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Everything posted by yakarov79

  1. check weaponstations in aircraft data.ini maybe there is specific station code for those missile stations. And then check if this correspond with missiles in your weapons folder.
  2. you know me. If time will allow I will do Bronco anthology.
  3. Well sorry then. But clearly, no one here knows anything about "the future version of compatible windows 10" - which already become mythical.
  4. you have to ask in other places, as here there are a only bunch of people with the abandoned game.
  5. on stock models, the game will pop up aircraft automatically. some third party vessels have built-in parked aircraft.
  6. the game will automatically generate parked aircraft from your game aircraft pool (aircraft need these lines CarrierBased=TRUE in data.ini. Also, aircraft carrier needs to have lines in data ini ParkingChance=80 (or any value here up to 100) ParkingMaxSpan=12.0 (or any value here depends on how big aircraft are) But there are also aircraft carriers with built-in parked aircraft. In this case, you can not do anything, remove or add more. Those are part of the lod. Some like those models with built-in aircraft, some - like me, not much.
  7. any pylon or specific for specific a/c ? would be easier to describe what really is needed.
  8. You know...i can have access to mk.90 boobseye...while not to puma cockpit. I should say...nice pumas...meanwhile if time allows take photos of interior..helo interior....
  9. well, i used easy-peasy expression just to compare making models and fixing things that should be fixed. we know that making models in real is tedious work. Just in case some will whine that we do not have this and that and also that model.... There is plenty of websites that offer ready models, purchase, and ask someone to export into Lod format.
  10. If TW will add new terrains/planes etc... this will confirm that TW is arrogant and ignorant. And does not give a shit about what the players' community would like to improve. As I said many times before - This game does not need new planes or terrains. Do you want a new plane? which one? Making new plane is easy-peasy stuff.
  11. Can you do some inside walkaround on the Puma cockpit? If possible ofcoz.
  12. SF2_DC-117D.7z Beta

    in Navy mod in ini file you have lines [LOD001] Filename=C117D_USN.LOD Distance=800 but in main folder there is C117D_USAF. This is just a small mistake or you have different lod for Navy/Marines?
  13. I have this max file, and I was already addressing issues that i found. But currently, I am busy with some other stuff and can not afford to put much time again into blackjack project.
  14. C-160F Transall

    Great work Carlo.
  15. Or perhaps he was reading wikipedia a few days earlier. He did not design a Kfir cockpit. That pit is more or less representation of a real one. Yes of course anyone can tinker with toys - as it is easy. That is why we can easily correct all mistakes and errors from stock files. And it is not only Kfir. One can add mega-missile-cruise-laser capability and Mach 3. number to Meteor, others want to have historical accuracy.
  16. Yes, you can. And this is the most exciting part of creating a mod/model/skin set - At least this is what I am doing when preparing some skin pack, model etc. Recently I've uploaded Phantom ANG skin pack. 3 months of research and composing data. Not gonna say how long already I've been on VooDoo or Cobra. When I am building the model I am buying books, manuals (yes buying from bookstores using my own, real money - then upload model for free...illogical isn't it? ) It is just way how you want to present your work. Not everyone needs to do it the same way...but for me. 'This is the way'.* But going back to C.2 Just going a logical way. LGB - need laser designator/tracker -C.2 has none - conclusion...Can not deliver. I believe that to guide TV guided weapon you need some kind of display in the cockpit to know where are you guiding your missile. C.2 has none. - conclusion... model kits - often this is the worst source of information. Scale modelers are a different story - they are crazy enough to research 'thingies' for years. Funny thing is, I know a few guys who worked on aircrafts in the air force, in my country and some other. Often for them piece of equipment is was just a piece of equipment, often nicknamed as techincal designations were too long or not good enough to memorize. And often they do not recognize if it was ver.A or B, block 24 or 52... * yes....'This is the way'.
  17. The best way is to crossreference available data. Different sources. In this case, Kfir C.2 - better do not rely on wikipedia. It is wrong - believe me. Some guys did research already. There is forum (here) and other places. You can always ask questions. You did. And I answered the best way, based on my knowledge. I am telling you. C.2 has no capability of delivering guided weapons. There is no even display in the cockpit. There is no laser tracker nor laser designator. Even mighty F-22 can not drop laser-guided weapons. Because there is no system for that. Only C.7 could drop guided weapons. But only if lasered from other aircraft or more commonly from the ground. It could not designate own targets. Based on my information C.7 was not wired for Mavericks (not Shrike also) You can not just hang weapon on the pylon and fly away to nail bad guys. It needs an interface between weapon - aircraft - pilot. But in this game, you can do anything with aircraft / weaponsystem. As you wish. You just need a notepad.

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