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Everything posted by yakarov79

  1. the white top of the pilots cabin would be more royal-transport-commandish. Transport command didn't recognize this pattern as a specific desert pattern..as it was the only pattern they used until the mid-70s.
  2. all ways are good. One way or another... But If you will clone and rotate, your 'new' object will have rotated pivot points...(not important in this particular object but still) yes you can rotate via element but if your object has few elements..then rotating this way is futile. if you will clone and mirror... your new object will have rotated pivot points also...plus fliped polys. - of course, you are flipping it..but still...(again not important here) If you will use symmetry pivot points remain the same all the time. Not important here...but in some other model might be useful.
  3. For some time already I have been working on KC-10 tanker. I think I have started this project in 2017. But as expected I can easily find interest in other projects, so this one was not so top priority. Recently - accidentally I have opened a folder named DC/KC-10. And I faced a dilemma to do or not to do...now. So I decided to put it on another hiatus. But hey...there might be some other option. The model is not 100% finished. I still need to model front gear (on the picture below there is front gear visible - but this is just resized copy of central gear.) and crew cockpit and some small bits. The overall model is animated and mostly UVW mapped. I think only the refueling boom needs to be mapped. What I am looking for? Someone - person or team of CA users who will do some skinning work. I can provide with lod and UVW layout. Of course, lod viewer might be helpful. From my own experience, I know that sometimes UVW mapping needs to be changed during the process of creating a skin. This is not an issue. Even if for now I have no intention to focus on this model I might still have a chance to do some changes if necessary. As you can imagine model is quite big, but not huge. Model is UVW mapped on 6 bitmap sheets. SO we can expect some quite reasonable and decent level of detail. If you know my previous work you should know what to expect (and what I expect) from the skin. Generally, this is a tedious job to paint panel lines, rivets, details, etc. But we are not gonna count rivets. But a decent level of detail is possible. We do not need to create skins for countries, air forces and all that stuff. First good base skin needs to be created. All colorful work, decals, users, etc is a song of the future. Time here is not an essence so time schedule is quite flexible. No need to hurry. But If you want new KC-10 in-game..then some work needs to be done. Somehow, someday. Maybe skin will be done while I will not have a chance to work on the model...but still, this is progress. I do not expect that crazy mob will run toward this project...as this is just a useless tanker. But maybe someone would like to gain some skills - as I point this message mostly to young users here at CA. Here is your chance to start to do some modding. Of course, you will need to have gimp, photoshop or similar graphic editor. And of course, the will to participate in this project is needed. I do not want to force someone to do that or put pressure. I can provide reference photos, tips and general support. Perhaps some other reference would need to be researched. Another thing is that I never (yet) exported this model into the game - so some data.ini work is needed also. And here is a sample of layouts. I know that you old farts CA modders are quite busy with your own projects. But as I said before I am hoping that some new users will have a will to participate. Anyway. We will see.
  4. As soulfreak said this pod TIALD is only for left LID station in British Harrier GR.7 and 9. The model is intended to use only on that station, not on wings. Modder should limit that weapon and weapon stations by specific station code...but it was a long time ago and many things happened since then. Another thing is Marine Harrier can not carry TIALD. But this applies only to fetish and orthodox players. AN/AAQ-28 should be more appropriate.
  5. Nope. or you can add lights via effect emitter. In this case, the effect is quite cool but it does not really give illumination ahead...rather than glowing bulb ...but looks better than those tgas shaped into light cones. (or maybe someone can work on emitter effect that will give proper light effect) I am using one of the aircraft carriers emitter effects. during the day... and night...
  6. better to use symmetry. make a wheel , resetxform, uvmapp, set pivot point to X=0, apply symmetry on x axis. then again symmetry on y axis. You have 4 wheels. fast and easy.
  7. Nope. It is already in the freezer. Not gonna bother me now...one day perhaps.
  8. must be part of model...no animation, only movement via pitch and yaw of mesh... no as far as i know...it drift left or right but no steering as we know it... only animation for a ground object is reload animation I think...(not even sure if it works) Nope. You can add 'tga lights' like me or killerbee added to flightline objects...but the thing is it will appear 24h .....so no point really.
  9. does not matter. assign a different material to wheels only. if you clone and then mirror etc...and then resetXform..you have to flip polys.
  10. did you try to assign different material for wheels ? wheels are editable poly or mesh?
  11. VF-92 "Silver Kings" (1965)

