75769348
  19. Dieselpunk era vehicles

    Veeblefitzer-Kawadanga Ki-532 ''Elmo'' By Jimbowyrick1 Veeblefitzer Supermarine Tripple Spitfire By Jimbowyrick1 Veeblefitzer Super Yamato By Jimbowyrick1 Veeblefitzer-Beechcraft Model 17A Stagger Fighter By Jimbowyrick1 Veeblefitzer P-105A Philippines Defender By Jimbowyrick1 Veeblefitzer Super Kingfisher By Jimbowyrick1 Veeb' Liberator By Jimbowyrick1 The Moby Dicks By Jimbowyrick1 Veeblefitzer-Grumman F-4-VF-6 Bobcat By Jimbowyrick1 Stuka Stew By Jimbowyrick1
  20. Dieselpunk era vehicles

    Curtiss-Wright-Veeblefitzer AT-99A Super Jeep By Jimbowyrick1 Veeblefitzer ''Furshslugginer'' Bomber-Fighter By Jimbowyrick1 Veeb' DB601 Zero By Jimbowyrick1 Curtiss-Veeblfitzer SBCV-1A By Jimbowyrick1 Twin Emil By Jimbowyrick1 PAV Mutates Curtiss BF2C Goshawk By Jimbowyrick1 Veeblefitzer-Mitsubishi F11VM-3 Super Peter By Jimbowyrick1 Veeblefitzer TBV-1 Sky Grouper By Jimbowyrick1 Veeblefitzer Ve-306A IJN Torpedo Bomber By Jimbowyrick1
  21. Dieselpunk era vehicles

    Flying Frankenstein 2 By Jimbowyrick1 Veeblefitzer-Mitsubishi Ki-1099 Meghan By Jimbowyrick1 Veeblefitzer Consolidated Super Catalina By Jimbowyrick1 Veeblefitzer-Lockheed Sea Lightning By Jimbowyrick1 PAV Veebs Nishizawa Zero By Jimbowyrick1 Veeblefitzer Northrop Boeing XB-15-16A By Jimbowyrick1
  22. Dieselpunk era vehicles

    Consolidated-pb4y-2-privateer-blue-suzanne-powers By Jimbowyrick1 Super Pete Dive Bomber By Jimbowyrick1 Don't Get Mad Artist Shigeo Koike! By Jimbowyrick1 Early Veeb of an Imaginary Japan Heavy Fighter By Jimbowyrick1 Nakajima B5N Kate Veeb'd By Jimbowyrick1 Veeblefitzer Super Sea Dragon By Jimbowyrick1 Veeblefitzer Curtiss Wright Flying Wing By Jimbowyrick1 Early Veeb of B-17 Gunship By Jimbowyrick1
  23. Atompunk era + Post Atompunk era vehicles

    IN USAF SERVICE, 1955 https://www.deviantart.com/cutangus/art/IN-USAF-SERVICE-1955-I-182843871 By CUTANGUS https://www.deviantart.com/cutangus/art/IN-USAF-SERVICE-1955-II-182845487
  24. Dieselpunk era vehicles

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