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About ARG16

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  1. Great job team!!!! Waiting for that update already! Thank you for your hard work.
  2. Hello. Has anyone been able to get the SELECT_WAYPOINT (CTRL+W) command to work, either as default or by changing the .INI (Controls)? I really couldn't, and I'm assuming that it would be useful in the virtual cockpit with F4, in the escape phase to look quickly. I have not found any information about it in this forum. Thank you!
  3. Beautiful, wonderful! Good job Menrva, I love your work and I am a fan of your terrain. Congratulations!
  4. Italy, Southern Europe (1993-2006)

    Beautiful, wonderful! Good job Menrva, I love your work and I am a fan of your terrain. Congratulations!
  5. Thanks to all who contributed to this project! Thanks Menrva! This is a wonderful Mod!
  6. WIP o Trabajos en progreso

    Se ve fantástico!
  7. WIP o Trabajos en progreso

    EXCELENTE este trabajo con el terreno!!! Hermoso!

    Buenas tardes! Me acabo de dar cuenta que existe una sección en castellano, y veo que hay movimientos de mis pagos. Soy de Buenos Aires y estaré atento a estas novedades. Saludos,
  9. Rio de La Plata terrains issues

    Hola, que buena idea!!! Yo he construido el escenario para FSX de todo el Río de la Plata ya hace tiempo. Que lindo verlo plasmado en SF2. ¿Esta disponible?
  10. Well, the only way that North Atlantic and its mods worked, is to remove all the folders from the Juegos Guardados, and direct them to the HDD, even North Atlantic. Duality is not resolved, but SF2 WORKS! Thank you!
  11. I had the bad idea to change Properties / Location of Saved Games. Now SF2 does not understand either of the two and tries to create it again (in which it is not). The worst thing that I can not go back as I was, since I have taken this option. What a bad luck.
  12. Hello everybody. I consult them for a problem that I did not find such a discussion in this forum. Sorry if it is and I did not see it. I have the base installation up to North Atlantic. Manipulating Option.ini, I have installed one part on an HDD and another on the SSD. But it happens that almost all the base installation was saved in Saved Games, but the North Atlantic installation has saved it in Juegos Guardados. Two different locations (Windows 10): C:\Users\Arg16\Juegos guardados C:\Users\Arg16\Saved Games Also there are the mods added, then some go to Saved Games and others to Juegos Guardados. In other words, I have 4 locations. I would like to consolidate everything in Saved Games, especially since the Weapon Editor only reads the Saved Games folder and not the other. Does anyone know any tips to solve this problem? Of course, thank you very much to everyone. ARG16
  13. Hello Menrva. Don't worry, I really understand you. I have been a modder in another era and I know how difficult it is to maintain a site that supports these people with great enthusiasm. So I really appreciate the effort and how happy they make many people. I will consider it. Best regards,
  14. Wonderful job, dear. I'm going to hope that one day it will be free like the other mods, for personal reasons. Will it ever be free? Best regards.
  15. Good afternoon. I have not been successful. I have not found the folder Campaign. I have not found the file Campaign.cfg. I have not found the file campaign_data.ini. I have also not been able to open CAT files with SP1E. The only place I see the campaign folder is in the Desern Storm add on. Not in the other mods of the installation. And finally, in the option.ini file there is a line from [Campaign] that says LENGHT = NORMAL. Are there other options for this? My installation is Strike Fighter 2 updated to 2013. Thank you very much. ARG16

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