  12. exactly. was about to say the same thing. SF1 ini
  13. I am lost .. those are just normal pilots from a pilot folder? the maybe create new aircraft component in data ini [AircraftData] EmptyMass=10900.0 EmptyInertia=197413.39,30260.70,203674.09 ReferenceArea=38.00 ReferenceSpan=11.10 ReferenceChord=3.71 ReferenceLength=17.32 CGPosition=0.00,-1.20,0.15 UseMetricUnit=TRUE Component[001]=Fuselage Component[002]=Nose Component[003]=LeftWing Component[004]=RightWing Component[005]=LeftStab Component[006]=RightStab Component[007]=LeftVertTail Component[008]=RightVertTail Component[009]=LeftOuterWing Component[010]=RightOuterWing Component[011]=placeforpilots then that component... [placefor pilots] ModelNodeName= ShowFromCockpit=FALSE MassFraction= HasAeroCoefficients=FALSE CLa=0 DamageRating=DISABLED SystemName[001]=pilot SystemName[002]=copilot
  14. yes and for example 4 dig counter in cokcpit ini. [RadarAltimeter] Type=RADAR_ALTIMETER CounterNodeFormat=RADalt_dig%d MovementType=ANALOG_COUNTER ValueUnit=FEET represent those 4 nodes linked to one parent mesh. Altimeter_box [144 polys, 160 verts] '03' RADalt_dig1 [20 polys, 40 verts] '21b- Default' RADalt_dig2 [20 polys, 40 verts] '21b- Default' RADalt_dig3 [20 polys, 40 verts] '21b- Default' RADalt_dig4 [20 polys, 40 verts] '21b- Default' important is meshes should have names ended by dig1, dig2 dig3, dig4 last number on counter is dig1 where a higher dig(4/5/6) is the first number on the counter
  15. good idea... It all also depends on the damage model of particular aircraft.
  16. One of the most common missiles launched at me. Somehow easy to avoid if you are fast...but if few appear in area...It is getting harder. Very effective against slower aircraft. The only issue is that often fires at targets at maximum range...so effective shots decrease as it is easy to avoid.
  17. yap F-100F uses Tank335-F100C and Tank335_F100C (silver and camo) both should be included in yap set. Each bitmap skin should be in the weapon folder not in aircraft skin folder (tank is not a part of airframe) look for errors in aircraft.ini loadout.ini etc. maybe there is a misspell or something.
  18. Sikorsky CH-53D Sea Stallion (late)

    Version 3.0


    Sikorsky CH-53D Ver 3.0 for SF2 This is a third party addon of late models Sikorsky helicopter CH-53. It is designed for and works only in SF2 series. And will never work in SF1. ************************************************************* This is FREEWARE-DONATIONWARE and it CANNOT be distrubuted unless permissions are granted by myself. The original readmes, if any, and all other pieces of the package MUST remain intact. The names of all contributors, modders, suppliers, etc =MUST= be listed in any new readmes. This package and any part of it may NOT in any way, shape or form be used in any payware additions. See the original readme documentation, if any, for further allowances and restrictions Any persons wishing to make further modfications, contact me first. Any persons wishing to make further modifications, MUST remember to put everyone's name in it. Bribes and donations are accepted; ************************************************************* ************************************************************* THIS AIRCRAFT MOD OR ANY PART OF IT MUST NOT BE HOSTED OR POSTED FOR DOWNLOAD ON ANY OTHER WEB SITE WITHOUT MY EXPRESS PERMISSION, OR USED FOR ANY OTHER PURPOSE THAN THIRDWIRE FLIGHT SIMULATORS, AND MUST NOT BE SOLD OR OFFERED FOR SALE BY ITSELF OR WITH ANY OTHER FILES OR MODS. ************************************************************* Jarek Hereda ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This mod represents a Late model of CH-53D with installed EAPS and auxiliary fuel tanks. I've split this model into two versions. Early with RWR blisters and AN/ALE-39 flare/chaff dispenser and late with some more blisters, new doubled CMD dispensers and ALQ-144 IR jammer on fuel tank pylons. Ant this will be the last model of Sea Stallion from me. CHANGES: I highly recommend to overwrite previous files decals/weapons/guns- or best is delete the old one and put new files. YOU NEED TO DELETE OLD AIRCRAFT FOLDERS CH-53A and CH-53D_70. Many things were changed and as tested Overwriting may cause some problems...So delete old ones put new ones. The rest (except Aircraft folders) are same can be overwritten without fear... Small changes in ini files, corrections on fuel loadout, changes in cockpit ini. Small changes in skins. Also No longer fake weapon "no gun" is needed - thanks to The Trooper. He pointed small fix in data.ini. Added simple bump and specular maps. Also added damage tgas. Some changes and rearrangement in the cockpit ******************IMPORTANT****************** FAkePilot mod neede to run this mod. As always. This addon works with my CargoPACK (included in rar file). All of the weapon stations are made as specific station code and will work only with this cargo pack. Of course, you can edit and use any other weapons available. Standard commands: LANDING GEAR - Nose light deploy/retract at any speed. ANIMATION 1 - right side hatch and door. ANIMATION 2 - left hatch cabin windows ANIMATION 3 - wipers outside/inside Parking animations. Two parking animations included one for 'on land base' and other for 'on board' parking. I'm including two vessels moded as USMC nation. (same as in AH-1J pack) so you can practice start and land. Those ships have moded catapults, deck and arresting cables in a data.ini file. Those ships are limited only to those used during the Vietnam War on WestPac/SEA cruises. You can fold tail and rotor by enabling animation in data.ini file. But it looks silly. And my intention for this animation was eye candy on board vessel. With little practice, you can even hoover. Without fake flaps and airbrakes. Important here to control is using rudder and vector thrust control. With heavy cargo load probably you need little run on A model as engines on A are little underpowered. Normally throttle vector control on 88-89 degree increase power 70% then slowly -more and more, wait and it will take off. It is possible to land on board two included ships. don't forget about a hook. Cockpits. New upgraded cockpit based on NATOPS manual. Fuel usage is not super perfect but compared to all previous H-53 models released here fuel gauges are working. Few differences between models mostly in humps/bumps/sensors dispensers. Skins. All serial numbers are based on available photos, and USMC documents and are historically correct. Weapons. The only "offensive" weapon is left/right side gunner. Well, it is a quite defensive weapon. Cargo loads. I am releasing this cargo load in the current condition. So maybe some skins needs to be adjusted. Cargo loads include few cargo crates for cargo bay and hook, howitzer, MUTTs. Skins for MUTTS - Thank yo The Trooper. Skins. All serial numbers, as far as I know, are based on photos and US Army docs and are historically correct. One specific folder for Desert Storm Mod Fans. including one of two units operating D model during Desert Storm. HMH-462 Model 80 two generic paints green and 3color paint scheme. Model 99 HMH-362, HMH-363 and HMH-463 operating CH-53D at the end of service of this aircraft. In 2012 CH-53D was finally retired. IMPORTANT - Due tu construction of this mod it is better to use collision and landing on NORMAL setting. On hard you may have some complications on airfield - especialy with underslung cargo load. Pilots - best to use is OldDiego's pilots. This mod still needs some work. But I am afraid that if I will not upload it, I might never fully finish. Have fun. Edit and report bugs. Jarek Hereda. Thanks. Thanks to everyone who helped me with this. daddyairplanes,331Killerbee,76.IAP-Blackbird. The Trooper Thanks for all kind support. NAVAIR 01-230HMA-1 Natops Flight Manual Navy Model CH-53D Aircraft. Naval Air Systems Command, March 2001. H-53 Sea Stallion in Action Squadron/Signal Publications by C.M.Reed. popsmoke.com hampshireairfields.co.uk navysite.de gonavy.jp helis.com hmh-463-vietnam.com amarcexperience.com aerialvisuals.ca abpic.co.uk planepictures.net
  19. I think you just need to launch the game...for all ini entry to be updated.. Quit program and LOD viewer will see all skin sets.
  20. Do not get me wrong. I am aware of read_me. But still, i did a shitload of work to convert stary's tiles to your terrain. including adding more than 60 new tiles. few things are not finished (and perhaps never will be..but for home use, this terrain now is quite a prefect)
  21. Bored with flyers... so moved back to targets...just Labour Day laziness... to add to my SA-3 system... 5P73, 5W27, and PR-14A

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